Looking for some advice how to handle my stair nose transition on last step to floor. A couple of things.
1. There is a height difference between the floor and the piece of wood I called "Part of stair". The difference varies along the entire width of the floor. I suppose I could shim to the different heights or sand?
2. The other issue is when I cut the last peice of flooring, that leaves a sharp edge on the piece of flooring not allowing a smooth transition to the stair nose. It's pre finsished stairs and not sure I could put on a bevel (which is beyond my skill set anyways).
Should I just use a piece of transition stripping to make this easy?
Thank you
Looking for some advice how to handle my stair nose transition on last step to floor. A couple of things.
1. There is a height difference between the floor and the piece of wood I called "Part of stair". The difference varies along the entire width of the floor. I suppose I could shim to the different heights or sand?
2. The other issue is when I cut the last peice of flooring, that leaves a sharp edge on the piece of flooring not allowing a smooth transition to the stair nose. It's pre finsished stairs and not sure I could put on a bevel (which is beyond my skill set anyways).
Should I just use a piece of transition stripping to make this easy?
Thank you