Here they complained about a large beef farmer and nestle bottling the water from springs. Taste, water is not pure in areas and it does have an aftertaste. In the Navy I bought Evian, it sure was pure, onboard water sometimes tasted like fuel. My water here has Iron and sulphur. With conditioners it’s tolerable then we run it through reverse osmosis and activated charcoal filters, and the same from fridge through it’s activated charcoal filter. And who knows what’s been dumped into the ground nearby along with environmental spills that have contaminated the acquifer. All the floods, chemicals get mixed in. The breach in the contaminated hazardous waste storage ponds around florida killed massive amounts of sealife in Tampa recently.
I liked the look of Cactus plants when I was there. And the availability and probably the cost of landscape rock. Most of the area looks clean, I did see some rundown areas but that was after a lot of driving around.
Back in the twenties we were shipping our coal to San Francisco.
My old landlord has since passed away on but she once told me that the street or should I say road next to her house was built with coal from the nearby mines. And I'm talking a half a mile away from where I live. She told me if the road ever caught fire they never put it out.

There is a lot of coal still left underground in our area but it's not feasible to mine it anymore. It's dirty cold and of course being on the landlocked coast, is cost prohibitive to ship it anywhere.
When you have coal, and you have wells. If you have wells, you have sulfur. Not all that hazardous but it makes you water taste like s***
.... I meant crap. Crap is okay but s*** isn't.

I spent most of a month working at a second home for the vice president of a casino down in Las Vegas. This small second home was on the lake. The lake is 15 mi north of me. Once you get to the lake you have to travel about another 30 to 45 minutes up over the hill to the very end of the road to get to their property.
Since they only stay there occasionally, and during the summer months, I stayed there while I worked.
The water tasted something probably similar to of course of water, filtered through 5 gallons of rotten eggs.
Yes they had filters in their water system but I'm taking a wild guess to say nobody knew that they needed to be changed. Holy crap that was the nastiest water I have ever tasted. I used it to brush my teeth on night one. From that point on, I brought gallons of water from the store. It was even nasty taking hot showers with the smell of that water.

If you were vice president of a casino in Las Vegas, one would assume that you might be able to afford to have a better filtration system.
Sorry for rambling, what was the question again?