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Nick, I would have had the vet make a house call if the office hadn't been closed during the weekend (and their "emergency" number never works). Sadly, my cat passed away at 5:33am. I was right there with him holding him & trying my best to comfort him.
I'm really going to miss him. He was the only cat we had that was around when my father was still alive. He was a very sweet and loving kitty. Since there is a thunderstorm and it's still somewhat dark outside, I had to put his body in the freezer (wrapped up in a bag). I'll have to figure out where to bury him when it stops raining. I'd bury him near the steps he liked to sit on outside but there are already a few cats buried there and there are a few buried in the front as well.

zannej I am sorry to hear about your cat
Made it to 61 today. Near 80 yesterday. The bay was so calm at high tide it looked like a mirror. The day before it was a dirty green/brown color with rollers I wouldn't have wanted to ride on in a kayak. Tomorrows supposed to be dry, but some wet is on the way for the weekend. ....well that's what they said today. I wonder if they change the prediction Friday... I think weather people here use a Magic 8 Ball to do the predictions.
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We had some friends who had just done their first cruise of 8 days Auckland around Fiji and back to auckland
This is the ship coming in to a nice day yesterday. Unlike the very wet day when we came back early Jan
That picture looks nice enough to be on a postcard.
I tinkered with google sketchup and came up with a revised layout for my laundry room & bathroom. Added a few little details. Then I got my brother to come look and showed him how I could pan/rotate/zoom in sketchup. He's now completely on board with the reno and he thinks sketchup is "awesome".

Since making the new drawing, I may have one minor change. I wanted to have a small table that folded down from the wall so we could fold laundry on it. While searching for the hardware, I discovered that there are hinges for having tables fold up from flush against the wall. I even found the brackets for it & figured I could reinforce with a folding table-leg type thing mounted sideways to the underside. It will need to hold laundry baskets full of dry laundry. Found some brackets that claim to hold 550lbs, but would still want some reinforcement just in case, or I could buy a folding table leg (or cannibalize an old folding table if it is cheaper than the leg) I found some adjustable legs for about $25 on Amazon-- but that's for a single leg. Probably cheaper to just use wood. Having the table lower and folding up would allow me to make more use of the upper wall space some how. Either upper cabinets or some sort of drying rack system. Or maybe even shelves (which would probably end up as cat beds).
Having some problems with my feet. Doctor said to stay off them....So yesterday, I put brakes on the van. Today I threw a push mower in it and cut grass at the other house. Must be what he meant.:D
It's always "fun" when the doctor tells you to stay off your feet when in the real world it just isn't feasible because stuff has to get done. I was on my feet a lot more than I should have been after I messed up my ankles. If I had a magic wand that could feed the cats & dogs, cook dinner, wash the dishes, do the laundry, clean the litterboxes, and shop for groceries I could stay off my feet more. LOL.
Started cutting the yard yesterday with a push mower. Wife took it away from me. She makes one pass and a young man we had never met, new neighbor, came over and said to let him cut it. He cut the whole yard. I tried to pay him, he said no, it just looked like we needed some help....small town America
Small town America brought back a memory. The first time I took Karen to my home state of Minnesota we passed a guy in a pickup and he waved at me. Karen asked if it was someone I knew. Nope just a good ol boy farmer I told her, most of them do that when meeting cars.
Upstate PA is like that to today Daris .. I was driving through the mountains a few years ago , i pulled over to let a car pass .. He pulled over to and asked if i needed help..
He could have got shot ..LOL
Started cutting the yard yesterday with a push mower. Wife took it away from me. She makes one pass and a young man we had never met, new neighbor, came over and said to let him cut it. He cut the whole yard. I tried to pay him, he said no, it just looked like we needed some help....small town America
That's neat to read Rusty. Not that he wouldn't accept pay, (he offered) just that he's a nice guy. ...and possibly that he knows your doctor and knows you were told to stay off your feet. :D
That was really nice of him. Sounds like something one of my friends would do if he had the time. I just looked out the window and saw that my younger cow is out there chewing on the grass right next to the house. The cows are happier now that the grass is growing back. But I need to find a way to safely eliminate the stinging nettle plants. We've got some tall ones that are obviously nettles and some small green ones that you wouldn't know are stinging plants unless you've encountered them before. The cows eat around them though.

Speaking of eating, my mother wants to be fed now. The new dog follows me around the house and she went in Mom's room and jumped up on her bed to go snuggle her. Mom asked the dogs if they were hungry and Fippy got very excited, which got the new one excited. They were both licking her face and when she stood up, both of them ran out the door (that I held open for them) into the kitchen. The new dog is great for a low energy person like me. She just naps on my bed, sits on my lap or on the arm of the chair when I'm watching tv, and goes out when she needs to do her business.
The ones here sting sort of like fire ant bites. I wish I could just burn the damn things without damaging other plants or risking a forest fire.

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