Highup, sounds like you did well with that MacGyvering. I'd love to see a picture of it. I'm always impressed when people do stuff like that.
I spent the day recovering from yesterday's trip to Alexandria and Lake Charles. Took my bro and some friends to get their TWIC cards. In order to apply for certain jobs, people have to get these cards. Only way to get them is to go to Lake Charles to go to a small office, fill out paperwork, pay $120 and then wait for the card to be sent in the mail. No physicals or anything, it just costs $ and people have to be able to get to Lake Charles. So, if someone doesn't have $ for the card or gas to get to and from there, they are screwed as you can't apply or pay for it online. The Alexandria trip was bc one of my friends couldn't find his birth certificate so we had to go to the courthouse there to get it. Fortunately, once we got to the courthouse it didn't take long to get it and then it didn't take long at the TWIC card place so we headed back.
My brother then had a friend fix his tail light. It wouldn't come on. Opened up the housing and found that it had a crack in it and the light was full of water-- shorting it out. They put a new bulb in and sealed the crack with silicone-- he's ordered new tail lights in case it doesn't hold. His VTM-3 and cruise control weren't working before, but now that the light is fixed, they are working again. He thought he was going to have to spend hundreds of $ to get it fixed, but the tail light issue fixed it. Once that was fixed, he was able to get a new inspection sticker-- someone scraped his old one off for some reason. His truck was left unlocked when he was getting it worked on somewhere and people vandalized his truck when he was at work in the past (ripped trim off of it and stuff).