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Morning. Crazy weather yesterday. Was up to 111 degrees, then the monsoons hit. We had at least an inch of rain in 20 minutes, 60 mph winds, and it dropped to 91 degrees. Neighbor's Ez-up blew 2 blocks away, we lost 2 trees on the street, and every lemon on both of my lemon trees dropped to the ground. I am still throwing away the lemons and lost about 200 pounds of fruit. It was a nice change of pace.
Morning. Crazy weather yesterday. Was up to 111 degrees, then the monsoons hit. We had at least an inch of rain in 20 minutes, 60 mph winds, and it dropped to 91 degrees. Neighbor's Ez-up blew 2 blocks away, we lost 2 trees on the street, and every lemon on both of my lemon trees dropped to the ground. I am still throwing away the lemons and lost about 200 pounds of fruit. It was a nice change of pace.
Sounds crazy
Morning. Crazy weather yesterday. Was up to 111 degrees, then the monsoons hit. We had at least an inch of rain in 20 minutes, 60 mph winds, and it dropped to 91 degrees. Neighbor's Ez-up blew 2 blocks away, we lost 2 trees on the street, and every lemon on both of my lemon trees dropped to the ground. I am still throwing away the lemons and lost about 200 pounds of fruit. It was a nice change of pace.
I thought monsoons were for AZ?
Dang, that's got to be scary living in paradise.
.......OK, so Paridise is 500 miles North. Still gotta be scary. Was the weather change forecasted?
Hi, there was a slight possibility we could get monsoons here, as this is the remnants of the hurricane down in Mexico. Because of the high pressure, it spun it to the west instead of the normal easterly path through New Mexico and Arizona. I found out today that this monsoon sent a flash flood down the street, covering the intersections south of me with 18" of water. Funny thing is my pool is covered in pine needles. The only pine tree is about 300 yards away, which gives you an idea of how bad the wind was.
My dad and I, many moons ago.
I wish there were some photos of me and my brother with dad like that. Seems Christmas and birthdays were the only time a camera appeared.
Oregon is gonna have a week of hot, (inland) but here on the coast it ought to be in the upper 60's to low 70's. Maybe a little higher. 70ish is sort of normal this time of year for a high.
That ceiling fan needs viagra stat!
It's been hot and humid around here. It rained but didn't cool things off.
My old dog is happily inside and keeps trying to zerg through the door to the coolest room in the house (but she's not allowed in there bc she pees on the rug and gets in my mother's way when she tries to walk). She can't really zerg since she's still somewhat weakened with old age, but she actually wagged her tail when she got in the first time. The smallest dog can just push the door open to get in, but the other dogs don't seem to know how despite having watched him do it hundreds of times. One of the cats tried it, but didn't have the strength, so she waited until the little dog opened the door and leapfrogged over him.
My brother bought me Elder Scrolls Online and they are having a free trial for the premium accounts that ends tomorrow. I've been running quests that I won't have access to when the trial runs out. I'll keep all of the rewards and abilities I got from those quests at least.
Another online friend who is a nurse was asking for advice on how to add a bathroom to her basement.

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