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The sky/space pictures are beautiful!

Rusty, I'm so sorry to hear about your truck. :-(

Havasu, I think there is a lot of division in the country right now & there are a lot of cops who hate people bc of their race & vice versa. A bunch of cops in my town recently got busted for various crimes. A group of them murdered someone but they are only being charged w/ assault. This sort of thing angers the community bc they feel justice is not being done. There were also cops recently indicted for raping children-- they might get harsher sentences than the murderers. There was another cop busted for payroll fraud or something & malfeasance of office. Too bad they haven't gotten rid of the cop who sells drugs & frames people who want to testify against him. The bad cops like these guys ruin things for the good cops.

On the moving furniture front, I've seen some people using cardboard to protect the floor, but I don't know how effective that would be.

Any tips on moving washing machine & dryers with pedestals? I'm guessing it would be best to take them off the pedestals & place the pedestals first. I don't think they are screwed on.

On nailing the trim on-- reminds me I need to get my compressor & nail gun back from my friend.

It was his 30th birthday today so we went over to visit. Mom got him some new pots & pans for his kitchen. His fiance baked a cake & we went out to eat. Mom didn't feel like going so she sat on his couch & watched Netflix. We ate at Texas Roadhouse, he got a free appetizer bc of a birthday coupon, & picked up some brownies from Samsclub. It was a good time & Mom was comfortable on the couch snuggled up with the kittens. Got back, hung out a little, then took Mom home to feed her. My bro made shepherd's pie earlier so I dished it out & put the leftovers away.

Hopefully over time he'll get more cabinets in his kitchen & have places to put things. He wants to put in vinyl plank flooring eventually. Right now he just has plywood & some of the seams are wonky--- they stick up after having gotten wet & the floor has severe slopes/dips. I'm not sure if even self-leveling flooring mix would fix it (I'll have to take pics & post them later). My mother was walking out of one of the rooms and started to fall backward-- then she asked "Does the floor slope?" & we told her that it has a severe slope, which was why it was throwing her off balance. He'll need to address the problem with the subfloor twisting/warping before he can use leveling mix though. I wonder if one of the big box stores has a tool for rent that lets you screw in things like decking screws while standing up-- some sort of long extension handle, IIRC. Can't remember what it's called.
Got the corner trim installed. It bowed out in the middle put a nail in the drill and put 4 tiny holes in each for 3D finishing nails.

And Hunter likes the new rugs.

Also masked off the windows. Got some quarter round molding that needs stained. But I picked up a bug so I put it on hold for a day or two.


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Looks great, Tom! Dog clearly likes the rug.

I need to get a new area rug for the kitchen bc the incontinent dog ruined the old one. Plus some stuff fell out of the fridge & spilled on it & I can't put it in the washing machine.

My mother kept waking me up last night wanting stuff. I think the last call was around 4am & I wasn't able to get to sleep until after the sun came up. Slept until almost 6pm. Went to the store to grab some stuff, made dinner, & I'm still tired so I will probably nap. I'm hoping to be more productive tomorrow.

I wore myself out carrying in the cases of water that my brother was supposed to bring in but didn't bother with-- and he wanted me to get the new pillows he left in the truck out for him last night- but we don't have any working lights out there so I declined. I decided not to bring them in today since he stuck me with bringing in the heavy cases.
I like the idea of Tom Awards.
I'm up early bc I tossed & turned most of the night since I slept most of the day. Need to get back on a regular sleep schedule. I konked out after dinner & woke up close to 3am. I'm always very tired after eating. Right now I'm hungry but trying to figure out what to eat. Might have some of the leftover shepherd's pie.
The weather has been hot as hell & I'm not looking forward to full summer when it will be over 100 degrees. I need to get some new curtain rods & get my curtains back up.
I finally gave up on women's deoderant and went back to using men's deoderant. Men's deoderant is cheaper & you get more of it in a container. It also has better scents. Sadly, neither type work as long as they are supposed to. 48hr stuff usually lasts less than 12 hours. The women's stuff was not even lasting 2 hours. I'm hoping if I lose weight I won't sweat quite as much.
I'm also hoping it will be cool enough today for me to take another crack at working on my floor. I've procrastinated too much on that.
Didn't get to the floor but went to the post office, picked up a friend & brought her home so she could help me with the cleaning. Had about 20 trash bags piled up in the front room that my bro never hauled out. It was hot enough to boil a monkey's bum & I got fatigued just standing near the open door. Little 90lb girl hauled all the bags to the burn pile (I did haul some of them to the door for her, but I'm a total wuss about the heat). She also cleaned up the litterboxes my brother never emptied, helped me pick up stuff in the front room, & did a little dusting. She only lasted 2 hours bc the heat got to her too, but she got a lot done. She's a good kid.

She's having some trouble with her car payments-- was late on a payment (it's supposed to be about $400 a month) & the bank sent a letter saying that they have to pay $1800 up front asap or the car will be repo'd. She really regrets getting it bc it's so expensive even though she loves the car. & they found out that the $5k deposit they put down was not counted toward the total price of the car bc the dealership pocketed it & didn't tell the bank. Dealership gave my friend the runaround when he tried to talk to them about it. But he has the receipt to show he paid it, so I hope he can go to the bank & show the sale agreement & show that he already paid $5k on it. He's kind of hoping a tree will fall on it so they can just get the insurance to pay it off less deductible & get a cheaper car. I also got him to sign up for a long shot sweepstakes to win $250k from HGTV & Food Network (I can share the links if anyone is interested).

I popped in to the store to get some rotisserie chicken & it dissected it when I got home. One of my cats who normally doesn't beg for food was waving his paw at me & mewing like a kitten bc he wanted some. I will probably have to cook later, but for now Mom has been fed-- and I made asparagus for a side to go with the chicken. I really wish I had more energy. I need to exercise more to build up some stamina.

I also decided to bring the pillows in from the truck bc they were getting in the way. I stood in my brother's doorway and lobbed them across the room so they landed on him while I shouted some battle cry (can't remember what it was). Startled him awake. LOL. Speaking of startling awake. When I returned from the post office I was bringing packages in to Mom's room & she was napping. I was slowly creeping toward her to put the packages down when I stepped on a plastic bottle & it made a loud crunch and started her awake. She looked up to see me cringing. Like Han Solo stepping on a stick.
Takes $1800 to get the car back? ....being careful, you can get a decent ride for $1800 outright, then invest $400 per month into the car at will ..........buying tires, new wheels, a fancy stereo etc. If you don't want to add bling you don't have to. I can't relate to $400 car payments. That's nuts unless you are a business owner, doctor, lawyer etc.
Had a little scare. While staining the trim around the side window, I caught my foot on the ladder. Some stain spilled on floor and splashed on wall. Fortunately I had mineral spirits nearby and was able to remove it all. That’s enough stress for one day!
You move to fast Tom............. what's it been, a year? :D
Naw, it's funny (not) how fast stuff like that can happen. Glad it cleaned up OK.. Mineral spirits is pretty mild and it doesn't eat into many surfaces.

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