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How did the people cutting the envelope open know what her signature looked like?
No idea. They were only checking to see that someone had signed to say they witnessed her signing & did not seal the envelope back up in front of us so I wonder if they threw it away or something. I don't think it can be counted if they broke the seal.

Kittens are loving their kitty cube. Only thing that got them more excited was when I changed their litterbox. Fresh $#!+sand always seems to get them riled up. They were jumping around in it & playing. When they were done they went back to the cube. I'm thinking of making them a pillow. I initially set a ramp up for them but I didn't secure it so they kept knocking it down. It was an old cloth-covered ramp from a cat tree that broke. It's back down on the lowest tier helping to stabilize the crappy wire ramp that came with the cage. I suppose if I crimped the ends I could make the ramp stay tighter, but they will outgrow the ramps soon so I can they aren't permanent.
I'm currently trying to find a better solution for their food bowls. They keep knocking the food bowls over. I'm going to try to find a way to mount the bowls to the side of the cage.
I had a leak in a water line that runs under my place for an outdoor faucet. Bought the new cpvc pipe a couple months ago and yesterday decided to start working on it. Pipe sections are 1/2" cpvc and are all glued together and ready to hook up, but need to change the location slightly. It's been a pain not having the second faucet. The line runs on the ground and I'm thinking of getting some 1"schedule 40 PVC from the Habitat store and sliding it over the 1/2" pipe as added durability and a bit of protection from freezing. We don't get below freezing very often.
I mowed, trimmed, edged then blew both yards in the heat of the day. I then moved and loaded my new gun shootin shed to another spot of the yard, then loaded it back up with the shootin stuff, then took a nice, cool plunge in the pool, and fell asleep floating on my raft for an hour.
I finally received my lifetime membership for a private gun range. I asked to borrow some targets from my son, since they are just stored in his 4 car garage, since his promotion as the range master for the LA County Sheriff, he doesn't need his targets anymore. He said, "It you take one target, you may as well take them all." So he gave me a truckload of targets, stands, metal targets, 2x4's, furring strips, paints, glues, timers, and all that crap. Once I got home, I had no place for all this stuff, so I bought a shed to store my shootin stuff.
I finally received my lifetime membership for a private gun range. I asked to borrow some targets from my son, since they are just stored in his 4 car garage, since his promotion as the range master for the LA County Sheriff, he doesn't need his targets anymore. He said, "It you take one target, you may as well take them all." So he gave me a truckload of targets, stands, metal targets, 2x4's, furring strips, paints, glues, timers, and all that crap. Once I got home, I had no place for all this stuff, so I bought a shed to store my shootin stuff.
That's funny. I can envision that shed like a closet in a cartoon. Door opens and half the contents spill out. 😁
I've been having bad headaches & mostly have been going only to the post office to pick up packages. Last night my best friend (the one with the terrible luck) called to ask me to pick him up from the hospital and drive him home. His tooth broke & exposed a nerve so he was in so much pain he went to the ER. They gave him painkillers & had me sign off to say I was taking him home so they could say they safely released him. Nurse in the waiting area was cleaning & disinfecting everything over and over. Which is nicer than what my friend told me about earlier in the day when he went to the Nurse Practitioner for his sore throat & stomach issues (he wanted a doctor's note bc he's afraid he'll get Covid if he goes back to work-- given that all of his coworkers got it). He doesn't want to be quarantined when his son is born next month. The NP said there was no point in wearing masks bc "we're all going to get it anyway". My brother had several co-workers die from Covid already.
Anyway, I got him home & then he said he forgot to ask me to drive his fiance over to pick up the car. So I did that and then popped in to the nearest store to buy hydrogen peroxide to help with his gums. I went back home & today I took him to the emergency dentist (only one that would see him before August 29). Turns out it was near a Lowes & only patients were allowed in so I browsed through Lowes. One of the employees was a plumber for 40 years but couldn't keep up with the work physically so he retired. He gave me some advice on how to do the tub spouts & showed me where to find the copper I needed (I have the set screw kind that can only fit over something small). I also looked at the tubs & shower surrounds to see if there was something viable to replace my current tub & shower. I'd been leaning toward the Delta Classic 400 but it felt very flimsy & thin. The Sterling tubs felt much sturdier.
My friend came and found me because I didn't hear my phone ringing when he called. He said they wouldn't pull the tooth until Friday because he needs to take antibiotics first.
Got food from a local place and brought it home for Mom (she requested the butterfly shrimp meal).
Been giving one of the new kittens liquid worming medicine. His sister took the pill without a problem at the vet's office but he kept spitting his out so the vet said to give him the liquid twice a day for 2 days.
I have to get up around 6:30 am Friday morning to go pick up my friend to take him back to the dentist to get his tooth pulled (if the infection has abated enough).
Dog let a bunch of cats into my room last night. They were walking all over me. I spent awhile trying to make sure some of them that don't like each other weren't fighting. They tolerated each other when they wanted to cuddle with me. I had at least 8 cats climbing on me. I started having anxiety dreams about trying to get them all out. When they started to fight I went into the kitchen and put out food. Easily emptied the room & then went back to bed. The dog (who has now built her nest of blankets, pillows, clothes, stuffed animals, etc higher than my bed) went back to her nest & buried herself.

I forgot to mention that my friend took his fiance to a lawyer (since her court-appointed lawyer has not spoken to her yet & her arraignment is early next month). They told the lawyer what happened, showed the police report & the lawyer said the cops here suck & she never should have been arrested. Said the only reason she was arrested is bc cops here are inept. Said not to worry about it, to plead "not guilty" and if she's not happy w/ court appointed counsel, they will take her on. They said despite the fact that her "victim" was a minor, the fact that the brat is larger than her & attacked her in her own home does matter. They charged a small fee for the consultation, but it gave them both piece-of-mind. Lawyer said she was 100% certain the girl will not get jailtime. She also has voice messages & texts from the brat saying she wants to drop charges & would have dropped charges already but she's being fostered by a local cop & the local cop won't let her (she was put in foster care after her mother very violently attacked her-- so the violence runs in the family). The voice message said she plans to drop the charges at her arraignment (kid got simple battery charges).

I'm trying to get awake enough to do something productive today.

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