I just mentioned in another topic the fun (not) of transferring a phone number from an old cel phone to a new one. Both are WallyWorlds Straight Talk plan......... phones are cheap and for $30 a month, more minutes than I would ever use.
My 3 year old flip phone started having serious problems, so I bought me a new one. I had just added a new $30 card to my old phone, then 4 days later, I couldn't hear anything when people spoke.

.......well, there went $30
I immediately went and bought a new phone and a new $30 card for the phone and activated it so that I could then transfer my old phone number into the new phone. I actually waited three weeks to do the transfer so I could use up the minutes on the old card........... The old phone was still able to record incoming calls and I could use the new phone to call people back.
As Paul Harvey used to say. .and now, the
rest of the story.
It's taken seven or eight attempts between trying online to do transfer the phone number myself, three online attempts through Straight Talk Chat, one attempt on Straight Talks online forum, and two painful attempts online with a couple of persons who's dialect is hard for me to understand. (my fault partly because my hearing isn't perfect)
On attempt #4, it was determined that since I had already activated my new phone, I would need a new un-activated SIM card to proceed. How was I to know not to activate my new phone!!!

So the lady from Straight Talk said they would send me a new SIM card, but they needed to de-activate my new phone.

Now I have no usable cell phone. How long til I get the new SIM card I asked?
Tree busnes day she said. OK, that means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and I should have the new SIM card. .........4 days later, on Christmas eve, at 4:30, FedEx shows up with the card...... cool!
I install the new card and get brave enough to endure another phone call to them. A half hour later after explaining all this stuff to them, I am told that the old phone number will be activated on my phone in anywhere from a few minutes, up to a few hours.............. At noon today, 18 hours later, the phone
still doesn't work............ just shoot me, please.
From the Straight Talk forums, I was directed to another online live chat, the kind where you type back and fourth with a St Talk humanoid. The first attempt was aborted on their end 4 minutes into the conversation.............. I tried again, re-typing the same responses to the same questions as before, and somehow, by a miracle of miracles, my phone was up and working 15 minutes later.
What a freeking pain.......... to make it worse, Straight Talk transfers the phone number and also the days left
from your old phone
to the new phone. I just lost 5 days worth of talk time because of the transfer. grrrr!
Between spending last week talking to (attempting to) MSN about why my MSN service account was about to expire for no reason, stressing about no phone calls coming in (no work).......... I slept soundly til just past noon today. Stress is a freekin killer.
..... I hear that venting speeds the healing process. Hope I wake up earlier tomorrow.