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Got a flat after doing a quote. Spare was all cracked. Last time I got tires I only did two and the back ones were almost bald. :D

So four new Michelins on the truck and $900+ later. I hate flats.
I just put 4 new tires on my van. $800.00 Still had plenty of tread on them , But the sidewalls were dry rotting . Only 72,000 miles .
I've been playing vet for my poor rottweiler. I have to give her medicine every 8 hours and make sure her bandage is secure. Have to clean the wound and change the gauze. I'm still trying to find the best place for her to sleep. She's not house-trained and the room where I want to keep her is now a disaster bc of my brother's puppy. He's shredded stuff all over, pulled stuff down, and shat everywhere. My brother is refusing to clean it up. I got a new doggy bed but there is no clean place to put it in that room. I tried keeping her in the living room, but she kept moving around, knocking stuff over, and getting in to stuff. Then she peed on the carpet when I was trying to get her to follow me out.

In other news, my friend had to get a temporary restraining order against his ex because she kept harassing him. So, she went over to his yard while he was at work and took his favorite dog-- although she's claiming that the dog was running loose and she just happened to find her several blocks away. Then she tried to involve me in it by calling me and trying to get me to take the dog to my house-- because she doesn't want her ex to have the dog. I made arrangements to go pick the dog up at noon and then I'm taking her back to my friend.
Now that that discussion on weed is done, Ive picked up some crud and I'm all conjested with a ratty cough for a couple days now. I sound just like Hillary.

Had to run down to Nogales Mexico and get some amoxicillin as my a-hole doctor wouldn't see me cus I hand't been there for 3 years an I'm off the list until they can reach him and he gives thumbs up or down.
Thing is I never get sick hardly so why go bother the doc. And I don't like these little urgent care places.
I babysat for my 3 year old grandson and my 13 year old grandson today. My older grandson was a godsend and really helped me alot watching the little one. Damn, I love being a grandpa.

Sad thing today, is it's so common to not even know who your dad is. :rolleyes:
You got a good thing goin' on. Them little rug rats are lucky little devils (you mentioned boys) for having a gramps in the picture. They won't ever forget the stuff you did with them, even the small stuff.
I have two nephews, and no kids of my own. They are both in their 30's and the younger one has a 4 year old son.
Those kids remember vividly the little details of when 'uncle Hi' took them camping at ages 8 and 10. We only did those trips a few of times, but they loved it and bring it up now and than. My small part in their lives had an impact. Ho doubt yours will have a lot more.
Just realized I never updated. Things have calmed down between my friend and his ex. The ex has already found herself a man to support her and is not playing the same games with custody anymore. She's being nicer to my friend's new girlfriend. The new girlfriend has already pottytrained the 4-year-old (the kid's mother wouldn't do it herself). My friend seems happier and I bought him some spikes and braided steel cords for the dogs. He wants to get rid of two of the dogs that belong to his ex-- both are very large breed dogs and eat a LOT. He already got rid of the tiny dog because she kept getting stepped on and was able to get out too easily.

I've been playing nurse to my poor rottweiler. She developed a tumor on her leg that she tried to chew off-- required surgery and was hard for the vet to sew it back up. Biopsy showed it was a very nasty form of cancer. It is extremely aggressive and has already sprung up tumors in other spots on her leg (rear left) and is there is at least one tumor on her rear right leg. Vet said it probably wouldn't be worth it to try to operate again since it will just come back and there isn't enough skin to close if he too the tumors off. So, for now I am giving her meds 3x a day to try to slow the growth of the tumors and am making her as comfortable as possible. I finally found a dog bed she likes and have been giving her treats and lots of love and attention. She's already having difficulty walking on her back legs. If this had been cancer in her lungs or something, it would probably have killed her more quickly. As it is, the cancer is sucking the nutrients from her and making her lose weight and energy. She doesn't appear to be in pain, but it's not like she could tell me if I asked her. I wonder if she has any understanding of what is going on. I realize that eventually I may have to have her put down and I'm dreading it. It's hard enough when they just up and die, but when I have to make the decision to end it, it's heartbreaking. I've had her for over 10 years and she is a very sweet gentle dog. She's the 5th pet of mine to get cancer in the last 9 years.

I should have waited to read the Jokes section after posting this.

Floorist, I hope you had fun at the reunion.
Just realized I never updated. Things have calmed down between my friend and his ex. The ex has already found herself a man to support her and is not playing the same games with custody anymore. She's being nicer to my friend's new girlfriend. The new girlfriend has already pottytrained the 4-year-old (the kid's mother wouldn't do it herself). My friend seems happier and I bought him some spikes and braided steel cords for the dogs. He wants to get rid of two of the dogs that belong to his ex-- both are very large breed dogs and eat a LOT. He already got rid of the tiny dog because she kept getting stepped on and was able to get out too easily.

I've been playing nurse to my poor rottweiler. She developed a tumor on her leg that she tried to chew off-- required surgery and was hard for the vet to sew it back up. Biopsy showed it was a very nasty form of cancer. It is extremely aggressive and has already sprung up tumors in other spots on her leg (rear left) and is there is at least one tumor on her rear right leg. Vet said it probably wouldn't be worth it to try to operate again since it will just come back and there isn't enough skin to close if he too the tumors off. So, for now I am giving her meds 3x a day to try to slow the growth of the tumors and am making her as comfortable as possible. I finally found a dog bed she likes and have been giving her treats and lots of love and attention. She's already having difficulty walking on her back legs. If this had been cancer in her lungs or something, it would probably have killed her more quickly. As it is, the cancer is sucking the nutrients from her and making her lose weight and energy. She doesn't appear to be in pain, but it's not like she could tell me if I asked her. I wonder if she has any understanding of what is going on. I realize that eventually I may have to have her put down and I'm dreading it. It's hard enough when they just up and die, but when I have to make the decision to end it, it's heartbreaking. I've had her for over 10 years and she is a very sweet gentle dog. She's the 5th pet of mine to get cancer in the last 9 years.
I'm curious what the meds do?

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