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Oh, i agree. My daughter is a Bernie lover, so when she is over, we dont talk politics. I can get along with anyone....almost.

Politics is all about power, so how do we gearbox this engine to safely navigate all the difficult terrain, and it’s constantly changing ? It’s the ultimate question that has no true answer, but improvements. Start discussing improvements ( THE GEARBOX) and the politics OR POWER in the engine continues to run.

One thing we can all agree on is that the process is tedious. So ! Pursuing Politics is not for everyone. Certain traits, like patience, understanding, empathy and the biggest one ! Forgiveness, will serve over tediousness more frequently than the polar opposite traits. Unfortunately ! We are on the Polar Express train, back and forth from one direction to the other, YES ! the scenery is getting monotonous, all the more reason us passengers need to speak and listen patiently with each other, so we can navigate different terrain ahead of us.
If the leaders and the so called experts are unable to demonstrate what that looks like, we the people need to show them 😎
Sometimes a closed mouth is better at keeping the peace when in awkward situations. Couldn’t tell you how many dinners I’ve had where I just stared at my food while eating it. Can’t get in trouble if I don’t say anything😁
I’m all about peace, and like you said, sometimes a closed mouth is best, but not to a point of complacency, where a particular disfunction goes unchecked. If we witness language that’s dictation rather than discussion, address that with the opponent responsibly. Now it’s their responsibility to comply or not. If the second sentence out of their mouth is similar, patients is now our responsibility and we calmly respond again, requesting dialogue that invites discussion, rather than dialogue that is disruptive. This is not rocket science intellectually, but is complex Socially. If we steady our ship with Social skills, it will be this ballast that keeps us balanced.

Did anyone watch the hearing for Mayorkas ? ….That was embarrassing 🙈 We can improve and it starts with each and everyone of us. It’s not what was said, but rather how it was delivered.
Years ago, I had an uncle who was a heck of a businessman. He built a multi-million $ dog food manufacturing company. He was also a staunch conservative and proud Republican. His granddaughter, was a complete Liberal. He paid out of pocket for her 4 year degree from a great college, bought her a beautiful brand new house in Santa Rosa, and gave her a monthly allowance.

One night, she invited my uncle and wife over to dinner. She went off on conservatives, spoke of hating Republicans, and made the meal miserable. My uncle, who was a man of few words, sat quietly eating while being beat down for his conservative values.

He finally exploded, saying it was his money that made her live comfortable and it was obvious that she no longer needed him or his money, and quietly walked out. He quit making the house payments, quit paying for her 4 year college tuition, and quit her allowance. Within 3 months she lost her home, and until the day my uncle died, there were never any further words spoken. The liberal is now renting a home, still teaching school on his degree, but was completely taken out of the will.

Good for him!
Sometimes a closed mouth is better at keeping the peace when in awkward situations. Couldn’t tell you how many dinners I’ve had where I just stared at my food while eating it. Can’t get in trouble if I don’t say anything😁
...they know what you're thinking 😁
Years ago, I had an uncle who was a heck of a businessman. He built a multi-million $ dog food manufacturing company. He was also a staunch conservative and proud Republican. His granddaughter, was a complete Liberal. He paid out of pocket for her 4 year degree from a great college, bought her a beautiful brand new house in Santa Rosa, and gave her a monthly allowance.

One night, she invited my uncle and wife over to dinner. She went off on conservatives, spoke of hating Republicans, and made the meal miserable. My uncle, who was a man of few words, sat quietly eating while being beat down for his conservative values.

He finally exploded, saying it was his money that made her live comfortable and it was obvious that she no longer needed him or his money, and quietly walked out. He quit making the house payments, quit paying for her 4 year college tuition, and quit her allowance. Within 3 months she lost her home, and until the day my uncle died, there were never any further words spoken. The liberal is now renting a home, still teaching school on his degree, but was completely taken out of the will.

Good for him!
A hard lesson.
He was also a staunch conservative and proud Republican. His granddaughter, was a complete Liberal. He paid out of pocket for her 4 year degree from a great college, bought her a beautiful brand new house in Santa Rosa, and gave her a monthly allowance.
I don’t mean to be a smart ass, but the key word to this example is WAS !

If he would have stayed true to his conservative ideals, he would not have enabled her to have the opportunity to choose to be an ass about it. Some people or liberals would have been grateful to POP POP ( I would have, I hope 🤞)

When we stay true to ourselves and our choices, express them to others respectfully , we are giving them the opportunity to also choose, and reminding ourselves at the same time that we are responsible for our choices.

So I say ! Who dropped the ball ? And then ran away from it ?

We can only be responsible for ourselves and he chose not to be. 🤔😢
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Oh, i agree. My daughter is a Bernie lover, so when she is over, we dont talk politics. I can get along with anyone....almost.
My son's girlfriend is a San Francisco liberal. So we're having at it about I can't even recall what and she says something like "So and So corporation made 50 billion dollars" off this and that government related policy. So I tell her she's off by a factor of 25 times or so. Incredulous, she says, "So you're saying they didn't make $50B?". I say, "it's $50B in cost, so $50B in revenue, not profit. We have to know all the balance sheet items to get to the profit and ultimately that's public information as the company trades on the NY Stock Exchange. (I think we were talking about Exxon Mobil, could have been Haliburton)

She says, "Are you saying there's a diffence between profits and revenues?"

I never looked at her quite the same way after that. To be frank I feel sorry for her now. She's been polluted with a lifetime of absolute flying BS from one side of the partisan political world. What's amazing is she's got a degree in electrical engineering from one of the nations top universities. Our educational system ought to be innoculating students from the total partisan BS being spewed out throught the mainstream media. I don't think this can be fixed in my lifetime.
I’m all about peace, and like you said, sometimes a closed mouth is best, but not to a point of complacency, where a particular disfunction goes unchecked. If we witness language that’s dictation rather than discussion, address that with the opponent responsibly. Now it’s their responsibility to comply or not. If the second sentence out of their mouth is similar, patients is now our responsibility and we calmly respond again, requesting dialogue that invites discussion, rather than dialogue that is disruptive. This is not rocket science intellectually, but is complex Socially. If we steady our ship with Social skills, it will be this ballast that keeps us balanced.

Did anyone watch the hearing for Mayorkas ? ….That was embarrassing 🙈 We can improve and it starts with each and everyone of us. It’s not what was said, but rather how it was delivered.
I've watched a LOT of them. He absolutely will not answer the questions asked..... dodging, distracting and lying does not make the heart grow fonder.
Everyone knows the answers to the questions he has been asked..... they just want to hear him say it..... he won't. Extremely frustrating.
I haven't watched the most current ones.
I've watched a LOT of them. He absolutely will not answer the questions asked..... dodging, distracting and lying does not make the heart grow fonder.

Once the circle of trust, through manipulation and pejorative language (amongst politicians and citizens ) has been broken, it opens a Pandora’s box of miss-interpretation on all sides. Even a forthright individual speaking honestly stands no chance in todays world. 😡 Like Incognito said, we will not be fortunate enough to see the improvements/ Fix in our lifetime……BUT ! we could be part of the start, if we choose to promote clean politics….. Kyrsten Sinema was impressive on CBS Face The Nation 🤷🏻‍♂️
Happy Birthday, Daris!

I try not to get into arguments about politics with people. I was talking politics with my mother in an IHOP one day-- not very loudly, mind you. And some lady walked up to our table as her family was leaving and started yelling at us, calling us names, etc & generally being an ass because she didn't like our political views. I said "I wasn't talking to you, mind your own business." She got huffy and finally left.

Went shopping for wedding suits with my brother. I got cheap blouse and pants from Samsclub. Found a nice suit for my brother in a suit store and a shirt from JC Penny's. Man the prices there are insanely high. He's faster at clothes shopping than my sister so it wasn't bad. He has to wear size 52 jacket just to fit his shoulders. I don't know much about sizes. I know I wear XL pants and depending on the fit of the shirts I can wear anywhere from XL to 3XL. My brother is the same. My pants came with their pockets sewn shut. Ugh. I'll have to get a seam ripper out because there are actually pockets on them.

Went to eat at a different chinese place bc the usual one was closed on Tuesdays. Had to cook for mom before we left and cook again when we got back.

Took a nap after getting home. Need to sleep for the night but I drank too much water and lemonade and have to keep going to the bathroom.
Got sick from something I ate and was throwing up most of the night. Stomach hurt all the way through to my back. I was shivering and felt miserable. Woke up drenched in sweat. Was exhausted most of the day but had to cook for Mom and go to Walmart for groceries in the afternoon. Also picked up mail. My brother went with me and actually lugged most of the stuff for me. I was still feeling cruddy, but I feel fine now. Still coughing up mucus but not feeling terrible. Mom has been wanting chicken and potatoes for almost every meal so I made that for her.

She paged me a few hours ago saying her blood sugar was low so I checked it and it was 57. Got her some ice cream and I forget what else.

Canceled an Amazon order from January because they never shipped it. Might have to call them to complain that it never shipped and I want the $ refunded because they said they couldn't guarantee the cancellation as the item was being "prepared". I don't care if they prepared it, they never shipped it.

My order from aliexpress has left China already and I ordered it after that order in January.

Saw a news story that somewhat enraged me due to the stupidity and patheticness of people. The rains apparently hatched a bunch of mosquitoes and they are all over the places near the saltwater swamps. She footage was nuts! You'd think it was a lawyer's convention with all the bloodsuckers. Now, I am perfectly fine with people complaining about that, but where they lost me was when they were blaming the city/government for the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have been around longer than the government and they somehow expect the city to magically get rid of them. They have regulations on how/where they can spray poisons so they don't contaminate water supplies or cause harm. I saw some dude whining that he had to shut his business down because the government wasn't doing enough to stop the mosquitoes. I was saying 'OMG, you stupid whiny little bitch! Get some ******* bug spray! Get some citronella candles!" They sell those torches with citronella. People can use Deep Woods OFF. There are all sorts of remedies that people can do themselves but these asshats are whining about the government. Good grief! I hate mosquitoes and I will bitch up a storm about them, but I won't blame the government. It's not like the government hatched them. I can understand people being mad about pot holes not being fixed or sidewalks not being fixed, or infrastructure stuff that the city/government *can* control or do something about, but to whine about something from nature that has been a thorn in our sides for centuries is just so stupid, IMO.

OK, done with my rant. LOL.
That's not a drought.....

(Cuts old door after installing carpet)

......(Ausie voice)

Had to have been logged locally...... that's what made my home town appear on the world map.
The house has to be near 100 years old, possibly late 1800's.
I'll talk to the owner tomorrow when she comes to town.
She lives inland now, 150 miles away, but the family members still come "home" on occasion. Her grandparents or great grandparents built the home. It's right next to the river about 5 miles out of town.
So far, I'm counting about 101 years of this Douglas fir trees life. You can see a couple of drought years and normal years from one corner outward, then 28 more normal years.....
...but then 30 drought years on a row, 😱
....then 20 more normal years.
Look at the radius in this section. I'm trying to fathom the diameter of the tree. Man, we had some friggin big trees back then.
.....300+ year old of I had to guess
This one I've never seen. It's 60 miles away.

400 years?
Anyway, we had 7 doors to cut and this came off one of them. Pretty cool find.
There's a large tree section downtown for tourists. It has historical dates noted on the tree rings. I'm going to stop by and see if I can find the same period in time.
.....I might give this to the owner for some history info and nostalgia.


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2021 was very dry in Oregon....Washington and California too. Some locally had wells go dry.
Look at those tree rings.....30 years worth.
They only want to talk about recent years and speak in WEEKS of drought, not years. (87 weeks ÷52=1.5 years)
More bang for the buck when using weeks. 87 sexy, 1.5 boring. 🫤
....so this one place in Oregon ( 40 miles wide/40 miles long).
The article focuses on this one area, the for the past two years the state is back to average, this year has been really wet.
......yet here's the final word in the article.

"As the climate crisis creates a hotter and drier future in the West, Casad said people need to start rethinking how land is managed, while preparing to make tough and painful decisions.

Farmers have always been incredibly resilient, Casad said. “This is not the first time we have faced insane climactic challenges and it won’t be the last.”


The inner high desert area where these people farm, have been poorly regulated and wells go dry when you pump out more than you replenish..... Duhhh!
They've been pumping more groundwater than is sustainable for decades..... This was no surprise. This was not climate change ....those 87 "weeks" 🙄
That did mankind do to the environment back in the mid 1800's when those tree rings got so tight .........for 30 YEARS!
(1560 weeks) 😉
I'm now a climatologist 😂
2021 was very dry in Oregon....Washington and California too. Some locally had wells go dry.
Look at those tree rings.....30 years worth.
They only want to talk about recent years and speak in WEEKS of drought, not years. (87 weeks ÷52=1.5 years)
More bang for the buck when using weeks. 87 sexy, 1.5 boring. 🫤
....so this one place in Oregon ( 40 miles wide/40 miles long).
The article focuses on this one area, the for the past two years the state is back to average, this year has been really wet.
......yet here's the final word in the article.

"As the climate crisis creates a hotter and drier future in the West, Casad said people need to start rethinking how land is managed, while preparing to make tough and painful decisions.

Farmers have always been incredibly resilient, Casad said. “This is not the first time we have faced insane climactic challenges and it won’t be the last.”


The inner high desert area where these people farm, have been poorly regulated and wells go dry when you pump out more than you replenish..... Duhhh!
They've been pumping more groundwater than is sustainable for decades..... This was no surprise. This was not climate change ....those 87 "weeks" 🙄
That did mankind do to the environment back in the mid 1800's when those tree rings got so tight .........for 30 YEARS!
(1560 weeks) 😉
I'm now a climatologist 😂
And this and last year California had floods.
We’re going to attempt to bioengineer the planet so it’s sunny and 75 every day. Prolly end up killing humanity during the attempt but things will return to normal once we’re gone so it’s not all bad.
We’re going to attempt to bioengineer the planet so it’s sunny and 75 every day. Prolly end up killing humanity during the attempt but things will return to normal once we’re gone so it’s not all bad.
The climate change religion is trying to find a way to block out the sun at times.

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