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We skipped a tree this year.

We didn't put one up this year either. Just not in the mood I guess. I had a fight with myself just to put some of the outside lights up.


I haven't for 30 years. I got that old geezer syndrome a long time ago and never looked back. It would be different if I had kids. Customer I am working for isn't doing anything either, but having pizza with one of her kids on Christmas day. (is it OK in these days of political correctness to mention Christmas?) If not GFY! :D
My customer is about ready to start chemo, and moving into her 'new' 1930's home, and it's the hassle with Christmas all at the same time. That's a tall order for anyone. Ya gotta do what feels right. She about 70 if I had to guess, but seems younger and a is fantastic lady.............. kick in the ass type and fun to work with. Left yesterday with a jar of canned apple jelly. Hopin' for more food tomorrow. ;)
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Wife just left to do more shopping. We just found out that the girls across the street have nothing for Christmas. One of them is my grandson's girlfriend, so my wife is buying them something. My grandson is 11 and they have been GF and BF since they were 8.
Borrowing a line from another installer........ I can upholster steps with the best of them, but when I wrap presents, it looks like Ray Charles did it with his feet.
I know my football ! Really there is a lot of luck involved , Along with the right trades during the season.
I say keep him around Floorist . :D
Had dinner with a client of mine............... I mean dear friend and her family.
Met her 20 years ago when installing some Pergo, then a number of times afterwards.
We email jokes back and forth, and she always reminds me that the coffee is always on...... I always say I'll stop by, but never seem to get aroung to it.

She invited me to come over for some food and conversation with her husband and kids about a week ago, so I did. Her health isn't all that good, but she's a tough one............ keeps on tickin'.
I was threatened with possible bodily harm if I don't start checkin' in for coffee now and then. :mug: She told me I'm family, so I can't argue with that. Man, some customers are real pushy. ;)
You can't beat the feeling when a customer treats you so nice years after you've worked for them.............. pretty neat kickin' back and hangin out with them this afternoon.
Went and had a look at The Ovation of the Seas as its only a few minutes from me wondering if Hav was there? It is too large to fit on our passenger wharves so they had to tender the four thousand odd passengers ashore. Reckon as they got the last passengers off it would have been time for them to get back on board again
The web cam is in the wrong place



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To big , i **** a smaller ship better .

Yeah I reckon thats miles to big as well
We went on one of MSC ships which had 3900 passengers and learned very quick that as we had a cabin on the bow to take things when going ashore with us to breakfast which was right on the stern to save walking all the way back to our cabin then half the length of the ship to get off
Seabourn ships only take about 400 passengers so less walking and get closer into more ports

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