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Damn fine day today! I was the first one there today. Caught the sun peeking through some trees, gotta love a good sunrise. There was a scissor lift on site for me to use to trim out the upper windows! That’s **** never happens so I’ll take it when I can get it. Now if I could just win the Mega Millions I’d have it made.

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Man, I don’t know how you guys work in that ****. I was in Fayetteville this past weekend and it was damn near 100 degrees with 100% humidity. Like getting punched in the face every time you go outside.
I’ve only been down there in the cooler months & thought I would like to live there…. Until I got a dose of your hell fire summer.
Man, I don’t know how you guys work in that ****. I was in Fayetteville this past weekend and it was damn near 100 degrees with 100% humidity. Like getting punched in the face every time you go outside.
I’ve only been down there in the cooler months & thought I would like to live there…. Until I got a dose of your hell fire summer.

I live in the foothills, big difference from Fayetteville. I used to take a month or so off during the miserable months when I first moved here, before I got used to it. You just adjust your pace to match the conditions and roll with it.

If you’re layin floors, most houses have the AC rollin. If you’re in your van, the AC is rollin. If you ain’t got AC, the sweat is rollin. I come home with a salt ring and crap stuck to me all the time. On the bright side I never have to worry about shoveling heat.
Man, I don’t know how you guys work in that ****. I was in Fayetteville this past weekend and it was damn near 100 degrees with 100% humidity. Like getting punched in the face every time you go outside.
I’ve only been down there in the cooler months & thought I would like to live there…. Until I got a dose of your hell fire summer.
Could be worse, as a teen I worked in a warehouse. One summer we unloaded 9 boxcar loads of 100 lb. sugar sacks and stacked them, all by hand. By the end of the day, you had a sugar crust all over you. I also followed a corn picker, picking up the ears it missed. It was over 100 and this thick dust stuck to you. Also, worked in a grain elevator. You crawled down a ladder into a large round metal tank and shoveled grain to the center so the auger would keep running. And you always had in the back of your mind, if I slip, I go through the auger. All of these were in 90+ weather. I also bucked hay bales.
I hope the heat and 🐝 let up for you Z ….hang tough, be safe ! Now back to our silliness 🤪

C. J. I miss that show Malcolm in The middle, I had an older brother like that 🫤

I bet the new maintenance man at the apartments I work for would understand your co-workers joke ! He has a different ( sick ) sense of humor, that I occasionally possess, 😝

Slow bus hint : 😜 ….. the hand sign means ass- hole in Italian and the sick sense of humor guy is asking if you need to bend over ? …… possible SITUATION ! 😳😱😜 …. Ok silliness is over and keep an eye on that guy 🫣
I live a sheltered life in a small town. 😁
I appreciate the education..... I'm gonna stop doing that because I keep getting angry looks. 😁
Could be worse, as a teen I worked in a warehouse. One summer we unloaded 9 boxcar loads of 100 lb. sugar sacks and stacked them, all by hand. By the end of the day, you had a sugar crust all over you. I also followed a corn picker, picking up the ears it missed. It was over 100 and this thick dust stuck to you. Also, worked in a grain elevator. You crawled down a ladder into a large round metal tank and shoveled grain to the center so the auger would keep running. And you always had in the back of your mind, if I slip, I go through the auger. All of these were in 90+ weather. I also bucked hay bales.
I had a paper route, mowed a few lawns, and installed thousands of yards of flooring, typically in 55 to 67 degree weather. Yeah, I'm a spoiled wuss. 😁
We did hit just over 100 a little over a month ago. That probably happens once every 3 to 5 years and never 3 days in a row, rarely two. 28 days ago we hit 84.
Hot weather is typically, slam/bam and the next day it's overcast or fog, and 35 degrees cooler
I'm really happy with that and it's painful knowing what most of you see.
Our daily highs and lows typically range about ten, maybe 15 degrees. Right now we probably have a low of 54 and high or 67 to 70.
When I was old enough to get some sort of kid's part-time job I was living out on a farm where I couldn't go into town and do stuff so I helped out on the farm-- lugging 50lb sacks of feed. We had horses, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters, quail, pigeons, chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, geese, turkeys, and a cow. I bottlefed the cow, fed all the critters, helped collect eggs, helped put up fencing, helped with cleaning, helped with the garden, etc. We had tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, garlic, sunflowers, corn, garlic, snap peas, green beans, cucumbers, eggplant, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, pumpkins, watermelon, and okra (I *hate* okra). We attempted to grow strawberries and blueberries but they didn't do well. Also had fig trees, persimmon trees, sand pear tree, apple trees, etc. And I would gather up fallen pecans. When the cow crap dried enough I would shovel it up into sacks for a friend in town and bring it to him to fertilize his garden.

Still been hot AF here. Woke up with my guts roiling and made a mad dash to the bathroom but didn't make it to the toilet in time. Had to move the bath mat and hop in the shower to rinse off and had to wash my shoes (I always wear shoes around the house bc its not safe to walk barefoot). Then I spent the next 20min cleaning up the mess on the floor and anywhere else that got splattered. Change in meds plus eating something with onions did not agree with my digestive system. Chugged a bunch of Pepto and am currently trying to get my stomach to settle.

After I felt it had kicked in enough I decide to haul out trash before it got too hot. I've been bagging trash and asking my brother to take the bags out because its difficult for me (and its his one chore). He's been refusing so I finally just hauled stuff out. Six 55 gallon contractor bags. I even hauled them out to the burn pile instead of dumping them on the heap thingy near the front door (which is where my brother would dump the bags if he actually took them out). Although, to be fair, I started dumping them there too because lugging stuff to the burn pile is a literal pain. Pulled a 7th bag out of the trash can and set it aside bc I can still fit more trash in it. Swept up the hallway, organized cat food bowls & fed kitties. Got overheated already and am lying down with fans blowing on me.

Later on I'm thinking of sanding and priming the door casing and the front door. Hoping the smell of paint will repel the damn wasps. Need to figure out a way to keep bugs and dogs/cats from messing with it while its wet. And need to find something to shove under the door to protect the carpet (not that its worth saving). I wonder if some poster board or something will fit under. It already drags on the low pile carpet. Might go out in a bit and start taping off the areas I don't want to get painted. Also need to thoroughly clean it and give it a light sanding and clean again.

But I do have to take Mom to a doctor's appointment this afternoon.
When I was 14, I painted house address numbers for $2 a house. Most gave us $5, so I was making a few hundred a day. I then began delivering furniture for my neighbor's business, and worked there for 4 years, making $2 and hour, until I got my haircut, when the boss gave me a $.25 bonus. I graduated high school and worked at an auto parts chain, where I began ordering the parts for 5 different businesses. From there, I got a job driving forklifts at a grocery warehouse. Got bored, went to the police academy for 6 months and became a reserve cop for one year. One year later, they hired me full time, so back to the police academy for another 6 months, and retired as a cop. I got bored while being a cop and started a handyman business, which did real good. Now, I do handyman work, but never for pay, just for friends.

Wow, that is my life story. I'm headed out to my police retiree luncheon in an hour, then mowing my lawn and doing some trimming. It is suppose to be 95 degrees today.

Oh, gotta tell all, for the last 19 days, we've been eating dinner around 5PM, and after our food settles, we have been walking 4 miles every evening. I look great! I lost 3 ounces of weight, but after applying 4 ounces of band aids for the blisters on my feet, I only have a net gain of one ounce!

Getting old ain't for sissies!
Oh, gotta tell all, for the last 19 days, we've been eating dinner around 5PM, and after our food settles, we have been walking 4 miles every evening. I look great! I lost 3 ounces of weight, but after applying 4 ounces of band aids for the blisters on my feet, I only have a net gain of one ounce!

Getting old ain't for sissies!
I dont believe there's anything healthier for you than a sufficient walking routine. I know it works for me. Everything feels better so long as I get in at least a couple miles a day.
When I was 14, I painted house address numbers for $2 a house. Most gave us $5, so I was making a few hundred a day. I then began delivering furniture for my neighbor's business, and worked there for 4 years, making $2 and hour, until I got my haircut, when the boss gave me a $.25 bonus. I graduated high school and worked at an auto parts chain, where I began ordering the parts for 5 different businesses. From there, I got a job driving forklifts at a grocery warehouse. Got bored, went to the police academy for 6 months and became a reserve cop for one year. One year later, they hired me full time, so back to the police academy for another 6 months, and retired as a cop. I got bored while being a cop and started a handyman business, which did real good. Now, I do handyman work, but never for pay, just for friends.

Wow, that is my life story. I'm headed out to my police retiree luncheon in an hour, then mowing my lawn and doing some trimming. It is suppose to be 95 degrees today.

Oh, gotta tell all, for the last 19 days, we've been eating dinner around 5PM, and after our food settles, we have been walking 4 miles every evening. I look great! I lost 3 ounces of weight, but after applying 4 ounces of band aids for the blisters on my feet, I only have a net gain of one ounce!

Getting old ain't for sissies!
Any chance that job painting house numbers is still available? LOL

I used to do some repair work for Mark III homes right off of Mountain Ave back in the late 70s. Can't remember the street number?
My mother is too sedentary. She's gained 2lbs. She's been eating muffins, Twinkies (my brother got them), and other sugary stuff. She then straight up lied to the doctor about not eating sugary stuff. I called her out on the bs and she glared at me. But he wants to adjust her medication. She also does not move much. Just lies down using her laptop or sits at her computer. The only moving she does is to get up to go to the bathroom or walk from her room to the living room and back. Just walking out to the car she complains about her back hurting. She didn't have back pain until she was in her late 60s so she was always giving me grief about complaining about my back. I have 3 forms of spinal curvature and have had back injuries. She really needs to move around more-- even if she just moves her legs up in down while sitting in place.

Other than her sugars & A1C, all of her bloodwork was good. Her cholesterol is better than mine.

It was 103 with heat index 111 while it was cloudy and thundering today. Mother Nature needs to stop having hot flashes.
When I was 14, I painted house address numbers for $2 a house. Most gave us $5, so I was making a few hundred a day. I then began delivering furniture for my neighbor's business, and worked there for 4 years, making $2 and hour, until I got my haircut, when the boss gave me a $.25 bonus. I graduated high school and worked at an auto parts chain, where I began ordering the parts for 5 different businesses. From there, I got a job driving forklifts at a grocery warehouse. Got bored, went to the police academy for 6 months and became a reserve cop for one year. One year later, they hired me full time, so back to the police academy for another 6 months, and retired as a cop. I got bored while being a cop and started a handyman business, which did real good. Now, I do handyman work, but never for pay, just for friends.

Wow, that is my life story. I'm headed out to my police retiree luncheon in an hour, then mowing my lawn and doing some trimming. It is suppose to be 95 degrees today.

Oh, gotta tell all, for the last 19 days, we've been eating dinner around 5PM, and after our food settles, we have been walking 4 miles every evening. I look great! I lost 3 ounces of weight, but after applying 4 ounces of band aids for the blisters on my feet, I only have a net gain of one ounce!

Getting old ain't for sissies!
4 miles every night. That's some decent walking.
Any chance that job painting house numbers is still available? LOL

I used to do some repair work for Mark III homes right off of Mountain Ave back in the late 70s. Can't remember the street number?
Right now, curb painting costs about $25 a piece, but those guys are hard to find. My neighbor bid on a raffle where a disabled kids is brought out to your house, and does reflective letters and includes an American flag. My neighbor won the bid, so he had them do my house numbers, his other friend's house numbers, and his house numbers as well. It cost him $100, but the kid had his mom and dad drive him here. The kid really did a great job....much better than my stenciling.

I know Mountain Ave real well, but don't know where the Mark III houses are located. I suspect either off of 13th Street, or 21st Street, since both streets have planned communities on them. I grocery shop on Mountain and Baseline, and live about 1 mile east of there.
Right now, curb painting costs about $25 a piece, but those guys are hard to find. My neighbor bid on a raffle where a disabled kids is brought out to your house, and does reflective letters and includes an American flag. My neighbor won the bid, so he had them do my house numbers, his other friend's house numbers, and his house numbers as well. It cost him $100, but the kid had his mom and dad drive him here. The kid really did a great job....much better than my stenciling.

I know Mountain Ave real well, but don't know where the Mark III houses are located. I suspect either off of 13th Street, or 21st Street, since both streets have planned communities on them. I grocery shop on Mountain and Baseline, and live about 1 mile east of there.
Reminds of my days of sign painting. I did some of it during the summer between my last two years of high school. All hand painted then. Painting all the DOT stuff on both sides of a semi paid $100. Painted a wood fence outside a race track with ads. $100 a panel, took a couple days each. About 15 years ago I painted signs on my work truck. Only time I have done any since high school. I played around with some brushes a couple weeks ago. I could still do it, but everyone wants the decals.
I know Mountain Ave real well, but don't know where the Mark III houses are located. I suspect either off of 13th Street, or 21st Street, since both streets have planned communities on them. I grocery shop on Mountain and Baseline, and live about 1 mile east of there.

Yea, Mark III was the builder. I'm sure their sign is long gone.

I lived on the same block as Gus' Burritos, just west of Mountain... A landmark I'd also guess is long gone...
Got up early and primed the front door and casing. Hoping the smell will repel wasps/hornets. They were aggressively trying to get in when my brother was leaving for work yesterday. Tape didn't want to stick to the glass as well as I wanted so I'll have to do some scraping. Looks very sloppy. Will probably do a 2nd coat tomorrow-- already too hot to try again. I was dripping with sweat and got completely drenched.

I liked the old color but restoring it wasn't an option and Mom wants it to be painted Behr Deep River blue (to match the back door-- which I still need to install). There was wood putty that didn't take the stain and lots of pits, gouges, scrapes, holes, chips, etc. I did my best to fill it in with the first coat. This primer is very thin.
Before and After
I desperately need to clean the siding-- although, the spiders have been catching stuff. Windows need a good cleaning-- stupid window acts like a guillotine.

I tried hosing stuff down before to clean the siding but the stuff on the ceiling started displacing instead of getting clean. The old ceiling follows the slope of the roof. I wonder if they have extra long-handled brooms or scrubbers I can use. I had to stand on the blue step thingy to reach the top of the door.

No outside hoses right now. Need to get that fixed.
I wouldn't touch that door until you clean off the siding. How about a nice, mild orange cleaner and a bucket of water, and wipe it all off with the rags. I say this because any paint on the door will get covered with dirt, dust and cobwebs, and the door won't look freshly painted.

I also have dust accumulating under the eaves at my house. I have my pressure washer ready to go, but need to find the wide mist tip because that thing will blow a hole in concrete if I don't tone it down enough.
I can clean lower down ok, but cleaning up high is a problem. I need something that can reach up there and still scrub well. I don't trust getting on a ladder. I also need to clean the algae off of the nasty windows.

Went out and peeled the tape off. Noticed the door won't shut right in the upper corner. When I re-opened it, splinter of wood from the front of the door started peeling off. I did not paint on top of the door- it has been sticking since before I painted it. I think its from heat expansion. Need to sand it down a bit more. I will have to get the stool set up inside or even get my small stepladder to get on top and work on it. I'll also have to re-prime that corner when I'm done. Wish I knew where my little hand planer went. I do have powered sanders though so that should help.
If that door fit before, but doesn't now, first check to see if all your hinge plate screws are tight. If those screws become loose, the door will begin to sag within the frame, and cause issues opening and shutting the door. Also, if your brother decided to take a break from taking out the trash, and leaned on the door for a few minutes, it is possible he may have bent the hinge, which is easily corrected. I don;t mean to "cap" on your brother, but i know you do much more work around the house than he does, and IMHO, should share in the responsibilities or running the house.
Changed the back door at the Islip shop yesterday… What a can o worms!

Building is over 100 years old with some serious settling going on. Like the leaning tower of Pisa…. That I knew, what I didn’t know was how rotted out it was underneath. Ended up just throwing some pressure treated under for support,

pounded right into the dirt… Joists were moving quite a bit. Wish I was a better carpenter but it will have to do…

This is all that was left of what was holding up the old door and my attempt at fixing it. And the finished product. If you look at the brick molding on top you can see how crooked the building is… The door and sill are level and plumb.

Coulda used CJ’s help on this one… Took all day and then some just to get the door set…Ugg… Still got some trimming and painting to do…




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