What impression do you leave with your customer

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The only feedback I get from my customers is lunch and dinner offers. 😁
Even on a job when there's no customers in the house that are living there I still try to put my tools off to the side give the floor a sweep and make things look decent when I leave. I had a customer comment to me once and said that I was the cleanest person that ever had work for them. I shower everyday but I don't think that's what they were talking about. 😁 It was a two-week job and every night before I left I vacuumed and collected my tools to get them out of the way for when they came up to look at what I accomplished. Even though this was just a bonus room above the garage I wanted it to look nice when they popped in after I left to take a peek. It was a bit of a custom job mixing four different colors of Shaw hickory flooring in a way that none of the planks lined up color wise. The room was about 27 by 34. I love these customers. ....and yes, of course they fed me 😁
When I gave him the estimate I was starving for work and I had already checked out the job and it needed very little prep, so I didn't figure in my prep and just estimated laying the floor...... These are glued together, not click lock.
When he called me to get my numbers, he paused for a moment and asked me, "is that good for you?" I explained how I came up with my figure.
He thought I wasn't charging him enough and asked me to rethink my numbers. I was definitely too low but I needed the work. I refigured my numbers and he was totally happy with my new number, which I think was an additional 600 bucks.
2 weeks later when the job was completed, he tossed me an additional 500 bucks as a tip. He told me each night they came up and looked at the work they got more and more happy with what was going on.
I know what my customers think of me so a survey would be laughable because they'd all ✅ the box that says shows up late. 😁