LOLIf I know who did the crappy work I always ask them if they’re going to sign their name on it. You gotta own what you do!
we did this last week. Walked into a place we were supposed to be basing out. Didn't realize that it was occupied. We were laughing/complaining about how filthy the place was and what f-ing jerk off just leaves their mess everywhere and walks away.... grumble grumble grumble. Then we turned the corner and there he was. I would say it was a little awkward, but not for us. We just left and went home. Got a phone call later from the building owner who said he called to apologize about his is... then the owner went in and cleaned it up. It was classic.
I'm not ******* Molly maid, I get paid to work not clean. You are not doing me a favor by cleaning up after yourself. Get that through your head.
Needless to say, when we were done, you could eat off that damn floor.