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I'm about to look up this oddball.
Never seen anything remotely like it.


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Ok..... The taps dies and then THIS, were new arrivals since Thursday. Glad I stopped by today. These would have been gone tomorrow if not today.
Cute Chinesium puller?
$4 ok, it would be great removing bearings in practically .....anything electric, like my 1993 Makita table saw. 🤔
I had to. Yes, it actually spoke to me. It said, I need a new home. 😭
It's tiny. It's cute. I just had to. Hey, ......us guys show affection differently. You all know that.
Well $4 later out in the truck, I noticed some nice letters. OTC 😱
OTC is good stuff. This tiny puller is $51 on Amazon, so I scored big at $4.
The tiny tool brags about 1 ton pulling force. Yup, I had one good day today. I hope y'all did too.
This puller doesn't mention ALL of its functions.

...they may not have explored all of it's options, but I did. 🤣


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I'm really happy because a single tap is like $6 and a die is probably &7
I got all this for $25. It was a must have.
I'll probably never need to purchase anything again... Unless it's metric. I have zero need for metric.... Tho I do have some #5 and #6 tap and die metric stuff.
Metric's and metric countries piss me off. 64ths are like so easy and so, so relatable.
Coming along on the saw guide. I wish there was some cheap way to have the aluminum angle metal anodized red to match the T-track. It's in place here for a temporary fitting. All I need to do is drill and tap the rear bearing holder and it's a done deal. So, so much simpler design than the original piece.
The red piece with 3 screws is only a parallel support for the piece in front of it. It just sets there doing its job, never moving.
The front bearing guide has two adjustment screws that are loosened so the entire bearing assembly can be moved right or left a few thousandths to center the blade between the bearings, then the screws are tightened. The two bearings are fixed in place allowing about 3 thousands gap on each side of the blade. .......no adjusting the two bearings independently..... The gap in now set correct, permanently. That was my main goal.
I need to order a new blade, but I'm not sure what to order. 1/4 or 3/8?
How many tpi? Carbon steel or high speed steel?
I'm not sure what I'll use the saw for, but it might be nice to be able to cut some thin brass. That would require a lot of tpi.
Maybe I just need two blades.
Anyhow, I'm really happy with the new guide. PITA to make and way more spendy than I was expecting, but absolutely worth the effort.
Next will be the base. I already have a really nice piece of plywood with Formica on it. It's maybe of 4" signboard. 18 by 24 inches..... $2 at Habitat 👍


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Gotter whooped and even with the dull blade, it cuts a 2x4 square in both directions.
Here's the new and old guides and thrust bearing installed.
I was going the make this gizmo smaller......... but the back area might be a nice stage for an LED. 🤔 it won't affect cutting.
My first cut after I bought it home was a noticeable right curve. No no mo. 🎉


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I wonder if the arsonist was on drugs or drunk or something. But some people are just destructive. There was a local dude who burned two vacant houses and set up a remote detonation incendiary device to burn a tractor and a riding mower at a local business (it sold the tractors and riding mowers). No idea why he did it.

Power went out before 2am. Came back on shortly before 9am. Got up to 78 degrees in the house during that time.

Made it hard to sleep.
Habitat ....or Randy is on a roll.
Like new, still in the plastic placard used to hang it on a display rack a long time ago.
Yes it got used, but even the rubber gasket looks unused. It's flawless.
I already bought the TS8000 a couple years ago...... It's a turbo blowtorch. It was about $58 as I recall
This model is much more tame, but still has that swirl power like these type have. It has a great flame.
I actually thought it was going to be a backup and the same as my first one. Nope, it's much more usable and less violent.
S W E E T.


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Methed up or schizophrenia. Although, schizophrenic people are not as likely to be violent as shown on tv & movies, but they can suffer from paranoid delusions that lead them to self-harm. If they harm others or property it's usually in conjunction with some other form of mental illness. Sometimes drug use too.

AC isn't cooling still and it won't get below 79 in the house. Ugh.
Have we really gotten to this point? 🙄
.......they didn't even include batteries or a manual. 🤧


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I take it you're joking about a storage container needing batteries and a manual?
But really, I know a lot of stuff doesn't. Now they are like "find the manual online"

AC has been on the fritz still. Outside unit keeps shutting off completely. Even the fan stops. I keep having to reset it via manual shutoff, breaker flip, etc. It was ok before the stupid power surges and outage. Now it won't go below 77. It was 89 when it was 66 degrees outside. Not sure how the house stayed that hot. I had to do the breaker thing first thing this morning.

Waiting to go for my curbside pickup at Samsclub. Will probably bring my brother along and stop at chinese place. Mom sweated so much the adhesive for her canula gave out and I had to change it this morning. At least I only needed 3 trips to the bathroom last night instead of 10 though. Having to turn the pillow over and wipe the sweat off my neck and face was not fun.

Gonna help friend look for flooring for the toddler's room at his house. CPS may be taking the kids away from his ex bc they've been called on her more than once. Toddler escaped through an open window and was wandering the neighborhood and now her newborn baby's femur is fractured. Baby can't even roll over yet so either he was dropped or he was abused. Friend said he had an adult sized handprint-looking bruise on his leg so someone may have yanked on or twisted his leg. Ex claims it happened while she was at work, but she's a known liar and she was violent with the toddler when he was a baby-- and probably still gets violent with him. Friend is worried CPS might want to inspect his home but I don't see why since he's listed as the father on the birth certificate even though the kid isn't biologically his. But CPS doesn't know its not his bio kid.
etc. It was ok before the stupid power surges and outage.
My brother has Allstate homeowners and he had a power surge from a lightning strike that took out flat screens and stereo equipment. They covered most everything, maybe 🤔 call them and have their independent electric inspector come out and see if it’s covered. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hey ! I needed a break from Politics and Religion topic 🤪 So I’m at the local yocal
Bar for Bingo night, Chili, and Spiked ice tea 👍 …. just what I needed, have a good night people.
Hey ! I needed a break from Politics and Religion topic 🤪 So I’m at the local yocal
Bar for Bingo night, Chili, and Spiked ice tea 👍 …. just what I needed, have a good night people.

Good man! We all need a break from time to time. I think I’ll pour me some Disaronno and toast one to you. For the record I always toast to ****ies. So, to ****ies. Clink!

Cleaned out the mezzanine at work last week and I found a chunk of butcher block. You know me, I squared it up and wrapped it with some cherry😁 I think the field is hevea because it’s splotchy. Hevea is funny like that. Splotchy doesn’t matter with this board. Funny thing is as I was giving it its final sand I flipped it over to clean up the back side and I actually like that side better so that’s now the top side. Kinda wish I woulda used my black filler. Oh well. That’s the beauty of a thick board, you can always sand it down and try again.

It’s been awhile since I cooked and all my **** is still back home cus I didn’t think I would be here this long. So to cope until I get my stuff I picked up a Japanese (but made in China) Damascus steel chef knife and a steel rod to use with my new board. I’ll have to see how I like it. So far I’ve only used German knifes. Damn board takes up the whole counter. lol.

Yes, easy to fall down that political rabbit hole.
Cheers, friends.
I noticed my tv was going bonkers with our Directv. Called tech support, and they were here in 4 hours. I guess my satellite dish was out of alignment by 6 degrees, so much that I was pointing nowhere near the floating satellite. He dialed it in and all is fine. He also gave me pointers on what to do to save money with Directv.