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That’s funny 😄…Never trust statistics 😜 ….and , do we place too much emphasis on approve / disapprove ? Or maybe statistics in general ?

Statistics are manipulated every single day. Prolly best to question everything because you already know you’re being lied to, you just don’t know what the lie is yet.
Statistics are manipulated every single day. Prolly best to question everything because you already know you’re being lied to, you just don’t know what the lie is yet.
I heard an interesting 🧐 philosophical quote about lies from a customer who could have been Randy’s brother from another mother 😉 the other day. This guy was sharp and confident and made an interesting point…..I said to him, “ wait, let me write this stuff down “ The philosophy idea was presented to him by a Priest
( Father Denny ) in 12th grade religious class. Please forgive my butchering / paraphrasing ( I didn’t write it down. )
“ when you tell a lie to someone, who is not on, ‘ The need to know list ‘ the lie is no longer a lie, it’s an Untruth . 😏🤔

Does that make us feel any different ?
I’m not buying that because if you tell an untruth that you know is untruthful, well that’s a lie. Just because the other person doesn’t have a need to know doesn’t make the lie any less of a lie and calling it something different doesn’t change the fact that you told a lie. No different than someone who is born as one gender but identifies as another. You can call yourself whatever you want but the truth of the matter doesn’t change just because your choice of words does.
I’m not buying that because if you tell an untruth that you know is untruthful, well that’s a lie. Just because the other person doesn’t have a need to know doesn’t make the lie any less of a lie and calling it something different doesn’t change the fact that you told a lie. No different than someone who is born as one gender but identifies as another. You can call yourself whatever you want but the truth of the matter doesn’t change just because your choice of words does.

That makes sense C.J.

When I have some free time, I’ll do some research on this, but off the top of my head, maybe the philosophy is about the differences between Lie and Truth. All be it subtle, still different enough, maybe 🤔 for wiggle room ? …… His example was, wifey is always on the list as a person who needs to know the Truth, but maybe friends, coworkers, customers, etc are not ? ……. We need a good real world example and gender identity truth-fullness imho is tooo advanced 🧐 Lets try something easier and then move up the ladder. Can anyone think of one ?

Actually, I just activated more memory from the priest story with an example……
Picture this : The Priest is teaching the students and smoking a pipe at the same time. Then Mary Catherine Gallagher 😉raises her hand and asks Father Denny what’s in the pipe father ? …… (A) Since the class is on the ‘ not needing to know list ‘ Father is free ( if he so desires ) to choose an untruth answer and I guess in the eyes of God 💪 That would not be a Lie. ? ?
While we're talking about lies and truths.....
......at some point and probably soon the media is going to have start telling the truth.
If you don't want to watch the entire nine and a half minutes, start at the 3 minute 49 second mark.

How the media thinks it can stay out of this forever is beyond me. When they're forced to start reporting they're going to act like it's something new.

It's not Trump who should be concerned about jail time, not even a close contest.
That makes sense C.J.

When I have some free time, I’ll do some research on this, but off the top of my head, maybe the philosophy is about the differences between Lie and Truth. All be it subtle, still different enough, maybe 🤔 for wiggle room ? …… His example was, wifey is always on the list as a person who needs to know the Truth, but maybe friends, coworkers, customers, etc are not ? ……. We need a good real world example and gender identity truth-fullness imho is tooo advanced 🧐 Lets try something easier and then move up the ladder. Can anyone think of one ?

Actually, I just activated more memory from the priest story with an example……
Picture this : The Priest is teaching the students and smoking a pipe at the same time. Then Mary Catherine Gallagher 😉raises her hand and asks Father Denny what’s in the pipe father ? …… (A) Since the class is on the ‘ not needing to know list ‘ Father is free ( if he so desires ) to choose an untruth answer and I guess in the eyes of God 💪 That would not be a Lie. ? ?

I get what you’re laying down.

All lies are an untruth but not all untruths are a lie. A lie has intent do deceive whereas an untruth could simply be a mistake, or as you said, sometimes it’s just easier to say whatever because that person you’re talking to doesn’t matter to you in the big picture of things. Thing is we call that a little white ‘lie’.

The word untruth is about as annoying to me as the words fake news are. Fake news to me is The Onion, Babylon Bee or similarly obvious fake news sites. Those would be untruth news sites but you know that unless you’ve never heard of The Onion. On the other hand the MSM has specific intent to deceive, that makes that BS a straight up lie.

Let’s just start calling things what they really are again and yes I can cancel Pride. I canceled Will Smith too, you just can’t go around smacking people.

Now you got me all wound up. 😂
I get what you’re laying down.
I’m not sure I get what I’m / The priest was saying, but when a reliable source, like a priest, who understands philosophy, and theology, probably in the same way you (C.J. ) do with saw blade cutting / rotation techniques etc. etc. It probably means there’s a deeper hidden message or meaning to consider and be open too.

I found this on-line, from a Norwegian philosopher who recently wrote a book on lies. Here’s one paragraph explaining the book.


I find his one sentence interesting 🤔
“ what’s most important is not the truth, because the truth is beyond our control.”
This sentence was from 5 Star’s recent comment on ‘ Gun free zone ‘ topic.

Sorry for all the liberals who are offended by this but it's just how I see it.

Hi Five 😉, that sentence is a perfect example of the issue, especially the end, “ How I see it “ ….. and in a perfect world we need never apologize for how we see it, but we are not perfect, we are sensitive people with feelings, like it or not, both Libs and Conservs. So what’s a person or society to do about that ? That’s the starting point of Truth, ready everyone !
Go ! …………

Hint ! Express yourself with confidence and conviction but not to the point of confrontation or condemnation. And like 5 star said. Be willing to apologize when it goes too far into the confrontation stage.

PS > keep your guns, but raise your empathetic skills and that should keep them holstered. If we the people connect in the truth that ‘ respectful debate ‘ is the way to move forward, we’ll be gooood !
I’m not sure I get what I’m / The priest was saying, but when a reliable source, like a priest, who understands philosophy, and theology, probably in the same way you (C.J. ) do with saw blade cutting / rotation techniques etc. etc. It probably means there’s a deeper hidden message or meaning to consider and be open too.

I found this on-line, from a Norwegian philosopher who recently wrote a book on lies. Here’s one paragraph explaining the book.

View attachment 17125

I find his one sentence interesting 🤔
“ what’s most important is not the truth, because the truth is beyond our control.”
That's why we project our own truth, and others do theirs in return.
See, everyone's correct.
That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it. 😁
Are teachers underpaid?
Here's the stats:
In CA the average teacher retires from CalSTRS with 24.2 years of service at an average FINAL compensation of $100,836. Based on the 2% at 60/62 formula those retired in school year 2022 will receive an annual benefit (pension)of $57,708 per year for life.

There are 1,002,049 members of CalSTRS---active/retired/beneficiary
325,468 retired/disabled/beneficiary
449,418 active
227,163 inactive (teachers that left the system still with pension credits)

ACTIVE members------average age 45.1 year
------12.5 years of service
------$85,302 annual salary (plus benefits)

I was quite surprised that only around 10K collect a disability pension from CalSTRS out of a million members. Doesn't that say something about the integrity of teachers AND their system?

This may not be easy to compare statistically to other occupations as there's very few resources comparable to CalSTRS across other industries-------trucking, agriculture, manufacturing, hospitality, energy. My impression is that the disability claims nationwide accross nearly all workers is overwhelmed with FRAUD. I read a lot. A lot of people I know or otherwise hear about actually brag about cheating the system. I worry about that because with so much fraud the rest of us are less inclined to offer taxpayer dollars and charity towards the honestly needy and disabled. We just don't believe the claims any more or are at least very, very sceptical.
It’s good to be the king 🤴 😜 ….. The common denominator of all this crap is that no one is above the Law of injustice 😢🤪 ….So what’s the answer ? Stop making the answer the solution 🤔 …..Keep playing the game as best as you can and as moral as you can despite the behavior of our so called leaders and that will be enough to keep us going.

PS> remember, when one side wins today, you come back tomorrow by accepting the opponent and the conditions as they are, not as you want them to be. Try not to force, gloat, or pout a victory or a defeat because the moral journey is the game itself.

My impression is that the disability claims nationwide accross nearly all workers is overwhelmed with FRAUD. .
Here on Long Island a while back the railroad workers we among the biggest offenders. Pretty much everyone went out on disability as part of their retirement plan. They eventually got caught, crooked doctors and all but they got away with it for years... Didn’t ring any bells that 90% of the workers went out on disability… Crazy.
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Here on Long Island a while back the railroad workers we among the biggest offenders. Pretty much everyone went out on display as part of their retirement plan. They eventually got caught, crooked doctors and all but they got away with it for years... Didn’t ring any bells that 90% of the workers went out on disability… Crazy.
Doctors and lawyers are usually needed to really cheat bigtime.
It’s good to be the king 🤴 😜 ….. The common denominator of all this crap is that no one is above the Law of injustice 😢🤪 ….So what’s the answer ? Stop making the answer the solution 🤔 …..Keep playing the game as best as you can and as moral as you can despite the behavior of our so called leaders and that will be enough to keep us going.

PS> remember, when one side wins today, you come back tomorrow by accepting the opponent and the conditions as they are, not as you want them to be. Try not to force, gloat, or pout a victory or a defeat because the moral journey is the game itself.

No gloating after victory, just a sigh of relief.
.....until we realize who's next in line after the impeachment. 🫣😱

I didn't see one tiny bit of this hearing on the major news giants.
......it's a wee bit important to know about.
It's only trivial stuff about the FBI targeting Trump about "colluding with the Russians"
Durham's report showed the story way totallyade up. It showed Hillary's campaign paid for the fake dossier.
It showed and proved the FBI overstepped every hurdle to lie to the court in order to be allowed to investigate Trump.
The FBI knew it was false, yet poked, proded, investigated every person Trump ever knew.
They were allowed to do all this investigation of his friends knowing the dossier was unverifiable/unprovable.
Thi is the end of a 4 year investigation. It totally exonerated Donald Trump......
This story was headlines every night for three years.
It's been proven 300% false. Proven a total lie. The FBI has been proven to be politically biased against Trump.

.........the media is silent.... as if nothing ever happened.
No big deal, the investigation and false allegations only tore our country apart. No big deal. No story here. 😞
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It's been proven 300% false. Proven a total lie. The FBI has been proven to be politically biased against Trump.
They won’t be able to ignore it forever, but maybe they are waiting for 400% 😜

Deception of the truth has become a professional sport, maybe we need Political referees watching every move, and slow mo replays, then we could instantly throw flags and penalties, because this fan is utterly confused over all the potential deceptions.
The FBI and DOJ throw their own flags and give no penalties to themselves.
Thank God for those brave whistleblowers.
I'll bet 75% or more Americans are clueless about the Joe/Hunter, money laundering scheme that's being uncovered. I think the bank records are up to almost $18 million dollars far, yet we don't know what Hunter's business actually is and why he needed 17 LLCs and so many bank accounts.
He broke now and can't pay his baby momma child support.
The kids name is Navy 😂
This latest revelation about Hunter threatening a Chinese investor owing him money, telling the investor he's sitting next to his dad, and demanding for a return call that very day...
......or he's going to regret it.
Man, that conversation should have made headlines on every news channel, every newspaper, every news source in America.
If rolls were reversed and this was trumps son talking, it would be on every media source on the planet 15 minutes after it was announced. 🤬🤬🤬
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U.S. Attorney David Weiss wanted to bring charges against President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden in Washington, D.C., IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley said on Friday — and when he was reportedly barred from doing so, he told six witnesses.

Shapley testified on the matter last month, telling the House Oversight Committee that Weiss revealed in an October 2022, meeting that he had actually wanted to charge Hunter Biden in two federal districts but that he had been denied — and when Attorney General Merrick Garland denied that had ever happened, Shapley publicly named the witnesses he said Weiss had told.
LOL... now who's lying Right through their Teeth?
“He surprised us by telling us on the charges, ‘I’m not the deciding official on whether charges are filed,'” Shapley told the committee when he testified in late May. “He then shocked us with the earth-shattering news that the Biden-appointed D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves would not allow him to charge in his district.
You'll never get Garland (a very bad actor) to admit to anything... He's KNEE DEEP in his Anti-Pub antics.


Lets hear 'The Spin' from the Dems... 'Why wasn't Hunter Charged in 2022 for Federal Crimes?

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