That makes sense C.J.
When I have some free time, I’ll do some research on this, but off the top of my head, maybe the philosophy is about the differences between Lie and Truth. All be it subtle, still different enough, maybe

for wiggle room ? …… His example was, wifey is always on the list as a person who needs to know the Truth, but maybe friends, coworkers, customers, etc are not ? ……. We need a good real world example and gender identity truth-fullness imho is tooo advanced

Lets try something easier and then move up the ladder. Can anyone think of one ?
Actually, I just activated more memory from the priest story with an example……
Picture this : The Priest is teaching the students and smoking a pipe at the same time. Then Mary Catherine Gallagher

raises her hand and asks Father Denny what’s in the pipe father ? …… (A) Since the class is on the ‘ not needing to know list ‘ Father is free ( if he so desires ) to choose an untruth answer and I guess in the eyes of God

That would not be a Lie. ? ?