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Chicago Year To Date

Shot & Killed: 245

Shot & Wounded: 972

Total Shot: 1217

Total Homicides: 267

98.6% by POC's with illegal weapons.

100% Leftist ruined city.
In a Banana Republic there's barely even a pretense of an even handed justice system. Everyone on every level of society understands that the government is corrupted at every level. The Rule of Law is trotted out to punish anyone who causes problems for those in control. There's really no way to predict how those laws will be implemented in any given instance. Even in the most corrupt system there will be honest men. They just have little or no control on matters of great importance to the State.
In a Banana Republic there's barely even a pretense of an even handed justice system. Everyone on every level of society understands that the government is corrupted at every level. The Rule of Law is trotted out to punish anyone who causes problems for those in control. There's really no way to predict how those laws will be implemented in any given instance. Even in the most corrupt system there will be honest men. They just have little or no control on matters of great importance to the State.
Like ours. Everyone knows that Biden illegally had documents too, where is his indictment?
I read on the news this morning that they are going to try and outlaw gas furnaces.
I think that's already law in Oregon.
..at least in new developments in larger cities. I think they were "only" outlawing gas lines in new construction. Gas is as clean and efficient as it gets.
Like ours. Everyone knows that Biden illegally had documents too, where is his indictment?
It's coming. The DOJ won't give the republican committee investigating the Biden's all their requested information because now they say it's an "ongoing investigation" so the can't comment on it.
......investigating for how many years now? 🤧
They need a military raid on the files at the DOJ about the Biden's and the 18 or so LLC's that exists that don't have any business behind them. It's money laundering or we'd know about all of Hunter's businesses by now.
What this is business and why does his business need all those LLCs?

It's going to be found out on the ball is rolling pretty fast right now.
I love sky news, but why do we have to hear from them when I will major news media could do the same thing if they played fair.
Even Saturday night live doesn't do anything on this subject.
This ought to be a heyday for them.
Anyway this is why I check into sky news, they report the things that American News will not report.
if they played fair.
That’s a phrase Or actually a question ,
asking to have or get something from others, rather than demonstrating through words and actions the ‘ Fair Play ‘ behavior. This way the fair behavior becomes the focus over everything else. The everything else , is ‘ The noise’ that
delays improvement. However I understand the reaction and that’s why demonstration over expectations is key when it comes to Controlling impulses.

Homework: Try to change IF THEY, to IF I 😁 ✌️

PS > that wasn’t sleepy Joe’s best performance, and I apologize for stopping down and calling him that name, because it’s noise, and not helpful. Maintain dignity for dignity’s sake, no matter what.
From Wisconsin

Originally Posted by Fox News
Board supervisors in Dane County, which includes the state capital of Madison, will vote on a resolution "declaring Dane County a sanctuary for trans and nonbinary individuals," at the county board meeting this Thursday after it was referred to the executive committee earlier this month.

"In this hostile environment, some cities and counties across the country are taking steps to support and protect trans and nonbinary individuals," the resolution states. "Dane County values its transgender and nonbinary residents and vigorously opposes measures that would allow legal violence toward trans people in accessing gender-affirming care or expression."

The resolution states the county’s position that it’s a "fundamental right" for children to access sex-reassignment drugs and procedures.

"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dane County Board of Supervisors firmly states its commitment to protect transgender and nonbinary individuals, and believes that access to health care is a fundamental right and all people in Dane County and the State of Wisconsin should have access to all health care, including gender affirming care," the resolution states.

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if the state of Wisconsin passes a law that imposes criminal or civil punishments, fines, or professional sanctions on any person or organization that seeks, provides, receives or helps someone to receive gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers, hormones or surgery, the Dane County Board of Supervisors urges the Sheriff to make enforcement their lowest priority," it continues.