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So SCOTUS votes to stop discrimination in school admissions and the demonrats don't like it.
They have to explain who they discriminated against.
If a person of color, Asian or black got a B, and and a white guy got an A..... This person, regardless of the race, didn't make the cut. But they got the scholarship anyway.
I can't for the life of me being a black person, knowing that I didn't make the cut, yet I got the job or in this case a college admission.... Wow politics is freekin' cool! ,🥴
....The white guy had four more years of experience, yet an ethnic person still got the job.
I would live everyday with guilt.
I would wonder every day, what the people in the office would think about how I got my job, knowing my successor was way more qualified.
Could you sit face to face and say , "I accepted you because you're black" and I rejected that other guy because he's white
The end result doesn't need to be written on a wall, it's obvious.
It's not how smart you are, it's the color of your skin.
........ Didn't Martin Luther King say something similar to that?
If he were alive today I think he'd be very vocal and very pissed off.
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I would live everyday with guilt.
I would wonder every day, what the people in the office would think about how I got my job, knowing my successor was way more qualified.

Guilt is a waisted emotion, and projecting personal feelings onto another persons feelings is not necessary, because it only serves one purpose and that is to make the ego grow by judging others. We need ego to survive but by golly miss Molly, if we continue elevating it, we will struggle to thrive……. Give Understanding when Judgment arrives in your thoughts 😇 ….it’s our personal two party balancing system 😜

The two party politics system, be it disruptive to each parties side is working…… both slide in one direction every now and again, with good intentions, need pulling back. We’re in a pull it back faze, enjoy ! With humility.

Ps . I bet many ‘A ‘ students with 4 years of experience understood the ‘ leg up ‘ program of good intentions for the groups of people who had one leg down. Even though they were disappointed to not get, they chose to suppress judgment and apply some GIVE BACK ! understanding. They simply adapted and moved on with no animosity.

Thank God for both groups of thought because stability lies between push and pull.
So, I saw a story yesterday that blew my mind. As we all know, Lost Angeles County Supervisors order their public works to approve local and minority owned businesses first and foremost. This black gal saw an opportunity and started a rebar construction company. She said, "Since I'm a girl, a Lesbian, and Black, and live in the city, I am guaranteed to receive every contract based on the county's criteria, and she has put all other rebar companies out of business. Again, it doesn't matter who does a better job, or how much money they charge, but being Black, Lesbian, and female, the jobs must go to her. What if you were a old White guy that has done impeccable work, and half the price, this affirmative action ******** puts whities out on the street.
, this affirmative action ******** puts whities out on the street.
Hey people ! I get it, but life perfection isn’t possible so let’s argue the case, ask for what you want, but then accept what is given or taken away, adapt ! ! There will always be tom foolery from all kinds of groups, when Merit really needs to be king, but the truth is we are living until we stop, so fight like hell to bring peace amongst men, women and in between, even in the face of adversity, because perfect is boring and sloppy is life.
So, I saw a story yesterday that blew my mind. As we all know, Lost Angeles County Supervisors order their public works to approve local and minority owned businesses first and foremost. This black gal saw an opportunity and started a rebar construction company. She said, "Since I'm a girl, a Lesbian, and Black, and live in the city, I am guaranteed to receive every contract based on the county's criteria, and she has put all other rebar companies out of business. Again, it doesn't matter who does a better job, or how much money they charge, but being Black, Lesbian, and female, the jobs must go to her. What if you were a old White guy that has done impeccable work, and half the price, this affirmative action ******** puts whities out on the street.
I'm very curious about this as I know governments are required to use some specific % of minority or "underrepresented" contractors but I can't figure how a black lesbian would be double/triple counted in this calculation getting the advantage over say a black straight man. My boss was an asian female for the last 18 years. Prior to that the boss (who sold her the business) was a white female for 17 years . We always got our share of government work because we satisfied the dollar numbers toward meeting that % requirement. The female asian wouldn't score higher than the white female under that system because the criteria is DOLLARS SPENT with the under represnted communities. So I sure can't get to the logistics where the female, black lesbian gets advantage over the straight black women...........or just a women.

Maybe I don't understand exactly how that works but I do know that as this system has been around 50 years nearly everyone had gamed out how to exploit the racket with "figure head" owners and presidents/executives.
I'm very curious about this as I know governments are required to use some specific % of minority or "underrepresented" contractors but I can't figure how a black lesbian would be double/triple counted in this calculation getting the advantage over say a black straight man. My boss was an asian female for the last 18 years. Prior to that the boss (who sold her the business) was a white female for 17 years . We always got our share of government work because we satisfied the dollar numbers toward meeting that % requirement. The female asian wouldn't score higher than the white female under that system because the criteria is DOLLARS SPENT with the under represnted communities. So I sure can't get to the logistics where the female, black lesbian gets advantage over the straight black women...........or just a women.

Maybe I don't understand exactly how that works but I do know that as this system has been around 50 years nearly everyone had gamed out how to exploit the racket with "figure head" owners and presidents/executives.
In some instances, a black woman counts as a double minority.
In some instances, a black woman counts as a double minority.
Yes, as an employee she can be counted twice to satisfy quotas. That I've heard going on forever although there are now so many various government and effectively government run agencies who knows what specific rules each one develops or if there's any consistency.
Guilt is a waisted emotion, and projecting personal feelings onto another persons feelings is not necessary, because it only serves one purpose and that is to make the ego grow by judging others. We need ego to survive but by golly miss Molly, if we continue elevating it, we will struggle to thrive……. Give Understanding when Judgment arrives in your thoughts 😇 ….it’s our personal two party balancing system 😜

The two party politics system, be it disruptive to each parties side is working…… both slide in one direction every now and again, with good intentions, need pulling back. We’re in a pull it back faze, enjoy ! With humility.

Ps . I bet many ‘A ‘ students with 4 years of experience understood the ‘ leg up ‘ program of good intentions for the groups of people who had one leg down. Even though they were disappointed to not get, they chose to suppress judgment and apply some GIVE BACK ! understanding. They simply adapted and moved on with no animosity.

Thank God for both groups of thought because stability lies between push and pull.
Your last sentences almost an exact example of Rush Limbaugh's view of the two-party system that we currently have.
He said they argue back and forth and sometimes it takes months to make a decision but ultimately after all this back and forth the right decision is usually made.
He was referring to a question about what takes so long to get something done.
If you bat ideas back and forth long enough, it allows time for everyone to see every side of every situation and eventually both sides come to a consensus thats....
....sort of, good enough for everyone.
That can be scary when you have one party holding the presidency, the House, and the Senate.

That said, we need one party rule now more than at any other time in the United States history.
One party rule, long enough to investigate the criminal activities of the other side. We need to make examples so this will never happen again. We need to remove the talking heads, senior executives of the FBI and DOJ, redefine their missions and goals and stop mixing politics with the justice system and the legal system.
Once done, every two years there needs to be a serious review to be sure there's no bias in the system.

That's not how you thought I'd finish this off was it? 😂😂
"In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

"Let's talk about Asians," she says.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term "bonus" to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a "bonus" of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

"Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points."

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission."
A changed landscape on college admissions - LA Times
"In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

"Let's talk about Asians," she says.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term "bonus" to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a "bonus" of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

"Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points."

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission."
A changed landscape on college admissions - LA Times
So who actually graduates with DEGREES in engineering?...........you know, the ones that are still worth competing for because you will get a job with an engineering degree from pretty much any major American University.

When my son graduated from UCLA Engineering I think the actual graduating class was............it seemed like 75% Asian from every major country (guessing by name). What's important to recognize is that Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other Asian countries DO NOT send their kids to UC schools to get bogus degree in the Humanities. When you're not fully able to compete for real valuable degrees in actual real subjects that lead to careers the Universities will still give you a degree and Uncle Sam will back your student loans the the tune of 1.7 trillion dollars. Now were all that education VALUABLE those students would be paying back those loans and laughing all the way to the bank. Instead they're baristas at Starucks with $150K in debt. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Funny when they think it's institutional racism but it's really just a big racket to skim Government Cheese.
If so, the song needs one more line.
...sniffin' the hair of the captains daughter, sniffin' the hair of the captains daughter...........
It's hard for me to believe that bag of cocaine just showed up------as in it was accidently left behind by some depraved drug addict. It's got to be a plant.
They found some 65 year old guy run off the road, dead in Death Valley this week. Temperatures that day were 126 high temp. Overnight lows in the desert are 98 degrees. Why would human beings try to BE there at this time of year. That's very foolish. He had two flat tires and was about 30 yards off road. NO air conditioning and his windows were open.

So maybe there ought to be some sort of vehicle inspections up around this sort of National Park. It's possible that AC just blew out that same day. I have a friend who travels to Death Valley in August to bicycle and camp out???????????

Not me.
It's hard for me to believe that bag of cocaine just showed up------as in it was accidently left behind by some depraved drug addict. It's got to be a plant.
Was it a bag, or was it a tiny spot of white powder that was noticed.
How many people work or have had access the the place? It's fun to assume it was Hunter's, but....
Was it a bag, or was it a tiny spot of white powder that was noticed.
How many people work or have had access the the place? It's fun to assume it was Hunter's, but....
I think I heard it was a small baggie-------VERY small referred to by druggies as a "dime bag" which even I know means $10 worth. But with inflation who knows what that translates to and who know what concoction of meth/coke/fentanyl might be in the soup.

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