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What is his comment supposed to mean? He becomes a dictator?
No ! That was his empathetic attempt at letting apprehensive Believer voters, to just show up this one time and not be inconvenienced, or needing to be called upon again in 2028.

Imho, an important trait requirement for President is the ability to Communicate clearly and he struggles with that.
We had to stifle Political talk around the ladies, but yesterday on the beach with only the boys, we came to the consensus that Social issues like Abortion, Statue Removal, Marijuana etc. etc. need to be voted on by the people, not the courts.
What’s your thoughts ?
"The people". ....are the mass of voters behaving this way. They self approve.
The courts and legal system are the only form of decision makers here. That cannot change.
voting on statue removal is akin to voting to remove history.
All these idiots protesting Israel......
.....would we want them in control of allowing or demanding removal of the the furnaces and has chambers in Germany?
We learn from history, so it needs to be left where it is, not tipped over, not spray painted, not covered in acid.
No ! That was his empathetic attempt at letting apprehensive Believer voters, to just show up this one time and not be inconvenienced, or needing to be called upon again in 2028.

Imho, an important trait requirement for President is the ability to Communicate clearly and he struggles with that.
All Trump did was inject a one liner. "I'll be a dictator on day one"
(Or close the that). I recall him saying that, and being a dictator meant repealing some of Joe's reversals of Trump's policies on day one.
Stay in Mexico.
Build the wall.
Oil leases and drilling on public lands.
Biden did the same thing.
On day one, Biden's power allowed him to be a "dictator" for a day.

Why is nobody concerned about Joe's dictatorship on day one?
Most important interview around right how.
Tucker has transformed himself into the best interviewer out there. He's very fair, regardless of the person he's interviewing. Even if he's interviewing someone who doesn't show his same conservative point of view.... He's polite either them.
Anyway, of strongly encourage you guys to listen to this one.... As much as you can find time to.
Dr Carson, around the 12 min mark explains how nice Donald is.
Please listen to this interview. It's a great one. Carson explains his relationship with Trump.

Dr Carson, around the 12 min
The interview was over after the 1 minute mark 😜 ….. In one sentence he accused the Dems as treating Kamala as the second coming. Then the second sentence, he more less said Donald was the real second coming……. Tucker probably worked up the ranks of telemarketer to where he is now. The biggest baddest MFing Telemarketer. ……OK, Now that was me following his lead to attack people, not policies. To make this and all conflicts, primarily PERSONAL rather than respecting the founding fathers words……. Show me the lines in the constitution that tell our leaders to be disrespectful towards opponents.

They / Donald decided long ago, to use the Media in a game of opposites. If they call us X , then we call them X and Y, and have Tucker shove it back in their faces. If we are on steroids, then so are they, plus a thousand.

He has made this so personal for one reason only. He’s bored ! ! The Mara logo lifestyle has gotten old. Think about it, you are so wealthy and can do anything you want and have actually done everything you want, so now what the F do you do for stimulation ? 🤔 ….. If he gets in, he actually may do some good in the process, but it will not be because of a vision or plan for functional development. It will or perhaps could be , because he’s warding off BOREDOM ? What do you guys think of that perspective and what does that say about us 🫣 ….. Are we bored too, so much to willingly risk our own safety…😱
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At one point I thought Dr. Carson would have made a great Pres.
Ok ! I got through half of Ben and Tucker’s interview with out getting the dry heaves 🤮 😜 Sorry, I was so impatient earlier
….. Nice guy, good answers, especially the part about both sides using denigration tactics rather than policy to win votes. Not sure what the 14 million primary, tossed out votes is about ? But
IMHO HE’s Star Struck or see’s something
In Donald’s personality that he wishes he had, with a side of excessive Spirituality 🤷🏻‍♂️
When people know that there will be "intense resistance or reactions" plus fines + jail time, they will learn that they should have aired their grievances through the courts and legal system.
Rusty's quote of Orwell describes the destruction and the rewriting of our governing system. It's happening as Orwell describes.
It must be stopped even if we need another civil war. Our country was working fine until Democrats, far left Democrats, took over and threw a box of wrenches into the gears that make our country run. Ask yourself if life was more fun, less stressful in the 1960's when dad worked driving a truck, mom baked cookies and arranged birthday parties and Halloween costumes.... and not one boy asked for a fairy princess or a unicorn costume.

Wrenches need to be removed and to remake the original gears that have been destroyed.
Top tier*
Top tier*
It must be stopped even if we need another civil war. Our country was working fine until Democrats, far left Democrats, took over
I think we lost about 750,000 lives back then, and we still have unresolved issues. IMHO, death and destruction may provide a short term victory by manhandling the will of the strong, but eventually down the road, you’ll probably find yourself back where we started.

If our language only provides the desired direction that we must be at or go towards , without language of understanding who or where we are at any given time, it will become a failure……. Why ? ….. Because God and the founding fathers validated ‘ Freedom of Choice’ ….. So ask yourself, is my language MANHANDLING OR INVITING ?
I think we lost about 750,000 lives back then, and we still have unresolved issues. IMHO, death and destruction may provide a short term victory by manhandling the will of the strong, but eventually down the road, you’ll probably find yourself back where we started.

If our language only provides the desired direction that we must be at or go towards , without language of understanding who or where we are at any given time, it will become a failure……. Why ? ….. Because God and the founding fathers validated ‘ Freedom of Choice’ ….. So ask yourself, is my language MANHANDLING OR INVITING ?
Under your theory, we were wrong to get our freedom from the British.
At one point I thought Dr. Carson would have made a great Pres.
Same here. As he said, he was talked into it.
He wanted politics to go away and nobody else was going to do it. He just didn't have his heart in it. Besides, he's just to nice of a guy. I think he would have gotten walked all over like a doormat. A president needs a commanding presence, an inner power or strength above most others and be driven with goals and be able to assemble a group of leaders to help him achieve his objectives.
......uuuuh, ....... I know this guy, and he'd be absolutely perfect for the job. 😁
The interview was over after the 1 minute mark 😜 ….. In one sentence he accused the Dems as treating Kamala as the second coming. Then the second sentence, he more less said Donald was the real second coming……. Tucker probably worked up the ranks of telemarketer to where he is now. The biggest baddest MFing Telemarketer. ……OK, Now that was me following his lead to attack people, not policies. To make this and all conflicts, primarily PERSONAL rather than respecting the founding fathers words……. Show me the lines in the constitution that tell our leaders to be disrespectful towards opponents.

They / Donald decided long ago, to use the Media in a game of opposites. If they call us X , then we call them X and Y, and have Tucker shove it back in their faces. If we are on steroids, then so are they, plus a thousand.

He has made this so personal for one reason only. He’s bored ! ! The Mara logo lifestyle has gotten old. Think about it, you are so wealthy and can do anything you want and have actually done everything you want, so now what the F do you do for stimulation ? 🤔 ….. If he gets in, he actually may do some good in the process, but it will not be because of a vision or plan for functional development. It will or perhaps could be , because he’s warding off BOREDOM ? What do you guys think of that perspective and what does that say about us 🫣 ….. Are we bored too, so much to willingly risk our own safety…😱
You apparently don't listen to Tucker.
When he was on Fox, he was 180 from where he is now. He the fairest interviewer out there. He asks a question, then sits back and lets whoever explain themselves and their point of view. He doesn't get his panties in a wad, go on the offensive or attack anyone. He wants to understand what makes people tick.
He is a conservative. Actually, an independent I think. He's not mean, he doesn't embarrass his guests or talk down to them.
.......he just interviews people. Yes, even Putin.
You've got to watch his channel without bias.
If you can't shake that ...I can't help.

Same with Trump. The media has brainwashed their minions to believe he's a racist, neo Nazi lover and white supremacist.
Listening to Ben talk, throws that BS back into the dumpster from where it came. Trump nominated the first African American to become a Marine General..... and shis is one now.
Trump nominated the first African American man to be the first Air Force Chief of staff.
add what Ben said about Rod Stuart from that interview and there's no denying the the racist bs is totally made up. Ben said Trump knows the names of the people that work for him and about their families, the elevator operators, the "little people" that he employs.
Trump is not the monster you have been conditioned to believe. Of all people, you are the one I would expect to dig deeper and find out who he really is instead of believing he's such an evil person. He's not. He's a fantastic guy who loves this country and is proud of it. Trump wants the broker an end to the Russian Ukraine war. Biden wants to FUND the war. 🙄
Watch Trump's rallys. Watch the 10s of thousands that appear at them. Happy people. He is positive, passionate, brags about the people serving in our military, our police, our firefighters and first responders. He wants jobs to come back to the US. He wants people working, not unemployed. He wants a secure border and people to enter our country LEGALLY.
What does Biden stand for that could possibly trump, Trump?

Open borders?
We WILL have another 911 and it will be far worse. Potential terrorists have been ushered in, even flown in to the country, paid for by taxpayers. 🤧
This will become two things, both Bidens legacy and "I told you so"
"I told you so", meaning anyone believing that Biden's border policy is just peachy Keen and the right thing to do.
We're one of the few countries in the world without a border.
I have no worries tho. Trump is an easy win.
Kamala is farther left than Bernie. She ran on Medicaid for all..... The elimination of private insurers. The government can do better. 😱
It's Communism 101. Control of the people.
Trump will reverse the path and turn it back into normal.
...normal. Something most people over 45 still remember.
Watch Tuckers interviews and watch Trump's rallies. If you wear blinders and take the medias word about who these people are, the vote.....
...America will cease to exist.
My sister hated Rush Limbaugh. I asked why.
She said "he hates women" 🙄
.....she never listened to Rush EVER.
Her opinion was formed my listening to the media.
Rush was wonderful. Like Trump, he loved this country. He loved our values, the values that made our country what it is.....
....I mean was.
We're going down the dumper. People have been brainwashed to believe Trump is the devil. Never in my soon to be 67 years have I seen anything remotely as destructive as TDS.
Overlook his ego and look at his vision. He wants the world we all grew up in, to reappear. We're living in a circus. Fat men in makeup and dresses reading story time to children.
.....187 "genders", replace cops with counselors, open borders, electric car mandates even tho people aren't buying them. Carbon taxes that cost businesses money and do absolutely nothing other than reduce their profits. Ment in women's sports, yet no women dominating mens sports.... Why is that? We all saw the Olympics portrayal of "The Last Super" what in living F was that for?
Maybe I'm becoming religious..... I'm feeling more and more like the end is near. 😔
Maybe it's just a movie and I'll wake up.
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Under your theory, we were wrong to get our freedom from the British.
Highup and I were talking about the Civil War, but since you’re bringing up the Revolutionary war and including the words “ we were wrong “ I’ll say this and continue to say it : When we limit ourselves to ‘ Right and Wrong Thinking’ we limit the options towards peace, and increase the odds towards war.

Just look around the Globe today, and what do we see ? Division in almost every Continent, with infighting, is that where we are heading ? And if it appears to be so, then who’s responsible to mend it ?
IF ITS TO BE THEN ITS UP TO ME. Imho the sharing of ridiculous cartoon exaggerations, more than necessary for comedic effect, will only unravel the Latex Adhesive Mending…… Did that make sense ? …. Just because you are a Respectable War Veteran doesn’t mean War is the only way……. We now have, after an assassination attempt, both parties using the word FIGHT ! 😢 At some point, that Metaphor could turn into a Literal Action, and our Continent will join the others 😢 …… If the Leaders and the media are unwilling to help us, both YOU AND I RUSTY MUST AT LEAST GIVE IT A TRY. Are you willing to ease up on the cartoon exaggerations ? I believe our singular actions matter more than we think.

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