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etc. It was ok before the stupid power surges and outage.
My brother has Allstate homeowners and he had a power surge from a lightning strike that took out flat screens and stereo equipment. They covered most everything, maybe 🤔 call them and have their independent electric inspector come out and see if it’s covered. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hey ! I needed a break from Politics and Religion topic 🤪 So I’m at the local yocal
Bar for Bingo night, Chili, and Spiked ice tea 👍 …. just what I needed, have a good night people.
Hey ! I needed a break from Politics and Religion topic 🤪 So I’m at the local yocal
Bar for Bingo night, Chili, and Spiked ice tea 👍 …. just what I needed, have a good night people.

Good man! We all need a break from time to time. I think I’ll pour me some Disaronno and toast one to you. For the record I always toast to boobies. So, to boobies. Clink!

Cleaned out the mezzanine at work last week and I found a chunk of butcher block. You know me, I squared it up and wrapped it with some cherry😁 I think the field is hevea because it’s splotchy. Hevea is funny like that. Splotchy doesn’t matter with this board. Funny thing is as I was giving it its final sand I flipped it over to clean up the back side and I actually like that side better so that’s now the top side. Kinda wish I woulda used my black filler. Oh well. That’s the beauty of a thick board, you can always sand it down and try again.

It’s been awhile since I cooked and all my shit is still back home cus I didn’t think I would be here this long. So to cope until I get my stuff I picked up a Japanese (but made in China) Damascus steel chef knife and a steel rod to use with my new board. I’ll have to see how I like it. So far I’ve only used German knifes. Damn board takes up the whole counter. lol.

Yes, easy to fall down that political rabbit hole.
Cheers, friends.
I noticed my tv was going bonkers with our Directv. Called tech support, and they were here in 4 hours. I guess my satellite dish was out of alignment by 6 degrees, so much that I was pointing nowhere near the floating satellite. He dialed it in and all is fine. He also gave me pointers on what to do to save money with Directv.
We don't have homeowner's insurance. The insurance dropped us under false pretenses the only time they ever paid a claim (when a tree fell on our barn). They claimed the homeowner didn't live here, there was debris in the yard (from the tree falling on the barn) and there were holes in the siding of the house (which wasn't true at the time). Just made up BS. Right now it can't be insured with the shape its in.

Its still too hot out. AC was off again this morning so I did the breaker thing. Cleaned the hallway, cut weeds around the AC and sidewalk, took out 10+ bags of trash, cleaned litterboxes and hauled contents out, changed hvac filter in brother's room. Pre-loaded insulin cartridge for Mom's insulin pump-- it should need to be changed pretty soon.

Waiting for friend to get off work so we can go Pickup his shower door from HD.

Does anyone know if this subfloor would work for a shed with joists spaced 24" on center or would they need to be 16" on center to support it properly? Basically it would be a little workshop shed that is about 12'x24' total but about 13' would be a workspace and the rest would be some storage. Vinyl plank would be the flooring over it. Would it need luan or something as an underlayment?
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You can lay LVP right over OSB, but I would use a thicker subfloor so there is no flex. With 3/4" OSB on 16" centers, you will get flex, especially when mounted directly over dirt.
I think the kind I was looking at that is tongue and groove needs 16" on center but I was thinking some sort of underlayment on top of it might be good. It can be staggered so it doesn't have the same seams and it can add reinforcement. Not sure if friend really cares about floor flexing. The floor in his house flexes and it doesn't seem to bother him. But we'll see.

right now he has other worries. His ex's youngest- the 2 month old baby-- was found to have at least 11 broken bones and CPS rolled in and took the kids away. He now has the 4-yr-old, not sure where the 2yr old is, but the baby is in the hospital.

Posted an edit in the wrong thread. LOL.
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Never works. I always end up moving my hands/arms. LOL.

So, friend got his shower doors installed. I already did some cleaning this morning and bonked myself in the head with the dustpan handle. It docks on to part of the pan to stay open and it undocked when I was dumping the contents into the trash. Will have to take the full trash bag out in a bit. AC people still haven't called me back. I left another message.

I did the math and 23/32 is a little under 3/4" by less than 0.04" so its close enough. But I'm still thinking 1/8 underlayment (plywood) on top might be good. Hard to find the thicker stuff in my area.
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I think the kind I was looking at that is tongue and groove needs 16" on center but I was thinking some sort of underlayment on top of it might be good. It can be staggered so it doesn't have the same seams and it can add reinforcement. Not sure if friend really cares about floor flexing. The floor in his house flexes and it doesn't seem to bother him. But we'll see.

right now he has other worries. His ex's youngest- the 2 month old baby-- was found to have at least 11 broken bones and CPS rolled in and took the kids away. He now has the 4-yr-old, not sure where the 2yr old is, but the baby is in the hospital.

Posted an edit in the wrong thread. LOL.
If the floor flexes, the t&g WILL break..... Then your friend will care. If the floor flexes, 1/4" isn't thick enough. It adds almost no strength, it just gives a smoother surface. Think of it as floor wallpaper.
Two months old with 11 broken bones? That means one of two things. One of those is extremely rare and the other means life in prison.
I did the math and 23/32 is a little under 3/4" by less than 0.04" so its close enough. But I'm still thinking 1/8 underlayment (plywood) on top might be good. Hard to find the thicker stuff in my area.

The subfloor is only one composed of a floor system, which is comprised of joists and subfloor. Joists and subfloor work together to limit deflection. The joists themselves determine the deflection running in the direction of the joists, subfloor limits deflection between the joists. 3/4” is absolutely sufficient enough to limit deflection between the joists assuming they aren’t spaced too far apart. 3/4” T&G ply, or OSB, is just fine for 16” OC joists. 19 5/8” or 24” OC needs to be beefed up to 1” or thicker.

Now let’s look at your joists themselves. What are they made of? How thick, wide and long are they? Those three things will determine how much deflection your joists allow. If your joists are insufficient and allow deflection, simply adding more subfloor (I think a second layer is technically called underlayment) won’t completely solve the problem because you still have insufficient joists that allow deflection.

I know getting under a house and beefing up joists isn’t as easy as putting down a layer of 3/4” but it may be what’s necessary to eliminate deflection. If you can’t eliminate the deflection you are prolly better off putting down 1/4” and going with a glue down product or loose lay sheet goods.
I came, I saw I peed said the dog. I saw the tarpaper was damp after I trimmed the fill cuts.
I left yesterday at 6:00 came to finish today and where I laid out the closet area to lay flat overnight.....
...if it doesn't get cut out, the peed carpet is going in the closet 🤧


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How does Amazon do this?
I ordered it yesterday morning about 11:am and it arrived an hour ago.
...26 hours?
Nobody locally carries these.
I lost or misplaced my 20+ year old plastic Starret. I think I paid $29 back then. This aluminium one was $18
....I know I'll find my lost one within 24 hours. It's been missing for a year or more and I stopped looking.


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Headlight question.
Do newer cars automatically make headlights go on at light when the engine is running.
.....or do inconsiderate morons enjoy sitting in their pickups (usually pickups) at light leaving their headlights on, pointed at everyone parked in the parking lot?
I come to a stop, park my pickup and often look at the stores app before going in. Someone pulls up and doesn't shut off their lights, so I go inside. I come back out 15 minutes later and their lights are still on and someone's inside, probably looking at their phone. Sometimes I'll want to finish watching and listening to what I had turned on when I got to the store..... I don't, because their headlights are shining in my face. Happens almost every time I go there in the evening. I stopped at two stores tonight and it happened at both of them.
Are headlights on new vehicles always on at night if your engine is running?
.....or do the dash lights make it easier to look at your phone?
.....and why leave your lights on and engine running for 15 minutes while the wifey shops?
....it's like 65 degrees right now and the cooked parking lot is warmer.
I haven't parking lot ranted for a while, so it felt like the time. 😁
My car will keep the headlights on regardless if the engine is on or off. Supposedly, it is a reminder that the key fob in still in the car, and you have not locked the doors. Yes, you can manually turn off the lights, but I set it and forget it.
I thought Daytime Running Lights were only a lower set of lights so you can see the vehicle but aren't full headlights. I could be mistaken. But there is a button or knob in most of the newer cars that let you set the lights to "Auto" so that the headlights will turn on when a sensor determines that is is dark enough. My 2005 Ford Expedition would automatically turn the headlights on when the knob was turned to Auto.

My Ridgeline from 2013 needs to have the knob manually turned for headlights to turn on and the "auto" only affects the daytime running lights.

FINALLY got ahold of AC people. The coolant was low. Must be a leak somewhere. Not sure where to look but he said we can spot the fluid he put in with a black light. He walked inside but one of the cats decided to take a really stinky dump in the litterbox right then and didn't cover it. He gagged and ran out of the house. Refused to come back in. Bro has agreed to help me deep clean the house once it cools off more. And friend has also offered to help with that when he has some free time. (More on that later).

So, $400 later the ice on the coils has melted and it is starting to cool off inside. It's still not getting below 78 though. Might have to call them back if it gets hotter again. It cooled a little after I poured a bunch of bleach down the condensate line. Got the ice on the coils to melt enough that water was pouring out while AC guys were here. Princess tried to drink it but I made her go back inside.

Went to the hardware store and got a 3/4" pvc cap for the condensate line cleanout (it had a water bottle cap that wasn't staying on right). Grabbed pulled pork sammiches for Mom from walmart and got some boric acid tablets and powder. Tossed a bunch of the tablets around the house in various places to see if it will help get rid of the roaches. They are terrible in the living room and kitchen and are starting to spread to other rooms. Will put powder in some crevices and have ordered liquid as well. Will also use diatomaceous earth in some of the crevices/cracks and doorjambs and stuff.

Friend wanted me to get Gentrol but it can't be shipped here. My guess is state legislators banned it bc they were afraid it would harm them. :p I'm surprised they haven't banned all pesticides. :p

Currently resting with Boo on my lap. He decided not to present his butthole to my face this time.

Edit: Forgot about the thing with my friend and his free time. CPS arranged a court date today with his ex and gave him full custody of the 4-yr-old. He read the court documents and there were no statements from his ex's current boyfriend (who is the SAHD who was watching the baby when the injuries occurred). The bf's family apparently lied in their statements to the court, trying to throw the ex under the bus. Friend said he can prove they were lying and wants to show his evidence to the CPS worker (he wasn't allowed to do so in court). They drug-tested his ex, but not the bf who was watching the kid. On one hand, they are much more likely to award custody to the mothers even when the mothers are unfit BUT if anything happens to the child they are much more likely to blame the mothers and go after them-- even when the father was present for an incident and could have been responsible too. Example: A toddler in our town somehow got out of the home and drowned in a ditch. Both parents were home and sleeping when the kid got out. The mother was the only one arrested even though the father was equally responsible.
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Been slow at work so I have time to mess around a little. Made a plywood edge grain block cus I thought it would look cool. Not bad. Then I found a wooden TV frame and put a piece of the translucent solid surface countertop in it. I’ll back light it to finish it off. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


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