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Where’s Mark Brown when you need him! lol. You ever seen a shop stereo that looks like this??? It’s a project for sure. Get bored, you can skin the stereo with some oak or trim it out with walnut. What’s that, you’re more bored than that??? I got ya covered. This is today’s starting point. After today I do believe I can say that I officially have the coolest job ever!


This beast has got a couple amps behind the stereo and it bumps for sure but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved upon😁 Today I built a new ported subwoofer box with baffles n shit. I wonder if I should have made the ports down firing because there’s one hell of a sweet spot directly in front of the speaker ports. Next time. After trimmings it out I still had time to build the next box up. This box will hold 4 6x9’s. I’ll cut the holes out and mount the 6x9’s tomorrow. After that I’ll build another box that will hold the head unit, an EQ, some tweeters and a couple 6 1/2” speakers. This MFR is a damn console stereo from the ‘60’s but better. It’s got wheels under it but it’ll sure as hell take a few people to lift if it comes to that.

Stay tuned for what tomorrow will bring.

Where’s Mark Brown when you need him! lol. You ever seen a shop stereo that looks like this??? It’s a project for sure. Get bored, you can skin the stereo with some oak or trim it out with walnut. What’s that, you’re more bored than that??? I got ya covered. This is today’s starting point. After today I do believe I can say that I officially have the coolest job ever!

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This beast has got a couple amps behind the stereo and it bumps for sure but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved upon😁 Today I built a new ported subwoofer box with baffles n shit. I wonder if I should have made the ports down firing because there’s one hell of a sweet spot directly in front of the speaker ports. Next time. After trimmings it out I still had time to build the next box up. This box will hold 4 6x9’s. I’ll cut the holes out and mount the 6x9’s tomorrow. After that I’ll build another box that will hold the head unit, an EQ, some tweeters and a couple 6 1/2” speakers. This MFR is a damn console stereo from the ‘60’s but better. It’s got wheels under it but it’ll sure as hell take a few people to lift if it comes to that.

Stay tuned for what tomorrow will bring.

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Carry on our wayward son.
Great test-n-tune for the sub and equalizer.


Awesome project. I've built a few parts over the years. My last had a super tweeter, a tweeter, two identical midrange and a 12" base. I added a capacitor to one of the midrange speakers so it cut out a tad.
All were Radio Shack speakers...... from "back in the day" and RS was on its later prime of life.
Heavy speakers made with 3/4 oak plywood and 3/4 particle board. I think I doubled the back with 2 layers of 3/4 particle board to make it more rigid. That's the key. Ideally a non vibrating enclosure of 4 inch concrete would be ideal......
....but I couldn't find 4" oak faced concrete. Everyone in town was fresh out of it. Speaker building was a lot more popular 40 years ago. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
A speaker design book I bought recommended getting the speaker cabinet off the floor a few inches..... 2 to 4 inches.
Instead, I gave the front face a backwards 4 degrees tilt. I figured I could add some 4 inch tall runners later..... Never did.
I used 4" OD PVC for the ports and the PVC was 10 1/2" deep into the cabinet.. I probably over did the diameter, 3" would probably have been plenty.
The cabinets were 18" wide, 13" deep (guessing 15 deep at the bottom), and 3' tall. Quite a project using grandpas 6' straightedge and a nice blade in a Skillsaw. I woulda been 20 at the time. The woofers have foam rott and the do make surround kits to fix them......
Haven't gotten a round-tuet as of this date 🫣
I should. They sound awesome
I had to use up an Amazon credit for a returned item.
I don't own a tiny square, so I bought one. This lil thing would have been perfect to have when laying out and making a new guide bearing holder for the bandsaw. Anyway, I didn't want to buy a set of 7 different sizes, so I went cheap and bout the 2 1/2" square. Just $10.
The packaging however, caught me a bit off guard since most stuff comes USPS delivered to my mailbox. This was delivered on the back porch.
How the hell can Bezos afford his new 80 million dollar Gulfstream 700 with waste like this? 🤣


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Carry on our wayward son.
Great test-n-tune for the sub and equalizer.


Awesome project. I've built a few parts over the years. My last had a super tweeter, a tweeter, two identical midrange and a 12" base. I added a capacitor to one of the midrange speakers so it cut out a tad.
All were Radio Shack speakers...... from "back in the day" and RS was on its later prime of life.
Heavy speakers made with 3/4 oak plywood and 3/4 particle board. I think I doubled the back with 2 layers of 3/4 particle board to make it more rigid. That's the key. Ideally a non vibrating enclosure of 4 inch concrete would be ideal......
....but I couldn't find 4" oak faced concrete. Everyone in town was fresh out of it. Speaker building was a lot more popular 40 years ago. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
A speaker design book I bought recommended getting the speaker cabinet off the floor a few inches..... 2 to 4 inches.
Instead, I gave the front face a backwards 4 degrees tilt. I figured I could add some 4 inch tall runners later..... Never did.
I used 4" OD PVC for the ports and the PVC was 10 1/2" deep into the cabinet.. I probably over did the diameter, 3" would probably have been plenty.
The cabinets were 18" wide, 13" deep (guessing 15 deep at the bottom), and 3' tall. Quite a project using grandpas 6' straightedge and a nice blade in a Skillsaw. I woulda been 20 at the time. The woofers have foam rott and the do make surround kits to fix them......
Haven't gotten a round-tuet as of this date 🫣
I should. They sound awesome

Building, or should I say rebuilding, the stereo cabinet has been fun. With all the latest computer such n such you can really build and dial a speaker box into what you want it to be for you. I must be getting older because the last speaker project I thought of building recently has been one of them small Bluetooth speaker projects. I don’t even have a home stereo anymore, but with a shop stereo like that one who needs one.
I wish I knew how to fix up speakers and stuff. It seems neat. I'm tempted to take the magnets out of the Sony TV's built-in speakers on that 240lb monstrosity projection tv we'll be tossing out. Nobody has the space for those things anymore and newer tvs have much better picture.

Fiend's ex's bf got picked up by the police. Only reason he wasn't arrested the same time as the ex was bc he was hiding. Same charges on him. Now we see which one of them flips on the other first.

Our friend Vorn, who used to own a Thai restaurant that we frequented called last night to tell us that she moved to Fort Worth TX to be close to her son and grandkids. Her husband shut the restaurant down after she had a brain tumor and stroke. She forgot to give us contact info though and my phone doesn't log answered calls. I'm hoping I can find her contact info at some point. Really miss her. She's such a sweetheart. Always did a special order for me when I went in bc what I ordered was no longer on the menu. Chicken with black mushrooms, no onions, no peppers.

The guy in the neighborhood who bought our tractor years ago (Mike-- will refer to him as MB), came out this morning (he called yesterday to give me a heads up) to bush hog and clean up the front yard a bit. I think it's about 10 acres but am not certain. Might be less. The back east part of the property is 13 acres. Total is a little under 32 acres. I went out to clean up a bit too. He knows I have health issues so he was telling me to let him do the work, but doing it politely. He helped me move some heavy stuff to the burn pile and I freed up my gorilla cart. Dragged it along to load it up with sticks, branches, and trash (wind and critters got trash spread all over). Maybe someone else can be better at guessing the acres.

This is my yard from google maps

This is an outline showing the approximate property line

The part circled in red is about where he mowed

Closer view of the area that was mowed

Red marker is the car port, faded blue roof is the house, behind are two sheds for storage and pump house. Upper right - building to farthest right is the workshop and building at the top is the decrepit barn.

I need to find out if the logging companies are interested in harvesting some of my trees to get it cleared.

MB loves dogs so he stopped to pet Princess. She trotted right up to him like he was an old friend. Fippy went out to investigate and I couldn't find him for awhile and was worried. Turns out he came back inside and was let into Mom's room and was under the covers on her bed next to her.
But why jumper cables for the sub?
......said the 67 year old. 😁

Jumper cables from the DC power supplies to the amps themselves. Each amp has its own power supply. My buddy is all into stereos n such and I believe this stereo is a collection of all his leftover pieces n parts being put to use. Nothin wrong with that.

That's quite a pair of midgets.
Guessing singing, not wrestling in pudding?

This was a show at a bar so they can only get so crazy. Don’t worry, you can book private parties with them so Jello wrestling is still a possibility. Might be a new holiday tradition!
Went to Walmart for groceries. Popped by friend's house with my brother to pick up the CRV. Played with kittens over there and visited him for a bit.

Saw that friend's ex made it to the American Press news but they had the wrong mugshot for her boyfriend. The one they used for him was several years old from when he was arrested for theft when he was 18 or 19 or something. He looks much different now. Bond was set at $50k for each of them. They aren't going to get bailed out before trial. Don't know about the boyfriend, but the girl might not live to trial with the way she pisses people off. She's particularly hostile with other women. She gets very annoying and says the wrong thing-- usually somewhat insulting-- and also misconstrues things and thinks people are being hostile when they aren't-- but part of that is the paranoid schizophrenia she has.
Picked up some more Waterlox this weekend. $50 for a quart! More like $55 after tax. The 16” round just got hit with a 4th coat. The 24” round just took a second. I put a healthy 1st coat on it this morning and it just sucked it up so I hit it again because it was that thirsty. I gave it maybe 6 hours and coated it again. I’ll do it again tomorrow.

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Those look so cool, CJ!

Went to the doctor today for a checkup. Lost weight and my bp was good but sugar was too high-- 308. Need to bring that down. Doubling up on meds and stuff. Took the runt of the litter from friend's kittens to the vet to make sure he was OK. I could feel his spine and he was lethargic. No teeth on him yet. His siblings have their teeth in already. I held him on my palm while I petted him with my thumb while driving. He curled up and purred and fell asleep. Sweet little thing. He's a fluffy orange kitten. Named him Kelebrimbor and enjoyed watching the clerk's face trying to figure out how to spell it. It's Celebrimbor in the Lord of the Rings series but I figured a K would make it a little easier to pronounce. They struggle so much with saying Yasuke's name. The vet likes when I give weird names to pets.

Got a chuck roast and bro cooked it in pressure cooker with Japanese spices. Turned out great and Fippy sat on my foot while I ate so he could remind me that he wanted me to share. He's next to me now and started growling for no apparent reason.

Tomorrow will be busy filling buckets with water and prepping for a possible hurricane. It might go east of us but we're not sure how much of the storm we'll get and if it veers west we'll probably get hit hard.

On this night, September 10, 2001
246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their next shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift of saving lives and 1 K9 went to bed a good boy

None of them saw past 10:00 am the next morning Sept 11, 2001. In the blink of an eye, their lives were cut short.
Tonight, as you prepare for bed in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.
Fippy is in Mom's room right now. He was being a douchewaffle to Rupert-- kept attacking him and the poor cat is sick. Yesterday i filled five 5 gallon buckets with water, got batteries, emergency kits, and all sorts of stuff to be ready for power outage.

I fed Rupert canned food last night but afterward he started losing his balance and having trouble walking. He was getting confused and walking in circles. He also started crying out and he's usually quiet. He got worse through the night and I couldn't sleep. I stayed up with him and took him to the vet first thing this morning. Poor baby has an ear infection and vertigo. He had it before as a kitten. He can't even stand up and he meowed more in the truck than he usually meows in an entire year. His head probably hurts. Vet said it will take time for him to heal and I'll have to be patient and give him meds. I spent 6 months cleaning wounds and nursing a cat back to health before. I'll take good care of him.
I showed the vet my battle scars from giving the cats meds. They clawed the fuck out of me when I gave them worming medicine. My brother has agreed to help me give them their last doses.

I've been keeping an eye on Francine at https://zoom.earth/maps/wind-gusts/#view=30.19,-88.7855,7z/model=icon

They thought it was going to be cat2 but its stayed at cat1. I'm hoping it reduces to tropical storm sooner than they predict. It's gone farther east. That site predicts I'll get gusts up to 23mph with sustained winds of 13mph. I have friends in the direct path in Kenner and New Orleans though.

My friend said he's going to bring Kelebrimbor and the other kitties inside tonight just in case the storm is worse than expected.

Gonna try to get a nap since I didn't sleep at all.
Brother helped me give the last dose to the kitties and they were not happy, but its done now. I had to try twice on Bethesda since she fought so hard and managed to get away. They've all forgiven me now. I emptied the dry cat food bag and will need to get the next one out of the truck.

Storm veered way east of us and missed us entirely. Friends over in Kenner reported they didn't lose power and were Ok so I'm relieved.

Poor Rupert is still feeling awful. He can't stand up or walk. I gave him puree and pedialyte (separately) via syringe last night. I'd been giving him water via syringe in the mouth before that. I need to get him a bib bc some of it drips out. Wish i could get him interested in food, but the puree stuff did smell pretty bad. None of the cats would touch it. May have been a bad batch bc they liked it in the past.

Bro cooked steak for Mom and I cut it up for her. She's capable of cutting it herself but she doesn't like to do it and will whine like a toddler if I don't cut her food up for her sometimes. Then he made chuck roast in the pressure cooker.

Gonna have to give Rupert his oral meds soon and hoping he'll be able to swallow it. I'll follow it up with some pedialyte to wash it down and then see if I can get him to eat.

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