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Brother helped me give the last dose to the kitties and they were not happy, but its done now. I had to try twice on Bethesda since she fought so hard and managed to get away. They've all forgiven me now. I emptied the dry cat food bag and will need to get the next one out of the truck.

Storm veered way east of us and missed us entirely. Friends over in Kenner reported they didn't lose power and were Ok so I'm relieved.

Poor Rupert is still feeling awful. He can't stand up or walk. I gave him puree and pedialyte (separately) via syringe last night. I'd been giving him water via syringe in the mouth before that. I need to get him a bib bc some of it drips out. Wish i could get him interested in food, but the puree stuff did smell pretty bad. None of the cats would touch it. May have been a bad batch bc they liked it in the past.

Bro cooked steak for Mom and I cut it up for her. She's capable of cutting it herself but she doesn't like to do it and will whine like a toddler if I don't cut her food up for her sometimes. Then he made chuck roast in the pressure cooker.

Gonna have to give Rupert his oral meds soon and hoping he'll be able to swallow it. I'll follow it up with some pedialyte to wash it down and then see if I can get him to eat.

I don’t know how you do it, Z, but you make me proud. I’m dealing with the old man. He’s not all there due to dementia. All I can say is dealing with this shit is bullshit and my hat is off to all of you that do it day in and day out. Don’t care if it’s your mother, brother, daughter or friend, my hat is off to you because this shit is hard and you gotta have grit to persevere through to the end.

For those of you that are in a similar position in life I salute you.
Thanks CJ. I know it could be worse and I get frustrated sometimes but its worth it. I wouldn't wish caring for a dementia patient on anyone. That is really rough. They can be difficult to manage.

Rupert went from not even being able to lift his head to standing up and climbing on my lap and climbing off my bed and weakly meandering around the hallway and kitchen. He purred when I said his name and curls his paws around my fingers. He's still a bit on the weak side and uncoordinated. He got tired fast. He won't eat on his own, but he seems to like the puree when I push it into his mouth with the syringe. He's not as fond of the pedialyte. I also gave him some water.

He's such a sweet kitty.

Meanwhile, my friend wants to buy a house. I'm wary because he said it was evaluated at $280k but that the seller said he'd take $100k. It's inherited and seller is a real estate agent and wants to split the profits with family. It's much bigger than where he lives now, has central AC, a detached garage, 3 apartments in the backyard, and all sorts of neat stuff. His wife loves it. I'm just worried there is something wrong that wasn't revealed to him and he's determined to get it even though the mortgage payments are going to be high.
There is a local scam around me where someone sits in an abandoned house, offers it for sale, takes the money, and escrow then discovers the house doesn't belong to the individual, after they have received the cash, or a considerable down payment.
My son & I got to hang out with world champion Ray “ Merciless” Mercer the last couple days. Hell of a fighter in his day. What a great guy!!
How is Rusty feeling? I hope he's doing better.

Been so wrapped up taking care of Rupert I've lost track of things. He eats on his own but has trouble. He accidentally pushes the food out of the bowl because he aggressively smashes his face into the bowl trying to eat ravenously. He's currently climbing into the windowsill and slightly wagging his tail. I think he wants to go out but he's not going out in his condition. He can get sunlight through the window.

Fippy likes the pet bed I got for Rupert. Rupert didn't like it and wouldn't stay in it.

Rupert prefers to sleep on me instead

When we first moved to the area my parents almost closed on a house before they found out the person selling it didn't own it. I think that happened to them twice. Once the son of an elderly woman was trying to sell her house out from under her without permission and the one here involved a divorce and the ex-husband was trying to sell the house that went to his wife in the divorce. Fortunately my parents hadn't paid anything. But that would really suck to pay and get scammed like that.

My best friend's wife got screwed on a house purchase a few years ago. The house was condemned and the seller didn't tell her. She bought it and went to get permits for some renovations and was told that it couldn't be renovated and that it would have to be torn down at her expense. Seller left the state and she can't find him to try to recoup any $. It was her first time buying a house. Not sure how the bank allowed the loan-- sort of wonder if someone at the bank was in on the scam. Or just incompetent. She sold it for way less than she paid for it (making sure the buyer knew it was condemned).

I'm trying to encourage her to offer less than asking on the house they want to buy since its been vacant since 2011 and from google maps street view has been for sale for at least 3 years now. Granted it has the worst real estate agent who is lazy AF and doesn't even try to sell stuff most of the time. Tomorrow is the wife's birthday so I'll be dropping by with some cake or something.

Went into town today to get beef stew at a local place. There is apparently only one person at the place who knows how to make it and she doesn't work on weekends and you have to go at the right time to get it before it sells out on week days. Fippy and Princess got some of the beef and were happy about it.
Rupert ate an entire packet of Friskies Lil Shakes-- basically chicken puree. He's been restless and walking around in circles and fussing so I took him for a walk outside. He followed me off the bed through the kitchen, through the front room, out the front door, down the sidewalk and on to the grass. He walked in circles for a bit and kept coming back to me. Then he followed me back into the house. I discovered that he was still hungry when I was eating. So I got some rotisserie chicken and chewed it up for him (since he has no teeth and can't chew on his own). He purred while devouring it until he was full. He's still a little restless but he's calmer and probably getting tired. Earlier he fell asleep when I was listening to some music so I'll play it again and see if he sleeps again.

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