Photography 2

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I've never understood how stacking works. I've only seen it mentioned in astrophotography where they might stack hundreds. I think to get darker backgrounds and more clear stars.
You first do “bracketing”. That’s a fancy way of saying you take multiple shots and with each shot you adjust an attribute such as your focus point very slightly. You then merge or “stack” the images to get the focus parts of each photo to show up in a single photo. A lot of the newer cameras can do this automatically in the camera using menu settings but you can also do it manually yourself. You can also do it and change something like your white balance for each shot.

The ultimate result if you do it correctly is a higher dynamic range (broader color spectrum) and greater depth of field than a single shot can do by itself.
This one is for @C.J. ... 🤣 🤣 🤭 Tell Mr. Pink not be jealous! I bet you this one is as old as I am.
Pencil Sharpener.jpg
This is my gr gr grandfather sitting next to his wife my gr gr grandmother, his brother is the older fellow not sure who the young man is .
He is missing a leg due to a mini ball in the war between the states and built a church after. Still standing my wife and I were married there


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This is my gr gr grandfather sitting next to his wife my gr gr grandmother, his brother is the older fellow not sure who the young man is .
He is missing a leg due to a mini ball in the war between the states and built a church after. Still standing my wife and I were married there

I love old photos. After my mom passed we had numerous boxes of things to go through and decide what to keep and what to get rid of. There were numerous old black n white photos of family members on both sides. Some I knew and a lot more that I didn’t know or recognize. I’m going to have to go through them again, maybe do a little ancestry comparison.

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