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Tags are up this month on my van and today is the last day to register to vote. Sounds like I’ve got some shit to do. I left work at lunch today so I could take care of business. I went to one of the privately owned ‘expedited’ DMV places here in AZ to take care of business. They charge you a $50 fee but you’re in n out in minutes. Minutes! Took me maybe 15 minutes tops to switch all my shit over and they were helping me within 30 seconds of walking through the door, without an appointment. That right there justifies the $50 fee if you ask me. I hear if you make an appointment with the actual DMV that it’s not so bad but who does that? Clearly not me. After COVID you had to make an appointment for the DMV in NC and damn if you still weren’t over a month or two out before you actually got in to see anyone.

Anybody out there air dry your clothes anymore? Electricity is expensive here and it’s hot n dry. There are a couple old clothes line posts in the back yard so I strung up some new lines last night. Gonna put them to use.

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Living in Oregon, we never use the words "strung up" ....people aren't very tolerant of hate speech here. Yeah, I still place clothes aloft.
String, strang , strung.

I was fortunate enough to see Gallagher live back when he was doing his sledgeomatic gig. I remember people showing up in rain coats and there were entire sections up front that had big sheets of clear plastic that they would cover up with but could still see the show. I’ve seen Bill Cosby live a couple times. He’s a perv but he’s also funny. I enjoyed the funny side of the man. Never was fortunate enough to see George Carlin live. Come to think of it it’s been some time since I’ve been to a comedy club. Might have to check out the local scene.
Oh man, I loved Gallagher and George Carlin! Bill Cosby was really funny too but it's a shame about his personal life and nasty proclivities. Weird thing is we had some friends who all had kids within months of each of us. They were my brother's godparents. Found out that my brother (the youngest in our family) and their daughter (also the youngest) would both sleepwalk. They told us how the girl got up in the middle of the night, walked into the kitchen, opened the microwave, shouted "I HATE BILL COSBY" and spat into the microwave. No idea why, but they did live in California. Never found out if she ever met them. She lives in New Orleans now but we haven't seen her in years.

I've never been to a comedy club or a concert. But I don't like loud music or being around people. No phobias or anxiety over it-- I just don't enjoy it.

Got to witness some instant karma on my way back from the store today. I was driving down the main road and some clown on a side road blew through a stop and made a left turn right in front of me. I and another driver going the opposite way had right of way so he cut off both of us. I actually had to hit the brakes and come to a complete stop to avoid hitting the clown. As I passed the other vehicle that got cut off I realized it said Sheriff Department. Cop decided to abort his left turn and go straight after the clown lights blazing. I had a good laugh over that. I'd laid on my horn and flipped the dude off while he was in front of me (the truck driver, not the cop). Cop was probably happy to get to ticket someone.

Did I mention that when I was at my friend's house his Mom barged into the house without knocking and went into his laundry room, took his wet clothes out of the washing machine, threw them on the dirty floor (she'd just tracked dirt in with her) and put her stuff in the wash? She didn't put his stuff in the dryer. No, just tossed it on the floor like she owned the machine. He gave her a washing machine but apparently she doesn't want to use it. He has some of the most entitled assholes in his family. That's one of the reasons he and his wife want to get out of there. She won't be able to pull the "its my house" crap even though she essentially stole the house from him and it would belong to the city now if we hadn't paid the back taxes off on it. Pretty sure she's the one who stole $ he had in an envelope to repay my Mom for something.

He said he's close to being able to close on the house in the middle of town. It's close enough to the police station and the high school that if his grandfather finds out where he lives and rolls up and starts laying on the horn like he does now, the cops and the school people will hear it-- as well as everyone at the post office, City Hall, and the the public library. Very likely the cops would pop over to see WTF is major malfunction is and tell him to stop. Dude doesn't care if its 3pm, 3am, or whatever. He'll roll up any time of day or night and lay on his horn like the entitled jackass he is. Found out he owes my friend over $30k but he'll never repay him for it. Old man makes 3x what my friend makes and refuses to pay him back. Had him pay for his grandmother's funeral and promised to pay him back with the life insurance. He got the life insurance and blew it on hookers instead of paying my friend.

If he ever gets to the point that home health is not sufficient he's screwed because nobody will take that jerk in and they already hate him at the nursing home from the brief stint there. One of the Walmart employees told me he will roll up in their parking lot and lay on the horn until an employee goes out to see what he wants and he'll either try to send them to shop for him or have them bring him a riding cart. He also apparently harasses and stalks young female employees. Dude is a creep.

Meanwhile, Senator Snugglebum is a sweet kitty. He's one of the few who figured out how to use the pet door fully. I found the flap missing last night. It was on the ground outside. Had to put it back on. Not sure how they knocked it off. Red spots near my ankle are from fire ant bites
String, strang , strung.

I was fortunate enough to see Gallagher live back when he was doing his sledgeomatic gig. I remember people showing up in rain coats and there were entire sections up front that had big sheets of clear plastic that they would cover up with but could still see the show. I’ve seen Bill Cosby live a couple times. He’s a perv but he’s also funny. I enjoyed the funny side of the man. Never was fortunate enough to see George Carlin live. Come to think of it it’s been some time since I’ve been to a comedy club. Might have to check out the local scene.
He came to the local casino a couple decades ago. I didn't go.... Too many people and besides, watermelon juice can't come out of a TV screen.
My wife left me, my dog and truck died tonight.
..........ok, my truck died and I had it towed home. Yay, insurance this time 👍
Boo, is WTF is it this time?
I've fixed the same issue at least 1/2 a dozen times over the past two years, each time replacing electrical parts or fixing suspected electrical issues.
Sometimes the "fix" lasted a day. Sometimes replacing a totally different part lasted 3 months.
The last "fix", replacing the distributor's pickup coil stopped my issue for a year.
.. .....today, same issue. tachometer starts whipping to and fro like one of those 30 foot tall inflated , cartoonish humanoid thingies placed outside a new business.
It's obvious the same bad behavior isn't caused by all these unrelated things.....
I mean, this is like your tire keeps going flat, so you install new windshield wipers and you stop having a flat tire.
6 months later, the tire starts going flat again and you install a new starter. This time the tire stops going flat for the better part of the year.

Grounding issue?
Wire issue?
.....I'm aiming at the spark control module now.
Will $120 fix it for another day, a week, a month, a year, or forever?
Scares me to even guess.🫣
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LOL. There's a guy on Twitter named Tom Nichols who gets absolutely enraged about people taking their shoes off on planes and even more enraged about people putting their feet on the wall. He has long rants about it.

highup, I hope you find a solution that works. Wonder if my friend would know how to fix it. He's good at fixing vehicles and stuff.

He's going to take a look at our microwave which died yesterday. Noticed the lights weren't on and it was basically off. I moved the plug to different outlets and tested to make sure the outlets work. Nothing. Ugh. Roaches probably voided the warranty if they managed to get in. I'll have to find a way to seal it up better and keep the stupid roaches out. Really need to get my brother to help me clean up so we can get rid of roach nesting areas. I've tried diatomaceous earth, boric acid tablets, boric acid powder, roach spray, traps, etc... They don't want to go away and now the buggers are in the truck. I'm going to have to put some roach tablets in the truck too.
My wife left me, my dog and truck died tonight.
..........ok, my truck died and I had it towed home. Yay, insurance this time 👍
Boo, is WTF is it this time?
I've fixed the same issue at least 1/2 a dozen times over the past two years, each time replacing electrical parts or fixing suspected electrical issues.
Sometimes the "fix" lasted a day. Sometimes replacing a totally different part lasted 3 months.
The last "fix", replacing the distributor's pickup coil stopped my issue for a year.
.. .....today, same issue. tachometer starts whipping to and fro like one of those 30 foot tall inflated , cartoonish humanoid thingies placed outside a new business.
It's obvious the same bad behavior isn't caused by all these unrelated things.....
I mean, this is like your tire keeps going flat, so you install new windshield wipers and you stop having a flat tire.
6 months later, the tire starts going flat again and you install a new starter. This time the tire stops going flat for the better part of the year.

Grounding issue?
Wire issue?
.....I'm aiming at the spark control module now.
Will $120 fix it for another day, a week, a month, a year, or forever?
Scares me to even guess.🫣
I went for replacing the knock sensor today.
It didn't start up this morning, so that was a good omen.
I removed the old, brittle, crunchy plugin for the knock sensor. Looked on bad shape.
The plastic center core of the knock sensor was something I could wiggle with two fingers, so I bit the bullet an replaced the sensor and the pigtail connector......
$77 later, I had it installed. The truck started up and was back running again. Yay, I cleaned up all my tools and took it for a test drive. It stumbled and died 100' from the house. 🙄
I unplugged the computer wire that controls the distributors advance and drove it back home.
.....even with that wire disconnected, it stuttered and stumbled. 🤔
That means it isn't a computer issue. Bits also not a fuel issue.
I'm going to unwrap some wires tomorrow and look for internally broken ones. I have a location planned to scout out. Frustrating, but I can rule out the knock sensor and probably the computer. Got nowhere but gained something...... I think 🫣
One of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It's 8 minutes long. Starship is the largest most powerful rocket ever built. You pretty much need to watch the entire video to appreciate this first ever rocket booster landing on chopsticks, a new landing method.
For reference, I added an image. Compare the height of the Saturn V rocket to the starship booster section that just landed.
Simone Biles couldn't stick a landing this well.


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Messin around with one of them fancy kitchen sprayer faucets. I’ve installed many of them before but today I learned that the weight that returns the sprayer head to its retracted position is called a gravity ball. I’ve always just called it a weight.

I have one of those gravity balls on my kitchen sink. It pulls the plug from my disposal weekly. Way annoying, but what happens when you install a R/O system under the sink. What's that saying..."10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag?"
Truck fixed.
Permanent fix after chasing my tail doing non related fixes for two years.
A huge weight.....

....no, a 500 lb gravity ball was lifted off my shoulders tonight.
This was the problem with my truck not starting last Friday night.
For two years I've had this randomly occuring problem. Erratic tachometer and extreme ignition miss.
Each time I think it's fixed, it reappears. Not one of my "fixes" was directly related to the actual cause.
This is my ECU connection. 🤬
I removed the ECU from my dash to install my heater core, but I never disconnected it. I just leaned it I against the passenger side vent while I spent the week working on the heater core and dashboard stuff.
Look at the dust. The existence of dust where that clip is, shows it was never fully snapped into position.
I've had the truck for over 10 years, so it's ALWAYS been this way, just getting worse and causing issues during the past two years .
My truck has always run weird, shifted weird, idled randomly high and low........
....I've never known what it's supposed to behave like, so I just assumed crappy was normal for these old S10 pickups.
It drops consistently to the same idle now. (Never did before)

The engine temperature is lower.
The automatic shifts, not up and down are cleaner,
There's nothing that isn't better.

This has been a nightmare, two years now and always wondering if the truck will start.
Up until last Friday, my odds were good. Well over 99 percent...........
.....but always on my mind was, what if"
Not no more. It is permanently FIXED.
Now...... I could be pissed, but boy did I learn more about my trucks wiring. I found some things that were going to stop me in my tracks, relatively soon meaning WINTER TIME. Not a time to be working on the truck.....in the rain ....along a dark road.
It's been an expensive few weeks.


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It is permanently FIXED.
NICE 👍 Fantastic 🤩 …. You would throw a party if it wasn’t so darn expensive 😉….. My back up vehicle ( 93 Suburban) has similar problems 🤔
Delivered two Br’s with her the other day for exercise and she ran and smelled nice
😜 Not ! 🤮 ….. I get a little embarrassed 🙈 idling at a traffic light. Exhaust system is 3 years old but the old girls gut is 31 😜
Gravity ball, $11.69
I thought they came in pairs $ 23.38 😜
My heart rate is 125. ER sent me home. Nothing they can do.

I would take my old man to his Dr. appointments and the nurses would always freak out at his heart rate and BP. I would have to remind them that he’s old and just walked halfway across the damn hospital grounds to get here. Then he would get pissed off sitting in the waiting room having to wear a mask the whole time. Might be time to bring back house calls again.

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