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....... but but yeah, the heat arrived today. It's finally plumbed in... hooked up, ....connected, and the river of green Prestone is flowing

On top of that, I got all three fan speeds working now.
....I endured a winter ...or was it two, without this basic luxury.
Brain freeze?

On high, my engine temperature is too low. The heater fan cools the engine faster than my dual electric fans.
That........ Would not be a good way to cool the engine in the summer. yeah, it will be comphy this winter. We don't get all that cold. Typically, a chilly December or January morning low could be 28 to 38.
The heat isn't so much of a deal in a tiny pickup like an S10. The problem is when you're wet, you're shoes are wet, and there are two wet people in the cab.
Humidity and moisture on the windows is 50x worse then lack of heat. Chilly, I can deal with. We don't see 12 degrees here.
Wiping the condensation off the window every 30 seconds was the big issue. At night with headlights glaring at me, it was dangerous even with a full roll of paper towels..... Seriously. It was frustrating.
That actually happened last January as my brother and I headed home from a job 50 miles away . It was day two of a woven I stall. We got finished at 9:30pm

It was cool and light rain as I wrapped every tool, a tackstrip box, my shop vac, the extra pad.
I was soaked. The three mile road to just to get on the coastdl 101 highway probably saturated a half dozen paper towels.
It was cool, raining hard most of the way on this Friday night.the windows were fogged up so bad at times, when approaching headlights appeared, I slowed down to 40.
Hey, I had had hardly any work then, but this was a two day, $900 bedroom. Extremely difficult woven, but I had to do it, and I knew the weather forecast.
Miserable doesn't begin to describe that night.
Anyway, here's my Fluke reading at the transmission tunnel area vent... toasty.

Later I got it to 159 degrees , so I'm good there.

.......damn, I'm good there!
Seriously, all the time, money and frustration will be worth it. I'll literally have a totally new life now. Seriously. It's amazing on every level.
A month and a half ago, I installed a very badly worn upper A-arm.
Next was that heater core and it's fitment issues. Then, during the dismantling process, finding out I had electrical issues with my headlight switch, the heater control connections, cleaning the instrument panel circuit board and committing myself to repainting it to white to make it visible at night.
I'm just ready to make a new support for the new heater core lines......... that moment, all of my fixes were done. I was exhausted.
....and then, neverending engine misfire came back into my life to tease me and reminded me that I'm probably never going to discover it's cause.

Well folks..... I'm one happy guy.
Engine misfire problem fixed.... forever.
Heater core replaced and I have heat, plus have all 3 fan speeds working again.
I cleaned all the circuit board contacts cleaned up and all of my dash lights working.
I soldered connectors and wiring so that now, all 3 of my aftermarket gauges, temp, volts and oil pressure gauges have working lights..
I have a new knock sensor and a new pigtail connector to match.
I have a new coil, distributor cap, rotor and ignition module.
I found a few wire issues during the investigative process.... something I would never discovered and could easily have fried my alternator.
I also know now, where a lot of my wires go to and what they do. Something I previously would have never learned or even cared about.
My 3 week nightmare is over now. I'm actually glad now, that I endured all this pain and these frustrating and costly setbacks.
I could have easily had the truck stop running 50 miles from home, in January, and when pouring rain at 38 degrees.
I'm so thankful my dad started my automotive "trainings"
I was 8 or 10 years old and without watching dad work on the family car and pickup is he lost.... Thank you dad!

Oh yeah, we got heat.