A few years ago I helped a customer do some finish work on a large triangular TV shelf he'd designed and installed in the corner of his living room. He had pre cut pieces of a special orange colored wood to fit the stepped face of this corner mount TV holder-upper. The top was a dark gray granite called leather..... a smooth but pebbly surface kinda like spray wall texture. It turned out really

When all was completed, he asked if I knew anyone that could use his old TV, 70" Sharp Aquios. He said it works just fine
I said, he could probably get a few hundred bucks at a garage sale or just advertise it.
Nope, he just wanted it gone.
Well, my place is small.... but the TV "got gone"

Sharp made the first 70" Flat screen and this was it.
He gave me the owners manual and the receipt from Walmart was in the instruction book also.

That's been a few years ago and the picture is still beautiful. The buttons on the remote have been getting harder to push, soooo.
...it was time for a tuneup.
Took it apart and cleaned everything with warm water and Windex, then cleaned the circuit board and contacts with 99% isopropyl alcohol and a butt load of Q-tips.
That was the easy part. This second part, I did to my Optimus stereo remote a few weeks ago.
You can buy a bottle of graphite or do as I did, slowly scraping the lead from a #2 pencil until you have enough to do the job at hand. You very carefully re-coat every contact on the silicone keypad with new graphite.
Man, does this remote have a lot of em.

Most aren't used, but.... gota do em all at this point.
I used a Bic click pencil as an applicator. You dip the pencil lead into the pile of graphite and a tiny amount adheres to the exposed lead. Using it like paint brush, you lightly rub it on each contact. It takes two or three dips into the graphite dust to apply enough for each contact because very little sticks to the pencil lead. You just go back and forth and round and round till the contact has a little shine to it, then move on to the next one.
When I got done with all of them, I kinda slapped it against a paper towel in case any of the graphite fell where it shouldn't be or if there were any loose particles of it.
The off on switch was the worst, but hot damn, it's like new again.
Works great and they keys are sensitive again. Ain't YouTube the greatest creation ever?