In doing my family tree I found out one of my dear old great grandfathers owned slaves in merry old England. In his will it told of which slaves were to go to his daughter, wife and son. That was a shock to me as I didn't even think of slavery.
I was a slave, but rules back then allowed slaves to become free the day after HS graduation.In doing my family tree I found out one of my dear old great grandfathers owned slaves in merry old England. In his will it told of which slaves were to go to his daughter, wife and son. That was a shock to me as I didn't even think of slavery.
Personal Shame? No ! of course not, but Imho, bigger picture wise / as a part of the Human Race ? …. Yes ! …. But Nothing we can’t handle when we mix emotional empathy with analytical understanding . Darris is actually in that process a little more now today than yesterday……Each new day we are exposed to different information than yesterday, I guess I don't have to carry any shame.
Very sad, I wish they could have worked it out differently. My Uncle’s relatives passed down a journal to him and then from him to my Mom. It’s written in German and one of my siblings has it.I was handed down a leather bound journal from my relative's day to day life during the Civil War, since he was an infantry man for the Confederates. The story stops 3/4 way thru the Civil War, so I guess he didn't make it.
Thanks Darris, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to run with that statement and share a site that provides some insight on the subject. …..Facts and Beliefs,To me those soldiers fought for what they believed in and should be honored for it, be it statues or whatever.
Nice Darris ! A man of little words with Big messaging.Who is to say what is right or wrong. Most all wars are fought over politics or religion, it all depends on what you believe in, but most are fighting because they were forced to.
Very poignant Csason,Any of that ******** “north good south bad “ is bunk .
Us humans have to do what we have to do and with the people we are doing it with. Some people feel exploited and others feel the reality that vulnerability breeds exploitation. The primary issue is Exploitation, not color, age, sex, Or religion. Let’s work on how vulnerable people can stand firm and on teaching exploitive people how to stand softly. The sooner we intellectualize the primary objective, the quicker we can have at it.Not much white privilege where I come from I cropped tobacco with all black crews for eight dollars a day.
Sounds like acting from the Secondary differences rather than seeing the primary similarities of being human and then acting accordingly. What do you think ?agree, disagree or maybe another/ different perspective.Most Irish that came over were actually Scottish. The King of England sent some Scottish Protestants to Ireland to even out the number of Catholic and Protestants. They were then run out of Ireland. They became indentured servants to make it to the New World and many were never allowed to pay off what they owed. The English classified anyone who was not English as "non-white" . Irish, German, anyone.