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Never heard of this guy before. I like him already and I just started listening.
Skip ahead to where he plays Adam Corolla interviewing Gavin Newsome.
Adam is relentless on Newsome's lines of political BS. Newsome is window dressing... a politician just dancing about with words making no sense whatsoever. He says stuff but won't back up anything because he's a politician.... It's all lies.
Start listening at the 3:30 mark as Adam attempts to get answers from Newsome's statements of non factory. Newsome is just making up stuff to put people against each other.

Did you order the code Red ? your dam right I did. Help me Jesus, I’m on the hot seat, please redeem me…. Sorry ! ….

I just heard Pete use the word feelings 🤔 let’s not deny Democrats feelings, when feelings are universal.
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Pay attention to Lurch. He's one of the few normal Democrats. He thinks logic instead of feelings.
FYI > Thoughts and Feelings work in tandem to equal logic, and logic is subjective depending on who has the thoughts and feelings…. Does anyone disagree with that statement and if so why ?

When we spend time exposing the opposition’s logic with ridicule, we are weakening the strength of Unity….. Does anyone disagree with that statement and if so why.

When domination of thoughts, feelings, and actions, is paramount, over acceptance and unity, IMHO that’s when that choice is one of treading on the Constitutional principles, rather than standing up for them. Do we all agree with that statement ?

In conclusion: mentioning criticism that respects different kinds of logic is the civilized way to improve and maintain unity for USA 🇺🇸
Did you order the code Red ? your dam right I did. Help me Jesus, I’m on the hot seat, please redeem me…. Sorry ! ….

I just heard Pete use the word feelings 🤔 let’s not deny Democrats feelings, when feelings are universal.
I'm not against feelings. They get used to put one group or one race against the other...... by politicians and almost always liberal ones. One group is said to not have something, so superman liberal is "here to save the day"
.....the side effect is one group getting candy, but the rest doesn't get any.
How does that help ease race relations?
Reparations is one thing. To who and why?
Are there 30 year old slaves in America?
If it's so bad here, offer free ship fares back to wherever. If it's better here than there, they can stay and continue living in the best country in the world.
How many American Indians if given the choice would revert back to living in huts caves any teepees while hunting and foraging.... No electricity, no cel phones, no cars, no refrigeration or central heating.
Ya want reparations? ....well, there will be two choices and one of them won't include access to modern conveniences.
How come I can't get reparations because of the heavy guilt brought to bear on my shoulders because of my ancestors treatment of others?
Wrongs were done for sure... terrible wrongs.
Candy for one and not for all pits one group against the other. (Jealousy and anger)
Democrats do that on purpose instead of solving problems and that way and for eternity, they will fly in and save the day.... for one group. They are messing with our feelings. 🙄
Gavin Newsome
Wrongs were done for sure... terrible wrongs.
Candy for one and not for all pits one group against the other. (Jealousy and anger)
Democrats do that on purpose instead of solving problems and that way and for eternity, they will fly in and save the day.... for one group. They are messing with our feelings. 🙄
Gavin Newsome
I understand …. But what could be missing here, is the primary motivation !
to compensate ( give candy 😜) ancestors directly involved, and that’s a pure and understandable thing.

Now that brings us to the secondary purpose. How do we accomplish this without offending or creating jealousy from the non-victims or oppressors, ancestors ? In other words, possibly creating more harm than good while trying to be good 🤔 …. So you see, it’s the secondary issue that’s challenging, not the Primary one. If we come at it from that angle, we may have some success persuading the majority to be accepting of different ideas of compensation. In today’s world that’s going to be challenging, but maybe we could try.
Democrats do that on purpose
When we project our thoughts, feelings and logic onto another person or
group, we are more likely than not, to be incorrect….. I wouldn’t like it if others put words and intentions into my mouth, how about you ?
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How come I can't get reparations because of the heavy guilt brought to bear on my shoulders because of my ancestors treatment of others?
You would make a darn good lawyer Highup 😜 …. Seriously, that’s a great argument ! not sure it’s sincere. However, for the heck of it , let’s assume it was, because ! ! ITS ACTUALLY POINTING TO THE BIGGEST ISSUE WE ARE FACING IN TODAYS CULTURE…. Just like you found the issue ( scientifically ) with the
‘ Grinning ‘ Carpet and potential improvement. 🙇‍♀️ You just identified the problem: Understanding !

…. So I’m going to pose a question from Highups argument, then I’ll elaborate on the possible improvement.

Could this ‘ Victim and Guilt slavery relationship, whether it’s realized, or not realized consciously yet, be the reason why both groups keep doubling down?
And ! Consequently, go’s on nowhere?

It feels so real to us that we become paralyzed and label ourselves either victims of being oppressed or victims of being the oppressor. Isn’t it about time we give ourselves some healing over these tragic past wounds. We can do it and it probably doesn’t require monetary compensation, just a change of perspective.

Proposed secret solution for healing:

On one hand, you have a group whose ancestors were oppressed, which in turn placed burdens upon their children, and their children’s children. What do they need to move beyond this ?…,Could it be understanding ? ….I believe the answer is 100% yes, but not external understanding. Now let’s look at highups argument, and the feelings of guilty about knowing that his ancestors could have been the oppressors. What is it he is looking for? Could it be understanding ? and the answer is 100% yes, but not externally. ( This is the change of perspective)


Understanding falls in the category of feelings, and To ignore feelings, like understanding, most importantly ours and secondarily others, will only keep us as people and organizations stuck in dysfunction. So you see, the trick is to give the understanding to yourself, because it’s not going to be readily available to you from others, because ! as a culture, we are not there yet. We do not possess the skill of empathy at that level yet. However, as a society, we are starting to learn through the major conflict going on in today’s political and social media world, but we must be willing to improve not to continue. This could be the catalyst that brings the concept of internal understanding to the forefront. Expecting others to understand us first will only keep us stuck with what we have.

Once we tend to these wounds through internal understanding, the guilt we feel from real or indirect ancestors who oppressed or ancestors who were victims, is when we can start to improve and stop blaming.

Now ! we can stand tall, on our own
2 feet , able to move forward with no expectations of receiving the understanding from others. If it comes, that’s great, but to expect it is to give control of your internal feelings to others. Could that be the reparations ? ? ! ! not monetary healing ? Maybe 🤔

When we give ourselves the understanding on a daily basis, we stop looking for it from others. We stop expecting it, or demanding it to come from others. Now the lashing out, which is just a desperate attempt to gain understanding from others, no longer becomes important. Like I said, getting understanding from others is not realistic, it would be nice if it comes, but to rely on it, to expect it, only keeps us stuck and perpetuates the cycle of expectations, judgment, ridicule, blaming, and the biggest one of all , the doubling down on old patterns that just simply don’t work long-term towards functionality, because it only encourages others to double down themselves.

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How many American Indians if given the choice would revert back to living in huts caves any teepees while hunting and foraging.... No electricity, no cel phones, no cars, no refrigeration or central heating.
Ya want reparations? ....well, there will be two choices and one of them won't include access to modern conveniences.
Probably a larger amount than you would think 🤔

And how much external understanding is being shown from that statement ? …. Not much if any, and that’s okay for two reasons. 1 > Freedom of expression
and 2 > It demonstrates why we need to understand ourselves, and give understanding to ourselves, rather than expecting it to be given to us by others. ✌️

If you look it up ( understanding, ) in the dictionary, it covers a lot of different meanings. One could embarrassingly say it’s diverse. 😜

Good sense of humor.
Probably a larger amount than you would think 🤔

And how much external understanding is being shown from that statement ? …. Not much if any, and that’s okay for two reasons. 1 > Freedom of expression
and 2 > It demonstrates why we need to understand ourselves, and give understanding to ourselves, rather than expecting it to be given to us by others. ✌️

If you look it up ( understanding, ) in the dictionary, it covers a lot of different meanings. One could embarrassingly say it’s diverse. 😜
My feelings are that wrongs were done in the past, but I don't think you get but a handful of takers. It's cold and drizzly with a strong breeze and some white guy pulls up 100 yards away and parks his travel trailer, it self levels and he pulls out the awning. You can hear from inside the trailer, Drew Carey asking "who's the next contestant, George?"
You then hear a humming sound and smell a BBQ beef burrito.
......at that moment, you remember that you signed an agreement and that you can't go back to the future. You have to live the old ways.
On the bright side, the smokey fire has mostly dried out your cloths and you'll never again have to pay taxes, have a house, electric or phone payment.
You would make a darn good lawyer Highup 😜 …. Seriously, that’s a great argument ! not sure it’s sincere. However, for the heck of it , let’s assume it was, because ! ! ITS ACTUALLY POINTING TO THE BIGGEST ISSUE WE ARE FACING IN TODAYS CULTURE…. Just like you found the issue ( scientifically ) with the
‘ Grinning ‘ Carpet and potential improvement. 🙇‍♀️ You just identified the problem: Understanding !

…. So I’m going to pose a question from Highups argument, then I’ll elaborate on the possible improvement.

Could this ‘ Victim and Guilt slavery relationship, whether it’s realized, or not realized consciously yet, be the reason why both groups keep doubling down?
And ! Consequently, go’s on nowhere?

It feels so real to us that we become paralyzed and label ourselves either victims of being oppressed or victims of being the oppressor. Isn’t it about time we give ourselves some healing over these tragic past wounds. We can do it and it probably doesn’t require monetary compensation, just a change of perspective.

Proposed secret solution for healing:

On one hand, you have a group whose ancestors were oppressed, which in turn placed burdens upon their children, and their children’s children. What do they need to move beyond this ?…,Could it be understanding ? ….I believe the answer is 100% yes, but not external understanding. Now let’s look at highups argument, and the feelings of guilty about knowing that his ancestors could have been the oppressors. What is it he is looking for? Could it be understanding ? and the answer is 100% yes, but not externally. ( This is the change of perspective)


Understanding falls in the category of feelings, and To ignore feelings, like understanding, most importantly ours and secondarily others, will only keep us as people and organizations stuck in dysfunction. So you see, the trick is to give the understanding to yourself, because it’s not going to be readily available to you from others, because ! as a culture, we are not there yet. We do not possess the skill of empathy at that level yet. However, as a society, we are starting to learn through the major conflict going on in today’s political and social media world, but we must be willing to improve not to continue. This could be the catalyst that brings the concept of internal understanding to the forefront. Expecting others to understand us first will only keep us stuck with what we have.

Once we tend to these wounds through internal understanding, the guilt we feel from real or indirect ancestors who oppressed or ancestors who were victims, is when we can start to improve and stop blaming.

Now ! we can stand tall, on our own
2 feet , able to move forward with no expectations of receiving the understanding from others. If it comes, that’s great, but to expect it is to give control of your internal feelings to others. Could that be the reparations ? ? ! ! not monetary healing ? Maybe 🤔

When we give ourselves the understanding on a daily basis, we stop looking for it from others. We stop expecting it, or demanding it to come from others. Now the lashing out, which is just a desperate attempt to gain understanding from others, no longer becomes important. Like I said, getting understanding from others is not realistic, it would be nice if it comes, but to rely on it, to expect it, only keeps us stuck and perpetuates the cycle of expectations, judgment, ridicule, blaming, and the biggest one of all , the doubling down on old patterns that just simply don’t work long-term towards functionality, because it only encourages others to double down themselves.

It's too late to think, so it's off to bed to start counting warp chains.
I'll add a twist to the reparations issue and why it's not something feasible.
Indians had slaves, both Indians and black. I'm sure they fought and took over others territories. How would they go about reparations?
.....or is the web so tangled, everyone just needs to get on with life?
...or is the web so tangled, everyone just needs to get on with life?
Yes 🙌 👍 and it begins with understanding our feelings, that in turn gives us the capacity to understand others too.

Understanding maintains and reconciles feelings, period ! 👍 How could it be any easier…. It’s the Silver bullet, but sadly it’s intangible to a large portion of the population on the left, right and middle, and still me.
So ! if we choose to not understand the power behind ‘ Understanding’ then we will continue to function alone a road full of pot holes we created. Wouldn’t it be nice to travel, smoothly down the road of life.
Indians had slaves, both Indians and black. I'm sure they fought and took over others territories. How would they go about reparations?
That argument has merit and I understand it. I also ‘ give understanding ‘ to the groups involved, and recognize that each and everyone had needs and wants to fulfill, but did they fulfill them by eliminating the other persons needs and wants along the way. That is the million dollar question we need to ask ourselves as we travel down the road of life.

We just can’t afford to skip past the work. Even if logic tells us that the conclusion will be the same, we must do the work, and teach the tools that untangle the web. It’s an understanding that this work is the one and true work that will work towards reconciliation.

It’s the respectful work that we do in between the problem and solution, that creates lasting improvements.

As we travel down the road we need to stop and have Wiser Thoughts, wiser feelings, and wiser attitudes towards addressing problems. Let’s teach and learn how to fill in the potholes of life so it’s “ A more smoother ride, a more comfortable ride, in the Montego” 😜 and be brave enough to ask others to help along the way, rather than hinder.

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I heard some interesting words today during Senate hearings today, that are mostly left out of Political debates.

Appreciate ! …. Thoughtful…. Internal Balance, and Encouraged. 👍 …. It’s my belief that soon, we will hear the word Understanding ! Because function starts with a respectful thought/ language, moves forward to feelings that develops into an attitude, and then we live with the continuous experiences. AND ! I believe that we can all agree that today’s CE needs improvement. Agree or Disagree and why.

As an aside : ( Z 👍) Thom Tillis ( Senator of North Carolina)
is a straight shooter who understands how to communicate in debates , with out provoking the ego of the opposition. This straight shooter aims at problems not people. Three cheers for him at understanding functionality. 🙇‍♀️
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The bottom line ;

Dems need to focus on Internal Understandings, and accept the outcome. While Repubs, need to stop Blaming everything under the sun and start accepting responsibility equally 🤔

And for the love of God, dear Jesus we pray …..please 🙏 impose Permanent laryngitis on any and all Politicians or citizens who default back into blame or advancement through credit. We are in this life experience together, in your name and redemption please allow us to act on that understanding. 😎👍🇺🇸
Yes 🙌 👍 and it begins with understanding our feelings, that in turn gives us the capacity to understand others too.

Understanding maintains and reconciles feelings, period ! 👍 How could it be any easier…. It’s the Silver bullet, but sadly it’s intangible to a large portion of the population on the left, right and middle, and still me.
So ! if we choose to not understand the power behind ‘ Understanding’ then we will continue to function alone a road full of pot holes we created. Wouldn’t it be nice to travel, smoothly down the road of life.

That argument has merit and I understand it. I also ‘ give understanding ‘ to the groups involved, and recognize that each and everyone had needs and wants to fulfill, but did they fulfill them by eliminating the other persons needs and wants along the way. That is the million dollar question we need to ask ourselves as we travel down the road of life.

We just can’t afford to skip past the work. Even if logic tells us that the conclusion will be the same, we must do the work, and teach the tools that untangle the web. It’s an understanding that this work is the one and true work that will work towards reconciliation.

It’s the respectful work that we do in between the problem and solution, that creates lasting improvements.

As we travel down the road we need to stop and have Wiser Thoughts, wiser feelings, and wiser attitudes towards addressing problems. Let’s teach and learn how to fill in the potholes of life so it’s “ A more smoother ride, a more comfortable ride, in the Montego” 😜 and be brave enough to ask others to help along the way, rather than hinder.

My thoughts are at some point we all become Americans. Put history in a blender and get on with work, family, hobbies........ and celebrating what our country is on the 4th of July. We've come a long way and I think we are by a longshot, the best country in history and in present.
I say, be a proud American or leave the country. The more race is mentioned the longer it will take for race "issues" to go by the wayside. Yeah, I'm saying stop the prefixes. It sounds like an apology for being American. African American, Mexican American..... Scottish American, Japanese American, Chinese American, Russian American... Having special groups of Americans leads way to giving different rights to those "groups"...... This happens with quotas for hiring. Quotas means less qualified people get hired and the best candidate is now angry because he or she scored better but didn't get the job. Is that helping us to heal the racial divide?
No, exactly the opposite.
It's never going to change. If there was racial harmony, Democrats wouldn't have anything to do.... No pot to stirr.
I think senator John Fetterman a.k.a., the pope of Greenland 😜 has just demonstrated his recovery from the stroke. 👍 but not from the more important issue, his fashion 😂
Fashion.... In his size has to be extremely expensive. He's not a conformist, that's for sure. 👍
My thoughts are at some point we all become Americans. Put history in a blender and get on with work, family, hobbies........ and celebrating what our country is on the 4th of July. We've come a long way and I think we are by a longshot, the best country in history and in present.
Well said ! …. Can we call that blender
The Ninja of Understanding 😜

I say, be a proud American or leave the country. The more race is mentioned the longer it will take for race "issues" to go by the wayside.
It feels like the problem is the race card, but it’s actually deeper than that, but the people pushing it and the people resisting it have no idea how to dive deeper, so you can’t blame them both for reacting or responding as they do.

Just like most of us have no idea about algebra or calculus. Well, it’s the same thing with psychology and Sociology.

Knowledge helps with understanding, but so does situational awareness, but if we lack skills we know nothing about, we are stuck with limited opportunities for understanding. For example: when one group or another speaks in absolutes, they could be really really smart and on to something or maybe not. However the message is the same because what the opposition hears is this ;
“ Hey Dude, we are not flexible enough to even consider what you’re saying “ and that’s not an invitation towards understanding and compromise .

That’s why it’s important to have a skill called ‘ situational awareness ‘ where you understand the opposition is in no way ready for compromise. So resisting their needs and wants gets us nowhere . Once they understand that you are giving them understanding and validation, then the lines of communication become open, and both parties can work towards compromise. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Anything short of that keeps us stuck or moving backwards.
Does that make sense?


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This young woman is summarizing the past eight years of political turmoil in quite an amazing situational awareness way….. That could provide the understanding both parties need to move forward in civility. She’s in Va. at the Claire boothe Luce young conservative woman’s meeting. It’s on c-span


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The state of Washington has passed a law that says if someone steals your gun and commits a crime you are guilty of a felony. What's next. Someone steals your car and commits a crime you are guilty of a felony? Punish the criminals. Not those that have a gun for protection.
The state of Washington has passed a law that says if someone steals your gun and commits a crime you are guilty of a felony. What's next. Someone steals your car and commits a crime you are guilty of a felony? Punish the criminals. Not those that have a gun for protection.
They used the word ‘ Could’ …. And they are mulling it over. I believe the intentions are if there is blatant neglect, while the guns got stolen, then this new law would have some teeth. 🤷🏻‍♂️ …. Improvements always come with resistance because there’s a fear of overreach, but If we trust each other, then maybe we can address that fear and make improvements where necessary.

As an aside: We had to break up a dog fight yesterday ( OMG 😱 😳) and it has me thinking about the concept of dominance and submission. Both are techniques that need to be embraced and applied in the right situation, Otherwise there’s a lot of mess to clean up when two Goliaths stand firm to be dominant.
Washington state is very lax with criminals. Just like California. Until it got overturned, you could steal up to $950 there, in Commiefornia and you would not get arrested.

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