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I used to fight when I was a kid too. Just not at the level he’s rising to.

He loves this & it’s literally our life. All of our friends are in different clubs around the state. We see each other almost every weekend at shows & competitions. We’re a small community but a very tight community.
Congratulations Tile Tom and Son ! Excellent accomplishment. It’s nice to receive accolades from all the hard work.
He has an intimidating face. I wonder if that gives him an edge. I have an intimidating face, but can’t back it up with any boxing skills 😜

Hey Tom, are there any parenting conflicts like there seems to be in team sports. Good luck in Kansas City.
Congratulations Tile Tom and Son ! Excellent accomplishment. It’s nice to receive accolades from all the hard work.
He has an intimidating face. I wonder if that gives him an edge. I have an intimidating face, but can’t back it up with any boxing skills 😜

Hey Tom, are there any parenting conflicts like there seems to be in team sports. Good luck in Kansas City.

Believe it or not there’s not much parenting conflict. There’s always conflict with officials though. This is a very regulated sport. There’s a lot of paperwork you absolutely must have together for your athlete to fight. One little thing out of order & no fight for you. We drive hours away for shows & competing. Not like you can just run back home to get their books/papers if you forgot something.
If anything I’ve seen more BS from the spectators. They have some beers and get amped up from the fights. Now they think they’re Mike Tyson. 😂

For the most part the athletes are very respectful. There’s a lot of emotions in the locker rooms. We work our ***** off 6 days a week, 4 hours a day of intense training. All for 3 two minute rounds. From the kids to the adults there’s a lot of tears being shed when you don’t step out of the ring victorious.
From the kids to the adults there’s a lot of tears being shed when you don’t step out of the ring victorious.
It’s amazing how children can be so serious one minute and silly the next. It’s So amazing how resilient they are and probably provide more comfort to the parents, than the other way around. 😎

At 10 I was pitching a game and threw 3 balls in a row, with the bases loaded from the previous pitcher. I was so upset that I started to cry, then I got pissed 😡 wipe the tears away and proceeded to throw 9 strikes in a row for three outs and the win. It’s been all tears and downhill since 😜
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It’s amazing how children can be so serious one minute and silly the next. It’s So amazing how resilient they are and probably provide more comfort to the parents, than the other way around. 😎

At 10 I was pitching a game and threw 3 balls in a row, with the bases loaded from the previous pitcher. I was so upset that I started to cry, then I got pissed 😡 wipe the tears away and proceeded to throw 9 strikes in a row for three outs and the win. It’s been all tears and downhill since 😜
That cracks me up as well. When our competition team is training and fighting, it’s all business. As soon as they’re done with their fight it’s all fun & games with their friends from other clubs who already fought.

Regionals was at the Hilton in Boston last weekend. There was about 70 fights of kids between 8-17. After the competition they all went and “took over” the pool & hot tub. In the ring we are NOT friends. When it’s over, it’s over!! So we all had a blast at the pool for a few hours. It’s awesome to see them leave it in the ring and connect with each other after and just be kids having fun with each other. Work hard play hard.
I used to fight when I was a kid too. Just not at the level he’s rising to.

He loves this & it’s literally our life. All of our friends are in different clubs around the state. We see each other almost every weekend at shows & competitions. We’re a small community but a very tight community.
I'm working on a new home. The contractor is young and has a young boy. So does the tile contractor. The tile guy works on a very efficient manner. He's good for smalltalk, but after he cleans up at the end of the day, he's gone in a flash to go pick up the kid for practice or a game. (Basketball)
The general is the same way with his kid.
Like you, it's what they wrap their arms around. So nice to see parents pointing their little ones in the right direction.
I'm working on a new home. The contractor is young and has a young boy. So does the tile contractor. The tile guy works on a very efficient manner. He's good for smalltalk, but after he cleans up at the end of the day, he's gone in a flash to go pick up the kid for practice or a game. (Basketball)
The general is the same way with his kid.
Like you, it's what they wrap their arms around. So nice to see parents pointing their little ones in the right direction.
You have to be on point with your kids these days. Keep them involved with sports or after school activities, whatever, something. 90% of these kids go right home after school & sit in front of the Xbox with a bag of Doritos until they go to bed. They’re over weight and lazy. The only victory they achieved is on some video game. They’ll never know the feeling of working so hard they puke & achieving a victory because of that hard work. Losing after all that hard work is also a positive for life experience as well. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. This all builds character as well as humbling you up quickly.
I’m a firm believer in kids HAVE to be involved in something. They need to be around solid people that push their limits to take them to the next level.

You can tell the kids that are involved as they walk tall and have plenty of self confidence. When my kid walks into a room, he walks in like he owns the place.
I boxed some as a teen, until they wanted to put me up against a guy who later won the Golden Gloves.
You have to fight up if you ever want to get better. My son is 11 & around 87-90lbs. He fights 14-20 year olds on sparring nights. Obviously they’re not going full power but they present a genuine challenge for him. They’re bigger, longer, heavier & more intimidating. He really has to work to get inside on them. He can hold his own against them & on more than one occasion, he’s broken a nose or bloodied them pretty badly. Speed & movement prevail over power any day.

Golden gloves tournament starts this coming Friday in Buffalo NY. Our club has 2 entries. One in novice & one open.
You have to fight up if you ever want to get better. My son is 11 & around 87-90lbs. He fights 14-20 year olds on sparring nights. Obviously they’re not going full power but they present a genuine challenge for him. They’re bigger, longer, heavier & more intimidating. He really has to work to get inside on them. He can hold his own against them & on more than one occasion, he’s broken a nose or bloodied them pretty badly. Speed & movement prevail over power any day.

Golden gloves tournament starts this coming Friday in Buffalo NY. Our club has 2 entries. One in novice & one open.
I was about 18 and a novice. The other guy was a GG veteran. I had seen him beat the hell out of people.
I finished off the chicken soup, deep cleaned and refilled the cats' water fountain, refilled water for the dogs, cooked for Mom, and dropped my brother off for his sleep study at the sleep center. During his home sleep test he stopped breathing about 15x per hour and his O2 levels dropped to 70% so they want to see if a cpap will help. I'm hoping it will.

Got some supplies at Lowes and HomeDepot to see if we can get the cold water fixed for the kitchen sink tomorrow.

Meanwhile, state sales tax went up again so my local sales tax is 11%. Ugh.
Meanwhile, state sales tax went up again so my local sales tax is 11%. Ugh
Do you also pay state and federal income tax? Property Tax?

We have local income tax. My city is 7.75% which is the cheapest in our county. The city tried to raise it by a full 1%, but really would not specify what they were going to do with the increase. I do know our city started counting their chickens (money) before they hatched (voter approved), and gave themselves a sizeable raise, including a 1600% raise for our treasurer. Now they are holding a sizeable payroll increase with no money coming in. Kinda funny and poor management on our city officials.
I got the seam in room #2 put together today and have the parallel walls stretched and I stretched perpendicularly across the end wall and into the closet, so basically everything is stretched to my starting walls with the pattern parallel on 3 sides.
From here out it's the easy part, stretching the length and making the pattern lines parallel with the 9' of sliding glass doors.
I'll tell you what. This would be a nightmare without my green laser....... These are so cool when working with patterned material. I cannot imagine doing this job without it. It's a must have tool.

Stretching inside this small closet......
What are the chances? 😁 The closet was not in my radar when I was positioning the pattern lines in the doorways.

If they ask .....well then of course this was intentional. 😁
I always do my installs this way , with emphasis on centering the closet doorway. 🤣

Just don't request the other bedroom to look the same. 😱

Do you also pay state and federal income tax? Property Tax?

We have local income tax. My city is 7.75% which is the cheapest in our county. The city tried to raise it by a full 1%, but really would not specify what they were going to do with the increase. I do know our city started counting their chickens (money) before they hatched (voter approved), and gave themselves a sizeable raise, including a 1600% raise for our treasurer. Now they are holding a sizeable payroll increase with no money coming in. Kinda funny and poor management on our city officials.
Yes. We have sales tax, labor tax, service tax, property tax, and income tax. Last year they tricked voters into voting to increase income tax bc the language on the bill said it was going to lower income tax but failed to mention that it would actually go up because they were removing the deduction for what people pay in federal taxes so people get double dipped on and the state broadened what is considered taxable income to get more $$$ from people. They also have no minimum income to tax. Lower income and middle class people get hit the hardest. They made sure to make it so the big corporations and wealthy people don't have to pay as much or can get all sorts of exemptions.

They do have homestead exemption which lets people not have to pay property taxes on the first $75k worth of property. I think they may have additional discounts/exemptions for agricultural land/farms but am not sure. Will have to look into it. And the property taxes don't get collected via the state's IRS on tax forms. Parish taxes have to be paid directly to the parish assessor's office and city taxes have to be paid at City Hall. And they do not deduct what you pay for one from the other so you can pay property tax twice. My friend had to get homestead exemption for parish taxes but still had to pay city taxes. Now he'll only have to pay parish since he's moved outside the city.

On the bright side, he's met a few neighbors. His mom sometimes works for the son of the let veterinarian and the son now lives around the corner from my friend. He also has cattle which generate good manure for fertilizer. My late friend Cordell used to call it "barnyard fertilizer" and used to give me some empty sacks (I think they were feed sacks of some sort) to fill up with cow manure that he mixed into the soil for his garden. My friend said they are saving a bit of money on not getting fast food (something his daughter isn't thrilled about) and that they plan to start making their own gardens for veggies and fruit. I said my cows and probably the neighbor's cows can supply some fertilizer and I'd be happy to pass along gardening questions to my uncle. My uncle is a Master Gardener. I've suggested eventually getting some sort of greenhouse for stuff that needs more protection from the elements.

I never went to sleep last night (saturday night) because my brain wouldn't let me. Left the house around 4:45am to go pick up my brother since they said to get him by 6am from the sleep study. I got there at 4:50am and the doors were locked. Listened to music on my phone, pulled a pillow out of the back and tried to snooze. Lights came on around 6:10 and brother came out around 6:15. Went to the Walmart up there to look for stuff they don't have locally. Got home and napped a couple hours. Got back up and cleaned -thinking my friend was going to come over (but he forgot and was busy).

Went over to help my friend clear his kitchen sink drain. Found the shutoff on the ground that he didn't notice (while he was up on the roof). I convinced him to use a hose instead of "liquid fire" and all sorts of solidified grease came up. Drain is now cleared. Now we need to fix the supply line for the fridge bc I think the shutoff next to the water heater is toast. Too corroded and water won't go through it. I also noticed his tpr valve isn't connected to anything. So that will have to be fixed.

Grabbed stuff Mom requested from local Walmart and then went to TSC for cow feed. My body absolutely hated me and did not want to cooperate. Could barely move.

At least I got a hug from my brother bc he was happy I cleaned up the countertop. He was in a good mood bc he got the best sleep he's had in years.
Never did feel safe riding my bike in the Carolinas. Everybody is on their cell phones and sooner or later you’re gonna get thumped. Things are different in the desert😁. Tempe is a gold rated bike city and right now the weather is perfect for riding, plus they have miles of automobile free multi use paths and trails you can ride. Best thing ever. Forget about watching the news, forget about your BS job and the clowns you have to work with, get the damn phone outta your face and go for a ride. Nature, fresh air and ASU is real close so there’s always someone to look at 👀.

With all that going for me living here, I had to buy me a new bike. Well, maybe I didn’t HAVE to, but I certainly wanted to, so I did. Lemme tell ya, this thing is COMFY! Guess what Im doing this afternoon after I get home.

I never had good enough balance to ride a bike. How the hell do you ride something with the handlebars below the seat? Looks like it would be painful. I can't bend like that. LOL.

Meanwhile, hell has frozen over. Its snowing here. My pets think it's total BS. Boo normally sits outside in the sun this time of day and he came in to climb on me and let me know he wasn't happy with the weather. I had to put Rupert up in the living room so his dumb furry butt won't go outside and fall over. Senator Snugglebum has been trying to start fights with other cats because he's crabby. Fippy shut that down though. He was not having that crap. The yowling pissed him off.

I went to go outside to get pictures & the dogs were following. Fippy took one look outside the door and turned his behind around and waddled back to bed. Princess ran out and then got very confused, but she ran around in the snow a bit before zerging back into the house. Senator Snugglebum came out and started hollering at me to come back inside.

My brother made soup last night so we have something warm to eat. Town is shut down because of the snow.
Never did feel safe riding my bike in the Carolinas. Everybody is on their cell phones and sooner or later you’re gonna get thumped. Things are different in the desert😁. Tempe is a gold rated bike city and right now the weather is perfect for riding, plus they have miles of automobile free multi use paths and trails you can ride. Best thing ever. Forget about watching the news, forget about your BS job and the clowns you have to work with, get the damn phone outta your face and go for a ride. Nature, fresh air and ASU is real close so there’s always someone to look at 👀.

With all that going for me living here, I had to buy me a new bike. Well, maybe I didn’t HAVE to, but I certainly wanted to, so I did. Lemme tell ya, this thing is COMFY! Guess what Im doing this afternoon after I get home.

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Years ago, one of the back roads I traveled on the weekends, had a large slide. It would take a year to find funds to repair it, so they installed gates. This was a scenic byway, a two lane paved road. The byway started 30 miles south of me and the slide was 40 miles south on that road. From that point you could have ridden a bike along the river for 20 miles plus any spur road off of the main road. You'd have the entire place to yourself. The river is all rocky and crystal clear. It would have been perfect for biking.
Yeah, your familiar, well traveled world is altogether different when you slow down from your busy schedule, slow the pace and stop to smell the coyote turds along the road..... You never even knew they were there before. Now, you can take a stick, crush em open and see what Mr Coyote 🐺 was snacking on. Nature is always there, but you have to slow the pace to enjoy it.
Years ago, one of the back roads I traveled on the weekends, had a large slide. It would take a year to find funds to repair it, so they installed gates. This was a scenic byway, a two lane paved road. The byway started 30 miles south of me and the slide was 40 miles south on that road. From that point you could have ridden a bike along the river for 20 miles plus any spur road off of the main road. You'd have the entire place to yourself. The river is all rocky and crystal clear. It would have been perfect for biking.
Yeah, your familiar, well traveled world is altogether different when you slow down from your busy schedule, slow the pace and stop to smell the coyote turds along the road..... You never even knew they were there before. Now, you can take a stick, crush em open and see what Mr Coyote 🐺 was snacking on. Nature is always there, but you have to slow the pace to enjoy it.

I think we all need to learn how to slow down a bit😁 Easier said than done though.

I would say the main motivator for me was I want to ride my bike to work n back. This city is flat which means riding is easy, unless it’s windy, and it damn near never rains here. What more could you ask for. It’s a 6 mile trip one way and takes about a half hour to ride. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon will do nicely. It’s a great way to get your blood flowing in the morning. The ride home in the afternoon works out nicely for decompressing and clearing your head from the day.

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