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I saw the media bashing Trump's CDC cuts attempting to link a measles outbreak to his cost reductions in the agency.
Let's set the record straight.
...........the media still won't.

Have you heard the accusation or insinuation about the measles outbreak?
If so, has the media corrected itself to say they were wrong?

If not, this tells the real story.
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I googled that concern and found the mother load of academic information and a possible book if we so desire more clarity. However we may first need to start taking that jellyfish medication, Preva gin to increase our mental capabilities😜

Oh dear. I'm one paragraph in and totally confused.
Just how many MONTHS does it take to explain how this guys liberalism was formed? One paragraph taking 15 seconds should be plenty unless this is a biography.

....."I'm a liberal because both of my parents worked at a university "

.....see, that didn't take months. 🤣

That's just way, way too deep. There should never be so much thought given to a simple concept.

That's the type of thinking taught at a University and the students are ones that want to get doctorate degrees to teach the same thing to other students that have that exact same ambition.
One out of 500,000 will ever hear the message.
The message will have no real impact on society or anyone for that matter..... only the 7 students who's parents spent $345,000 sending there kids to school.

Liberalism was "progressively" accelerating at the speed of sound, then hit a brick wall.
(November 5th)
It's barely clinging to life...... With just a few incoherent gasps, unfortunately they still have megaphones to appear larger than life. 🙄
Rogan took the plunge.... Then Elon, then Kennedy, Zuckerberg, now Bezos.
Major universities, GM, Ford, John Deere, Walmart........ all got tired of the crap.
To liberals that do no see what has happened..... You have destroyed yourselves. You have awoken the sleeping giant.o
Get on board the Trump train or fend for yourselves in your mountain hideouts while both eating and wiping your butts with ferns.

No conservative will read, in an effort to understand, the liberal mind. That's a class you sign up for in college because psychology is your personal interest or the degree you want to study. I'm not in any way attacking psychology.
Reality should be just that.
If I see a 30 year old guy wearing a skirt, with two tiny under the skin facial implants to represent devil horns........ and he has more Chrome on his face than skin tone .....and he's dressed in black military boots, pants and a jacket, all with chrome zippers.

No way in hell will I attempt to understand him. I don't care slightly.
He needs help. His parents should have seen that 20 years earlier and done anything possible to prevent this self destructive behavior.
..... it's all because of his parents.
We never had this crap in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's.........
....or even much in the 2000's
........why after 100,000,000years did this become debatable?
It occured suddenly. Why was it allowed?
Less feelings/more rules/ better society.
Lead, follow or get out of the way type sternness builds character.
I got out of the way, but still followed along. I am no leader. Leaders don't go to work at 10:30 🤣
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I finally see what Trump saw in Zelinski.
Trump played this VERY well. He exposed Zelinski for the ungrateful position he is.

For the record..

I typed "ungrateful POS" just now.
Spell check changed it to "ungrateful position"

Welcome to communism folks.
These days YOU need to correct spell check 🤬
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I finally see what Trump saw in Zelinski.
Trump played this VERY well. He exposed Zelinski for the ungrateful position he is.

For the record..

I typed "ungrateful POS" just now.
Spell check changed it to "ungrateful position"

Welcome to communism folks.
These days YOU need to correct spell check 🤬

He played it well, but was it wise ? See Ai explanation 1

As for the agreeably frustrating communistic spell Checker, 😜 🤣 see Ai explanation number 2 🤷🏻‍♂️ …. Our reactivity reflexes typically over power analytical ones, and that’s why it’s important to stop and reflect, before judging, however! Once we understand the balance between emotions and analytical thought we probably can act quite quickly, and judge the situation more correctly, then less correctly. 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….But !
Never expecting perfection in a subjective world, and that awareness brings flexibility into all conflicting issues.


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That's just way, way too deep. There should never be so much thought given to a simple concept.
Highup thanks for all that material 😜 that should keep me and AI busy for a while😉

Yes ! Wayyy to deep 😳 but I kinda like that list of ‘ moral Ideals’ because it gives us a format to work off and begin to understand the differences between liberals and conservatives. 👍

Try to revisit that article every now and again and you may pick up something new that connects 🤷🏻‍♂️ If we don’t understand the dynamics, how can we begin to imagine any improvements to the divide.

I find it fascinating that the author placed the following moral ideals, onto liberals …..care, liberty, and fairness. While at the same time, recognizing liberals Blindspot for the last three moral ideals…. Loyalty, authority, and sanctity….. This concept could explain a lot of the differences, because he attributes all six moral ideals, as being more important to conservatives.


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I would like to go back in time to see the difference between liberals and conservatives compared to now.
One has probably changed more than the other. I'll bet David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite never used the term extreme right or far left.
I find it funny that some of the same countries who are also living on the U.S, "tit" are telling Zelensky that he has their "full" support. Well, go ahead, drain your money reserves, feed the corruption, because Trump will pull their own U.S. aid off the table as well.
Here's the treasury secretary explaining what happened yesterday and why Trump was upset. Everyone in the room was too.

IMHO this is what happens when loyalty takes precedence over the moral ideals of Caring, Liberty, and Fairness, 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….. It’s not easy, and I hope they find their way back towards improvement 🤞

when we incorporate analytical thought and emotional thought together, that’s the formula for balance.

When there’s an imbalance, and there’s always an imbalance 😢 …..In other words, too much emotional thought, or too much analytical thought, yields out of balance…...and we just witnessed that in the Oval Office with ‘ the Trump / Zelinski overreactions, where both parties are talking over each other, rather than listening, reflecting, and responding . Once we enter into a combative argument, someone is always going to take the blame. We as a society can, and must do better to improve.
For some reason when Biden was firing federal workers for refusing the vaccine, not one Democrat spoke up. But firing federal workers for wasting taxpayer money is the end of democracy as we know it according to the democrats.
For some reason when Biden was firing federal workers for refusing the vaccine, not one Democrat spoke up. But firing federal workers for wasting taxpayer money is the end of democracy as we know it according to the democrats.
Liberals can over perform on loyalty too, And that’s why Dems, Repubs and everyone in between need a crash course in balancing between ‘all right’ or ‘all wrong’ thinking 🤔…..We need to strive for mostly right and mostly wrong 🤔😜 otherwise the agita train keeps-a-commin

If you and I commit to working it out come hell or high water, then we’ll be ready to listen and learn about proven methods of compromise…… So ! Ask yourself, am I being reasonable with the opposition or am I imposing my will and demanding that they change. Someone has to start the process of giving and asking to receive, for the purpose of balanced improvements.
Not turning against Trump, I voted for him 3 times. I just think some of the stuff he is doing will really hurt the poor. Cutting Medicaid and SNAP. Firing new RNs and CNAs in VA clinics and hospitals, where they are already short-handed. Local VA clinic has 3,000 patients. They have one DR., one RN and a receptionist. They finally got approval for a 2nd nurse and Trump's order stopped that. My sister was the nurse for 5 years until she retired.
Not turning against Trump, I voted for him 3 times. I just think some of the stuff he is doing will really hurt the poor. Cutting Medicaid and SNAP. Firing new RNs and CNAs in VA clinics and hospitals, where they are already short-handed. Local VA clinic has 3,000 patients. They have one DR., one RN and a receptionist. They finally got approval for a 2nd nurse and Trump's order stopped that. My sister was the nurse for 5 years until she retired.
It sure opens curiosity about why that action will yield improvements for the veterans. 🫤…..Unless 🤔 this type of action, perhaps sends a shock wave to wood-be veteran fraudsters, 🤷🏻‍♂️ Telling them there will only be enough resources for real disability….BUT ! It may actually scare real disabled veterans away too. 🤷🏻‍♂️…..Did your sister witness any fraud and if so, how would they do it ?
It sure opens curiosity about why that action will yield improvements for the veterans. 🫤…..Unless 🤔 this type of action, perhaps sends a shock wave to wood-be veteran fraudsters, 🤷🏻‍♂️ Telling them there will only be enough resources for real disability….BUT ! It may actually scare real disabled veterans away too. 🤷🏻‍♂️…..Did your sister witness any fraud and if so, how would they do it ?
She never mentioned any fraud. She just said that veterans are not getting the care they deserve.
IMHO this is what happens when loyalty takes precedence over the moral ideals of Caring, Liberty, and Fairness, 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….. It’s not easy, and I hope they find their way back towards improvement 🤞

when we incorporate analytical thought and emotional thought together, that’s the formula for balance.

When there’s an imbalance, and there’s always an imbalance 😢 …..In other words, too much emotional thought, or too much analytical thought, yields out of balance…...and we just witnessed that in the Oval Office with ‘ the Trump / Zelinski overreactions, where both parties are talking over each other, rather than listening, reflecting, and responding . Once we enter into a combative argument, someone is always going to take the blame. We as a society can, and must do better to improve.
The treasury secretary puts it in perspective. If you were Zelinski coming to this meeting to sign an agreement, you also know that Trump is pulling the plug on the arms shipments and money towards a never ending war.
If he was expecting anything different, especially after his talks with the Treasury Secretary and Marko Rubio, the guy is nuts. That's why Trump told him he wasn't holding any cards. He's going to lose some real estate, but the war will end and with a joint mineral venture with the US, it will help his country to start to recover.
I think Zelinski thought the mineral money could be used to continue the war.


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