It’s annual Physical time, but when you turn 65 they call it a ‘ Wellness Visit’ Probably because you’re no longer physically fit and They’re just testing how well you are so they can predict your death for SS Budgeting purposes. 
Anywho i’m pulling into LabCorp for blood test. I see a new mother with a stroller getting out of her car. The closest spot to the front door was next to her but I did not want to blow the exhaust towards the baby so I pulled past her and five or six spots away. ( Understanding
She came into the Lab with me, but I was called to give blood before her infant. While in the chair, one lab tech yelled to my gal, just ready to stick me, “ Hey, are you OK drawing blood from an infant ?
So I assumed the mother would be fearful for her child. Now here’s the interesting part, right before she drew my blood she actually switched needles and I believe purposely chose one of my hidden veins, using an infant needle, because no lab tech has ever drawn blood from that area on my arm before . I think she did it on purpose to practice before drawing blood from the infant.
…. Very smart and understanding.
While leaving, I touched the mother’s shoulder, leaned in ( smelled her hair
) and said you’ll be fine, she was great
( Understanding of other’s potential needs and wants, can get us back on track)

What have you done Today !

Anywho i’m pulling into LabCorp for blood test. I see a new mother with a stroller getting out of her car. The closest spot to the front door was next to her but I did not want to blow the exhaust towards the baby so I pulled past her and five or six spots away. ( Understanding

She came into the Lab with me, but I was called to give blood before her infant. While in the chair, one lab tech yelled to my gal, just ready to stick me, “ Hey, are you OK drawing blood from an infant ?

So I assumed the mother would be fearful for her child. Now here’s the interesting part, right before she drew my blood she actually switched needles and I believe purposely chose one of my hidden veins, using an infant needle, because no lab tech has ever drawn blood from that area on my arm before . I think she did it on purpose to practice before drawing blood from the infant.

While leaving, I touched the mother’s shoulder, leaned in ( smelled her hair

( Understanding of other’s potential needs and wants, can get us back on track)

What have you done Today !