Slam !

would be a good adjective to use.

….and even Dunk ! Because that describes Donald in the swimming pool of the conservative United States, holding down the liberal democratic peoples head underwater

…. If that’s the intention behind greatness, then I guess it’s working out so far.
My definition of greatest president would most certainly need to have qualities of bipartisanship skills. Sure, great things may come from this no hold bars process chosen, but if the process is not great, then the great results are tainted.
So! What do you value most ? process or results …. I say don’t waste time answering the question, because improvement lie’s in between, with the focus on a great process. Picture a flag, waving in the wind, never staying on one side or the other too long. What does that movement provide ? It provides action back-and-forth in between analyzing the process and judging the results. If we rinse and repeat, like Incognito likes us to do, ( come back! ) I believe we can find a more lasting greatness, rather than forced results that leave a segment of the population feeling like shiitake mushrooms…..You must admit, I do have quite the imagination.

…. I promise not to get an inflated or depressed head if you want to agree or disagree with that line of thinking.
Disclaimer: maybe this predisposed imagination could be the cause that doesn’t allow me to accept reality

What is the reality ? Maybe humanity is not ready for bipartisanship cooperation

Maybe we need more time, and if that is somewhat correct, then maybe this hard line approach, divide and conquer, is the way to go after all

My gut tells me that it isn’t, however, I have chronic gastritis, so this unhealthy gut may be steering me wrong

What do you guys think about all that? Hey, let’s get more voices on this topic. Take chances boys and girls and start off slow, please! We need different perspectives .Thx !