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45 keeps talking about peace and unity 🤷🏻‍♂️ and have you noticed the constant usage of the word COULD ! …. Maybe 🤔 I have something in common with him after all 😜
He's constantly talking about all the young people dieing in these needless wars and he's wants them to end. He's a ruthless dictator that hates it when young people die and sees towns turned into rubble.
He's one oddball dictator. I'll bet he's the worst dictator in well over 150 years 😁
Trump has done more good in two weeks than Biden did in 4 years.
Oh, and what he's exposing because of Elon is making Schumer get even more scared. Democrats can't stop the Republicans from discovering and showing/exposing all of the nasty waste hidden by the previous regime.
It is off the charts. It is unfathomable what the USAid has been doing. 10% reasonable, 120% off the deep end.
It's obvious why they always fought off people requesting information.
DOGE isn't just about USAid.... Once audited and exposed, every other governmental body for the first time in history will be audited. A trillion dollar savings will be easy.

What's hard to believe..... Under Democrat or Republican rule, nobody has ever done this...... to look for waste in government.

When fraud and waste is exposed..... I want to see names. Who authorized these projects and expenditures?
I don't care what party. Hang em high.
Every time I listen to 45 I say the same thing 🤪 Even though he has lots of results under his belt, it’s my humble opinion, the process used is flawed and destructive in the long term. I believe the process Is more telling about someone’s character, than that person’s results. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ask who's funded the most wars and provided the most war money.. Obummer or Clinton? Obummer wins I think.
Who tried to convince North Korea to stop trying to obtain nuclear weapons?
Who sanctioned Iran and locked up their international Bank accounts putting them on the verge of self imploding?
Who put the hardest sanctions in history on Russia?

Ok, I see I have your attention.
Who gave Irans money back and released their sanctions?

Who undid the Russian sanctions and agave the OK to the Russian/European pipeline?

Iran used their reclaimed money to make missiles for Hamas.

Russia's main money maker is oil and gas.
Without the sanctions lifted, Putin could not have afforded this neverending way with Ukraine.

Why do people hate the only guy that speaks constantly about ending war?

He had a date set, and a plan in place to pull out of Afghanistan. It would have been shortly after his second term began.

.....well, how did the Afghanistan pullout end up under dementia Joe and his administration?

Once more, I have total confusion as to how a peace maker, deal maker was ever called Hitler or a fascist. It's TDS. There's no other explanation. Eyes wide shut.

Trump absolutely will go down as one of the greatest presidents the US has ever had. Its a slam dunk.
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Trump absolutely will go down as one of the greatest presidents the US has ever had. It’s a slam dunk.
Slam ! 💥 would be a good adjective to use. 😜 ….and even Dunk ! Because that describes Donald in the swimming pool of the conservative United States, holding down the liberal democratic peoples head underwater 😜 …. If that’s the intention behind greatness, then I guess it’s working out so far.

My definition of greatest president would most certainly need to have qualities of bipartisanship skills. Sure, great things may come from this no hold bars process chosen, but if the process is not great, then the great results are tainted. 🤔

So! What do you value most ? process or results …. I say don’t waste time answering the question, because improvement lie’s in between, with the focus on a great process. Picture a flag, waving in the wind, never staying on one side or the other too long. What does that movement provide ? It provides action back-and-forth in between analyzing the process and judging the results. If we rinse and repeat, like Incognito likes us to do, ( come back! ) I believe we can find a more lasting greatness, rather than forced results that leave a segment of the population feeling like shiitake mushrooms…..You must admit, I do have quite the imagination. 😜 …. I promise not to get an inflated or depressed head if you want to agree or disagree with that line of thinking.

Disclaimer: maybe this predisposed imagination could be the cause that doesn’t allow me to accept reality 🤔 What is the reality ? Maybe humanity is not ready for bipartisanship cooperation 🤔 Maybe we need more time, and if that is somewhat correct, then maybe this hard line approach, divide and conquer, is the way to go after all 🤔 My gut tells me that it isn’t, however, I have chronic gastritis, so this unhealthy gut may be steering me wrong 😜🤣

What do you guys think about all that? Hey, let’s get more voices on this topic. Take chances boys and girls and start off slow, please! We need different perspectives .Thx ! 😁
Slam ! 💥 would be a good adjective to use. 😜 ….and even Dunk ! Because that describes Donald in the swimming pool of the conservative United States, holding down the liberal democratic peoples head underwater 😜 …. If that’s the intention behind greatness, then I guess it’s working out so far.

My definition of greatest president would most certainly need to have qualities of bipartisanship skills. Sure, great things may come from this no hold bars process chosen, but if the process is not great, then the great results are tainted. 🤔

So! What do you value most ? process or results …. I say don’t waste time answering the question, because improvement lie’s in between, with the focus on a great process. Picture a flag, waving in the wind, never staying on one side or the other too long. What does that movement provide ? It provides action back-and-forth in between analyzing the process and judging the results. If we rinse and repeat, like Incognito likes us to do, ( come back! ) I believe we can find a more lasting greatness, rather than forced results that leave a segment of the population feeling like shiitake mushrooms…..You must admit, I do have quite the imagination. 😜 …. I promise not to get an inflated or depressed head if you want to agree or disagree with that line of thinking.

Disclaimer: maybe this predisposed imagination could be the cause that doesn’t allow me to accept reality 🤔 What is the reality ? Maybe humanity is not ready for bipartisanship cooperation 🤔 Maybe we need more time, and if that is somewhat correct, then maybe this hard line approach, divide and conquer, is the way to go after all 🤔 My gut tells me that it isn’t, however, I have chronic gastritis, so this unhealthy gut may be steering me wrong 😜🤣

What do you guys think about all that? Hey, let’s get more voices on this topic. Take chances boys and girls and start off slow, please! We need different perspectives .Thx ! 😁
The Demonrats have had no interest in bipartisanship in many years. All Trump is trying to do is fix some of the stuff they have messed up. Much of it goes clear back to Clinton. They have staged an all out attack on the constitution. Why do black people favor the Demonrats? They were the party of slavery, they fought the civil rights act. You would think that black people would vote against them. I think they vote Demonrat because of all the freebees.
The Demonrats have had no interest in bipartisanship in many years. All Trump is trying to do is fix some of the stuff they have messed up. Much of it goes clear back to Clinton. They have staged an all out attack on the constitution.
Two wrongs don’t make a right 🤔

Go ahead and clean up the mess, but please fix it in a way that doesn’t create secondary destruction.

When you say, they have staged an all out attack on the constitution who are they? I say they are us, both of us! 🤔
Why do black people favor the Demonrats? They were the party of slavery, they fought the civil rights act. You would think that black people would vote against them. I think they vote Demonrat because of all the freebees.
Sure we need to look at the past, so we can learn and move forward in the present for a more functional future. So thank you for bringing that to our attention.

Is that freebies or is that frisbees. 😜 i’m sure there are plenty of white people who like the frisbees too and if we truly want to move forward towards a color blind humanity, I believe it starts with leaving generalizations out of the conversation as much as possible. As for the democratic party back in civil rights era, they were a different party with a different philosophy back then. The black community understands that, is willing to forgive them, and move forward. If we truly want to move forward with function in the United States of America, I believe we need to be flexible and open minded that people, organizations and political parties Can and must change on a daily basis. 🤔
Trump stopped all federal funding to California's "train to nowhere" in week # 1.

It is a dead topic today. More importantly, the 4 families who were going to use that useless train from "nowhere, to nowhere" have already been deported, so there would be no passengers for this $1/4 trillion choo-choo train.
Trump stopped all federal funding to California's "train to nowhere" in week # 1.

It is a dead topic today. More importantly, the 4 families who were going to use that useless train from "nowhere, to nowhere" have already been deported, so there would be no passengers for this $1/4 trillion choo-choo train.
One of those ideas that looked good on paper and should have stayed there.
Picture a flag, waving in the wind, never staying on one side or the other too long. What does that movement provide ? It provides action back-and-forth in between analyzing the process and judging the results.
I picture a flag always flying to the right, otherwise it's backwards 🤣
One thing with the government is it's gotten too big. It does too much. It attempts to create programs to "fix" everything..... It is non stop fixing and changing and setting more and more rules and limits. It just won't stop getting larger.
(Until now)
This flag shouldn't wave right or left. There is only one answer, less government, especially less waste.
Let's Make Government Accountable Again. LMGAA... naw, DOGE has a nicer ring to it. 😁
The waste being uncovered just in USAID looks like the tip of the iceberg. Waste and fraud have been hidden. At least now, people know what money has been spent on.
I can't believe how many of those millions in giveaways to other countries had DEI attached to them. We don't need to spend money screwing up other countries. Wasn't the program designed to help other countries and improve our world image.... Slowing or eliminating AIDS or disease also helps us, so yes, the program has its good points.
Here's a Democrat Dr and whistleblower on Jesse Waters.


The flag doesn't need to waver sometimes. Both sides should agree on what's happening on this exposed waste.
One side however wants this flow of information to stay hidden and the audit stopped in its tracks.
...one must ask, why so?
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The flag doesn't need to waver sometimes. Both sides should agree on what's happening on this exposed waste.
One side however wants this flow of information to stay hidden and the audit stopped in its tracks.
...one must ask, why so?
I’m not a Democrat, so I can’t answer for them, however, my awareness tells me that they want waste exposed just as much as anyone else. Why haven’t the Democrats been invited to be a part of the process on the dog-e 😜 team. One must ask why they are not invited, do the Republicans have something to hide or do they want to just continue with the blame game and divide and conquer. This waste has been going on for decades like Dr. Cohen said in the Fox News interview. I am all for shaking up the system and auditing all of the departments, but it must be done in a transparent and bipartisan way.

PS> has anyone heard that there is another Gaza in Africa that has received condoms ? ….. We really need to be careful about what we hear and share without getting the full picture from reliable news source’s.

The reason he started the fake news language was to sow seeds of doubt, and to provide cover for when he needed it, which is needed on a daily basis. If his mouth is moving chances are the words are all half truths or worse….. in my humble opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Once more, I have total confusion as to how a peace maker, deal maker was ever called Hitler or a fascist. It's TDS. There's no other explanation. Eyes wide shut.
We will never know how the Trump Afghanistan troop pull out would have looked like, And anyone who speculates that it would not have been a disaster should maybe opened up their own fortune telling business. 🤔

As for the eyes wide shut ! …. That is exactly the answer to everyone’s confusion about everything that we find unsettling from each other. In order to be less confused over any oppositional choice, we must give understanding to the opposition. 🤔……Anything short of that is IMHO ego stubborn righteousness syndrome 😜🤔 Leaving no room for anything different, other than the thoughts that emanate from one owns brain.

I agree that there is a portion of the population that has misunderstood TDS (trump derangement syndrome 😜) and it causes them to remain in their own ego stubborn righteousness syndrome 😜(ESRS) …. So ! You see, the answer is for someone to first mentor understanding to the opposition and then proceed with constructive respectful criticism, rather than blame 🤔 Then ! provide a plan or process to get everyone on a path towards improvement. Anything short of that IMHO is a self centered ego driven process, that will only appeal to half the population.🥲

Shouldn’t the goal be what Chris Cuomo passionately shares on News Nation….We have left, right, what about reasonable ? 👍
I’m not a Democrat, so I can’t answer for them, however, my awareness tells me that they want waste exposed just as much as anyone else. Why haven’t the Democrats been invited to be a part of the process on the dog-e 😜 team. One must ask why they are not invited, do the Republicans have something to hide or do they want to just continue with the blame game and divide and conquer. This waste has been going on for decades like Dr. Cohen said in the Fox News interview. I am all for shaking up the system and auditing all of the departments, but it must be done in a transparent and bipartisan way.

PS> has anyone heard that there is another Gaza in Africa that has received condoms ? ….. We really need to be careful about what we hear and share without getting the full picture from reliable news source’s.

The reason he started the fake news language was to sow seeds of doubt, and to provide cover for when he needed it, which is needed on a daily basis. If his mouth is moving chances are the words are all half truths or worse….. in my humble opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️
Republicans welcome the Democrats who are concerned about these wastes and have the same concerns.
Where are they? Is Chuck worried about these expenditures?
....No, he wants them stopped!
Fake news was an accurate term.
Rachel Maddow and Laurence McDonald aren't the fake news?
They repeatedly called him Hitler.
The repeatedly scared people about trump having his hands on the nuclear button.
When has BP reached peace for 8 years?
Who has wanted to end wars?
Who has complained about young men dying in these stupid wars. Chuck Schumer?
.....no, it was the warmonger sociopath Donald Trump. 🙄
Fake news is as accurate as Starrett .0005 micrometer.
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Let’s try this and see what happens 🤞


Don’t get caught up in reporters opinions, By judging them immediately, and placing terms like fake news onto them. We must go deeper if we want to give them our understanding. ✌️
Let’s try this and see what happens 🤞


Don’t get caught up in reporters opinions, By judging them immediately, and placing terms like fake news onto them. We must go deeper if we want to give them our understanding. ✌️

How can one not get caught up in so called opinions? When they cleaned up Kamala's interview so she appears smarter than she really is, that was blatant election interference.... they didn't want Trump to win, so they polished up a turd of an interview. She sounded tired drunk and confused. She was as bad as Biden was at the Trump/ Biden debate. They cleaned her up because they didn't want us to know how poorly she thinks and communicates.
Someone ought to go to jail. This was election rigging, NOT an opinion piece.
I'd love to be judge, jury and executioner in these trials.
Sure, there are opinion pieces. When these major news organizations all banded together and started regularly using the terms Nazi, Hitler, and a dictator, and implying Trump is a racist, sympathetic to skinheads and white supremacist...... This was done not as opinion pueces, but a blatant and obvious attempt to get Kamala elected.
This repetition of negative terminology is what formed TDS....... Repeated enough times, lies become the truth in.... small minds.
People got fed up with the media,base what they were doing, switched parties and Trump was elected in historic proportions.

Have you heard the part 60 minutes cut out and pasted in so Kamala wouldn't appear braindead?
The uncut version of the entire interview was supposedly released, but I haven't had time to look. I'm trying to rid my mind of sheep, plaid and golf..... I'm slowly deprogramming myself. It's only been two days 😁

I don't attempt to understand the people who put out fake news. They are lying and being deceptive. Attempting to make you believe what they say and providing us with the misleading evidence they want us to see.
If they're liars, then there is nothing to understand about them. Fake news just settled two 8 figure lawsuits in Trump's favor and are about to settle a third even larger lawsuit. Trump's lawsuit is 10 billion. Let's see what they will agree to settle.
...if I was Trump, I would have filed a criminal, and a civil lawsuit and asking for jail time for whoever participated in that election interference interview coverup with Kamala. It wasn't just one person.
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interference interview coverup with Kamala. It wasn't just one person.
The editing department usually has more than one person on staff 😜

Just because he’s collecting cash, doesn’t mean the other side did anything other than their normal run in the mill jobs. Lawsuit’s settlements, or Rewards ! are not about Knowing all the Facts correctly, it’s about Understanding how the process works. Sure! I bet there are lawsuits that get it right, and the victim is justified to collect. However, we all know someone like myself, where our car insurance company without our approval, decides to settle with a group of criminals who play the system.

Chris Cuomo did some reporting on what you’re talking about and it was plain and simple EDITING, portrayed as being something more than it was. If we didn’t have such strong emotions fueled through the lens of ‘ Good vs Evil ‘ then maybe 🤔 we could be Reasonable and understand how both sides got us to this point.

Everyone carries the burden of responsibility for NOT ! allowing external stimulus to enter into our internal sanctuary, where all goodness comes from. If we are blaming defending, ridiculing, playing the victim, or even the opposite scale of boasting, we are living life from an External space where we take things too personal for our own, and our neighbors own good 🤔
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