Judge says no to emotional support chickens

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Just people finding loopholes.

Similar to my daughter in law. She rented a house specifically prohibiting dogs. She simply paid $28 to some on line company, providing her the proof needed to say her dog is a PTSD support animal. Now, legally, the homeowner renting out their house must accommodate my daughter in law.
Yes ! Probably, that’s a good observation!

A segment of the population will sometimes overly think creatively, like your daughter in law, utilizing unscrupulous programs for their advantage. (Maybe those programs need to be regulated, so the temptation doesn’t exist) However, Once they get the dog or the cat or the chicken, those animals probably begins to provide some type of emotional support, 🤷🏻‍♂️ as long as they own a portable carpet cleaner 😜… So ! In some cases , do the ends justify the means 🤔 maybe only if the ends teach us something about the means. 😜🤔 how’s that for over thinking 😉

Does anyone have chickens, or know someone who does and they have some type of emotional feelings towards them ?
I use to have 5 chickens, 2 rabbits, and 2 quail (Dan and Marilyn, of course). My chickens were mean as heck, but had a better temperament with my two young children. They were great egg layers, but that ended all in one night where a racoon ate through the chicken wire and ate their heads off. Yes, pretty traumatic for my kids, who got up early in the morning to feed them.
No ! I enjoyed the feedback story and I think you shared that story before 🤔

I’m siding with the judge, unless there’s feedback on the contrary. Any chicken lovers out there ?
Chickens are the *****. I can’t wait until I have chickens again. They usually only make it a few years before something eats them but when they’re only a couple bucks a piece I’ll buy more.
I'm not a pet person, but having any pet in an HOA sounds risky. Birds are smart, but different birds are smart on different levels. I'm not sure about the pecking order between species.
.....so I can sorta see a chicken as a support animal. 5? .....in an HOA? That's probably not gonna fly.
Chickens do make noise, especially when they’re done droppin an egg. They have to announce it. Multiply that by 5. Good thing she doesn’t have a rooster cus them buggers start in before the sun comes up, and they don’t shut up all day long.

That $50/ day fine will add up real quick.
That $50/ day fine will add up real quick.
The judge found out that she was getting donations from different groups to help pay the fines so he upped it to $100 a day (I think) 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….. we really have some gaps in the judicial system where a verdict comes down, but the implementation somehow gets lost in appeals or defiance.
What’s up with that?

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