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Man, what a beautiful morning! Too bad it goes downhill after that. The first pic was taken about 10 to 7, right before the sun pokes its ugly head. The second pic was taken just after 7. It’s beautiful but you’re gonna want sunglasses for the rest of the day.

A small grey owl made its way into the house. You can’t touch em, they’re protected here. That bugger made his way into the house before and they had to call someone to have it removed to the tune of $1500. 😳 I opened the doors and forgot about the owl. When I went back to check on him later, he had made his way out on his own. He was a cute little dude. He just stared at me and made some sort of clicking sound. Jokes on him cus I already knew it takes 3 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop.😂


Maybe around 9 my saw started making a funny noise. I legit thought the bearings were going out and my saw was gonna have to be put down. I ran to HD real quick and bought another saw. Got back to the job site and was gonna go about modifying my new saw to mate with my wings. First thing is to take my good blade off of the old saw. I’ll be damned if my blade wasn’t loose. How does that happen, I just put a new blade on yesterday and I know I tightened it properly. Whatever. I tightened the blade back up and continued on with my day. Only difference is I now have one more saw to throw around in my van. I have an extra stand. I think I’ll mount it on that and make that my dedicated crown molding saw.

At the end of the day I had to run to Rockler to get some more super glue and activator. First time I’ve ever spent over $100 on super glue alone. Damn!

On the plus side today I learned that super glue doesn’t stick to my miter saw wings, because I waxed them. Nothing sticks to wax. 😁 Let it harden and it scrapes right off. Ain’t that something. I love me some wax! Gonna have to rub some more on my wings now. Good thing I know a guy that makes his own.
Does the activator really work?

Sure does. Don’t think it makes the bond any stronger but it definitely speeds up the bonding process. Instead of kicking off in 10 or 20 seconds it kicks off in 2 or 3, so you better make sure your pieces are lined up where you want them or you’ll be bustin them apart and doing it again. Gotta be careful with what you’re spraying the activator on because it will damage some finishes as well as it will melt some foams and plastics. If you have superglue residue on your fingers and you spray some activator, it heats up. Haven’t actually burned myself yet but you can definitely feel the heat created from the chemical reaction between the adhesive and the activator.
Sure does. Don’t think it makes the bond any stronger but it definitely speeds up the bonding process. Instead of kicking off in 10 or 20 seconds it kicks off in 2 or 3, so you better make sure your pieces are lined up where you want them or you’ll be bustin them apart and doing it again. Gotta be careful with what you’re spraying the activator on because it will damage some finishes as well as it will melt some foams and plastics. If you have superglue residue on your fingers and you spray some activator, it heats up. Haven’t actually burned myself yet but you can definitely feel the heat created from the chemical reaction between the adhesive and the activator.
What brand? Since I don't do much woodworking, I'm guessing a gel type or a thick one. About the only one I've ever used is from Bob Smith Industries. They will rebrand it to a stores name. This is what I use for most everything. ...yeah, owies too.
They make a LOT of adhesives and epoxy too.


I like Stickfast medium viscosity. It’s a Rockler brand. They’re basically all the same, with the exception of viscosity, but Rockler is the only place that has activator in stock so that’s where I go. Woodcraft may carry activator but they’re down in Chandler. Too far for me to drive. I’d just assume Amazon it before I drive down to Chandler. Starbond has black and brown CA adhesive, which is great for filling knot holes n such. Other than that their bottles are too stiff. Prolly wouldn’t matter to the average Joe but when you’re squeezing that bottle all day long, that gets old real quick. I’ll actually dump clear Starbond into an empty Stickfast bottle and use that because I dislike the Starbond bottles that much.

As far as viscosity goes I like medium. Thin is too runny for me. I bought a bottle of thick one time and it hardened up on me in the bottle before I could use it so no more thick for me. I’m sure it has its place but medium is a nice all around fit for what I do. I think the thick gives you a longer work time and the thin sets up quick. Medium is right in the middle.
Nice ! How about a sticky note showing High’s home base and the amazing golf course job site.
There are seven world class courses at Bandon Dunes.
If they had an 8th, a miniature golf course I might give it a try. 😁
Here's the courses, Google maps shows it to be roughly 3 1/2 miles by 1/2+ miles wide. The owner has a nice little shack on the coast just north of the courses. I'm not sure how often he flys in. I heard his jet is bigger than your jet...... and most others. 😁
I like Stickfast medium viscosity. It’s a Rockler brand. They’re basically all the same, with the exception of viscosity, but Rockler is the only place that has activator in stock so that’s where I go. Woodcraft may carry activator but they’re down in Chandler. Too far for me to drive. I’d just assume Amazon it before I drive down to Chandler. Starbond has black and brown CA adhesive, which is great for filling knot holes n such. Other than that their bottles are too stiff. Prolly wouldn’t matter to the average Joe but when you’re squeezing that bottle all day long, that gets old real quick. I’ll actually dump clear Starbond into an empty Stickfast bottle and use that because I dislike the Starbond bottles that much.

As far as viscosity goes I like medium. Thin is too runny for me. I bought a bottle of thick one time and it hardened up on me in the bottle before I could use it so no more thick for me. I’m sure it has its place but medium is a nice all around fit for what I do. I think the thick gives you a longer work time and the thin sets up quick. Medium is right in the middle.
I figured the thinner or the regular stuff would just soak in an not even bond.
I figured the thinner or the regular stuff would just soak in an not even bond.

Kinda. I don’t like the thin because of that. You end up putting more on to compensate for what will get sucked up but now you have almost too much CA adhesive on there and it tends to run and drip where you don’t want it to. Maybe non porous surfaces are better suited for the thin.

This job I’m on is all alder and that stuff is drinking up my medium viscosity like a cold beer on a hot day. In this situation I’m spraying both pieces with activator then applying my CA and putting the pieces together. I’ll bet the thick or gel would be a better choice for this situation.
Kinda. I don’t like the thin because of that. You end up putting more on to compensate for what will get sucked up but now you have almost too much CA adhesive on there and it tends to run and drip where you don’t want it to. Maybe non porous surfaces are better suited for the thin.

This job I’m on is all alder and that stuff is drinking up my medium viscosity like a cold beer on a hot day. In this situation I’m spraying both pieces with activator then applying my CA and putting the pieces together. I’ll bet the thick or gel would be a better choice for this situation.
I've never experimented much with these. Once I got the one I showed, the gap filling one, that's my go to. A little bit more for some things, a little bless for others.
I used some once for bonding together a couple small pieces of 1/4" acrylic to make a router guide. Put the adhesive in the center, squoosh em together with a clamp and it's so clear the two pieces looked like one.
Rusty, I"m so sorry about your doggy. It is never easy to lose them. They do not live long enough. Fippy is around 15yrs old now and showing his age. Fur on his face has turned white.

CJ, that is a very cool place and the moulding job looks neat. I love the built-in shelves.The little owl visitor is adorable.

I went to Samsclub for curbside pickup. took 30+min for my order to come out and I was heading in to the store (after seeing the app claimed I received my order already) when I saw the cart with my order coming out.
Rusty, I"m so sorry about your doggy. It is never easy to lose them. They do not live long enough. Fippy is around 15yrs old now and showing his age. Fur on his face has turned white.
View attachment 20862

CJ, that is a very cool place and the moulding job looks neat. I love the built-in shelves.The little owl visitor is adorable.

I went to Samsclub for curbside pickup. took 30+min for my order to come out and I was heading in to the store (after seeing the app claimed I received my order already) when I saw the cart with my order coming out.
Maybe that's part of the reason I never had a pet.
.....subliminal fears after seeing that first gray whisker, and realizing it's begun.
I'm better of with the neighborhood calico that pops over to hang out on top the carport for a bit, or just needing a little rub behind the ears.... the cat. I do my own ears. 😁
Even though it sucks so much when we lose them I find it worth it. You know that phrase "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all". The time I spend with my furbabies is worth the eventual heartbreak when they pass. And I've had well over 200 pets over the years-- counting farm animals.

Fippy has a lump on the back of his neck that keeps growing larger. Had it biopsied and it came out as non-cancerous but I'm thinking of taking him in to have it looked at again. He's too old for general anesthesia but I wonder if they could do a local to take it out. I'd only trust the lead vet and not the younger one. Younger one has proven to be less competent. Fippy is sitting with Mom in the living room right now. Only 6 of the cats are in here with me.

I forgot to mention that yesterday I went to return some glasses I got for Mom (wrong magnification) and then I got a different pair in the right magnification. Only self checkout was open so I was 2nd in line and there were at least 6 people behind me when a guy with a full cart was rushing and agitatedly asked if he could get through. He was looking directly at me but it was the person behind me who had her cart in the way. I moved as much as I could (didn't have much space to move) and all of a sudden he made a 90 and pushed past a barrier, nearly ramming the woman in front of me, and cut in line. Woman in front of me called out to him "I appreciate you cutting in line in front of all of us like that" and he held up his phone and said something I couldn't hear. An employee came over to him and the lady called out to her that he nearly hit her with his cart and cut in line. The employee was irritated and shouted back at her that he was a delivery person and then turned back to help him scan all of the items in the cart. Lady in front of me said "He's still rude!" and a few other things. I calmed her down by mentioning how cool her tattoos were. She had angel wings on her back (she had a racer style back on her shirt) and Chucky & Bride of Chucky on her arm (the characters, not th names/words).
Still missing her but grateful for the 13 years of unconditional love. Trying to decide if we should get another dog that would probably outlive us. Would that be fair to the dog?
Sure ! Better for us and the dog to give and receive love, than to have never given and received love at all….. As long as you and the family are up to the responsibility. 👍

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