Ran my van through emissions yesterday then went to DMV. Less than $83 for everything. Emissions, tags, title and plates. Boom! I love my ‘05. I think I’ll wash her today so she looks nice n purdy when I show up to some fancy ass house tomorrow to hang some base. People judge.
I recall working at a shop years ago and one of the customers called to complain because the installer had a dirty van. Nothing wrong with the install or installer, dude just had a dirty van. Then there’s the installers who have a garbage dump for a dashboard. You’ve seen them, papers and 7-11 food boxes right out front for everyone to see. That one actually gets me. Same thing with the guy whose van looks like a bomb went off inside of it. To each their own I suppose but you’re not inspiring confidence in your customers by driving around a trash heap. Even worse if you have a newer vehicle and it looks like a dump.
What does your vehicle say about you?