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He got those rules from China . There is actually a list of behaviors that communists enhance and enforced whatever when they were “communizing” China back in the day, it was a crumpled looking newspaper clipping circulating when the “social distancing “ bullshit was being pushed by the guvamint and MSM . No personal contact and no conversation is the goal. When guvamint seeks to pull something off or control the masses (liberals /demoncrats) masks and social distance is perfect.
Meanwhile only a full on moron believes a paper mask will inhibit virus transmission
Fauci and Birks and big pharma are all in collusion.

Who knew we were all going to be so sick in the future ?

I had a daughter who had a brain bleed back in 1992. I was installing at the time . She was in five hospitals that first day. Her diagnosis was arteriovenous malformation or AVM . They call it a bomb in the brain.
She used up her million dollar max by the time she was 8. She lived until she was 16.
As a result I went and got my LPN license and carried one for 28 years I’ve done my fair share of nursing work also so I’m not a medical moron.
If there is one thing you watch today, this is it.During the
, Sacks explains how Fauci purposely misled the American public to protect himself."They knew right away that [Cov*d] came from a lab leak and Fauci and Collins said in emails that they were gonna begin a brutal takedown in order to conceal this fundamental truth of the lab leak from the public.""Now, why would Fauci need to conceal this? Because he had funded gain of function research programs... to conduct gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.""Fauci was personally responsible for reversing an Obama-era decision to prohibit gain of function research because it was so risky.""[Fauci] funded a gain of function research. He was personally responsible for lifting the ban on gain of function research.""He had a lot of reasons to wanna hide the fact that COVID was engineered in a lab and was lab leak.""Longtime colleague of Fauci and Collins at NIH. Dr. David Morens developed a strategy for evading FOIA requests that would expose the truth.""He did this by deleting government emails, which is a crime by using private email to conduct government business, which is also a crime.""And then strategically misspelling names and titles to frustrate the FOIA searches."To recap:- Fauci aggressively pursued gain-of-function research and was responsible for funding the Wuhan lab while others warned of the dangers.- The virus then leaked from this lab, leading to trillions of dollars in debt which will paralyze our economy for decades into the future, death, su*cides, etc.- Fauci and others were paraded around as heroes.- Trump was ridiculed for pushing the lab leak theory.- Instead of admitting to the lab leak, Fauci and other doctors did all they could to cover it up.- To top it off, many scientists accepted millions of dollars in royalties from the vaccine.You should be furious.
As much as I dislike Hunter Biden, "lying on the form 4473 (the background check) is a felony. “Over 80, 000 have been caught lying on it and yet less than 2% of those have been prosecuted."
Will it increase or decrease his poll numbers?

Trick question. 😁 Absolutely decrease. Hell lose Dems and not gain Republicans.
...Everyone knows why he's doing this.
....and he blames Republicans. 🤧
Will it increase or decrease his poll numbers?

Trick question. 😁 Absolutely decrease. Hell lose Dems and not gain Republicans.
...Everyone knows why he's doing this.
....and he blames Republicans. 🤧

That’s why blaming OR TAKING CREDIT idoesn’t work. It only elevates our inner needs to make egotistical behavior acceptable AND HONORABLE 🥲 over the most important traits of improvement and purpose……. One of these days I’ll learn ya ! 😜….. not you High, the leaders, or wannabe leaders.
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As much as I dislike Hunter Biden, "lying on the form 4473 (the background check) is a felony. “Over 80, 000 have been caught lying on it and yet less than 2% of those have been prosecuted."
Selective prosecution is an egregious violation of "The Rule of Law".

I agree with you 100%
As much as I dislike Hunter Biden, "lying on the form 4473 (the background check) is a felony. “Over 80, 000 have been caught lying on it and yet less than 2% of those have been prosecuted."
They're learning a new word called payback.
Not to worry. The trial is in DC.
That’s why blaming OR TAKING CREDIT idoesn’t work. It only elevates our inner needs to make egotistical behavior acceptable AND HONORABLE 🥲 over the most important traits of improvement and purpose……. One of these days I’ll learn ya ! 😜….. not you High, the leaders, or wannabe leaders.
I'll surprise you with a thought.
I asked how to contact President Trump earlier.
Here's why.
On day one of his presidency, I'd love for him to do something. Call a press conference, then do a short speech.

"I called you all here to make a couple of announcements.
Number one, this morning, I pardoned myself of everything that has been thrown at me since I announced my candidacy.
Number two, I pardon Joe, Hunter and Jim and all investigations will end today.
Members of Congress....


The news all week long would be a riot. 🤣

Then maybe everyone could attempt to start behaving. ...at least a little bit?
I’d like a short speech from a new AG.
Today we are unsealing 490,000 indictments and you won’t believe who is about to be arrested.
“Drops giant pile of paper on table “

Walk out .

the real news is an FBI agent verified in court yesterday that the laptop is real . 100% admitted into evidence every stinking email every amateur porn flic the crack pipes everything was fully vested yesterday , Rudy and Garret were right all along
I’d like a short speech from a new AG.
Today we are unsealing 490,000 indictments and you won’t believe who is about to be arrested.
“Drops giant pile of paper on table “

Walk out .

the real news is an FBI agent verified in court yesterday that the laptop is real . 100% admitted into evidence every stinking email every amateur porn flic the crack pipes everything was fully vested yesterday , Rudy and Garret were right all along
O-Boy ! Robert Kennedy is looking, but not sounding 😜 better every day now.

Brian Rantz

As more & more counties get more solar farms.....
From a STEPHENVILLE resident, George Franklin:
I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this. I am a retired aerospace engineer. A literal rocket scientist if you will. I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei's half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets. I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry's 757. I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of. Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable. I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot. I fly both full scale and model sailplanes. I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.
SOLAR PANELS are at best about 20% EFFICIENT. They convert almost 0% of the UV light that hits them. None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum. At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED INTO THE adjacent ATMOSPHERE. It should be obvious what happens next. When air is warmed it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. SOLAR FARMS WILL BECOME THUNDERSTORM and TORONADO INCUBATORS and MAGNETS.
Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated. This is known as black-body radiation. Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components. If they didn't do this they would fry themselves.
So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes.
So I conclude with this. THERE IS NOTHING GREEN ABOUT GREEN ENERGY except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets.
There is no such thing as green energy. The science doesn't exist. The technology doesn't exist. The engineering doesn't exist. We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.

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