If he told them to be peaceful, and they did not listen, why did they listen when he told them to stop the tantrum and go home ? Donald balances on the fence better than I do
Paraphrased : ā I want you to demonstrate peacefully, even though the election was stolen, but remember ! youāll never take back your country with weakness , WINK WINK NOD NOD ā ā¦.. They new what he wanted them to do , so they did it as peacefully as a Temper Tantrum Toddler can do
Make Politicians and the people Polite again
That's where the problem lies. There was absolutely no wink wink, nod nod. Where does that thought process come from?
Republicans understand Trump's secret code word?
"Peacefully" means attack?
"Patriotically"means rampage?
The problem is when people make up stuff that has zero credibility.
There would be no benefit to trump encouraging breaking windows and going into the capitol. It would be 1000% the opposite. There is no way Trump would do what was done that day and at the same time thinking it would help him.
I just listened to that entire speech and there is absolutely nothing he said that invited anything.
He complimented the capital police, and secret service.
He said "I hope Mike Pence will do the right thing"
If he hoped Mike Pence would do the "right thing", how could that happen during a riot?
It's obvious he didn't want a riot or Mike would not be able to do "the right thing"
TDS is something I can't comprehend. It makes peoples minds go sideways thinking up anything they can and rationalizing it.
My brother does that. Hell inject Trump's name somehow if we're watching someone on TV burning cookies........ Totally out of the blue comes a hateful Trump comment without warning.
"That looks like something that Trump would do"

WTF? Where did that come from, I ask myself.
Trump said absolutely nothing to incite what happened. He wanted Pence to do "the right thing"
One must take his speech in its time and context.
I was watching when that one state suddenly flip flopped a hundred thousand votes into Biden's favor. I'm not saying what happened was sinister nor inaccurate.... .but it looked bad, really bad. It needed a deep look to prove that it was correct.
A lady that had been a poll person for 20 years went to the lady in charge and complained about procedures not being done as per protocol.
There was that issue with the slight of hand with the flash drive.
There were the poll workers sent home, then boxes of ballots being removed from under tables covered with black tablecloths.
A hand full of states changed vote closing times, changed voter verification rules. Those are done by legislation, not done on a whim and blaming COVID.
There were dozens of issues, many recorded on tape that looked crazy suspicious.
Zuckerburg spent what, a couple hundred million trying to defeat Trump, putting ballot drop off locations in Democrat voter neighborhoods.
I don't recall the exact number, but something like 40,000 votes would have changed the election, giving Trump the electors instead of Joe. It was a close race.
Go back to that day to understand the anger. There were soooo many unanswered questions at that point in time about some very serious election interference issues.
Peacefully and patriotically go make your voices heard was not a secret code to go on rampage.
If it was, who organized it?
....oh wait, there was zero organization
....there was no plan.
....and Trump will gain something from this?
If Trump was going to do something it would have been an armed military coup. He would do nothing as stupid as sending in Moe, Larry, Curly and the F-troop to fo his bidding.
With enough hate, people will envision Trump doing virtually anything.