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Here is the full story...

Well isn't that interesting..

"The release of a chilling pre-9/11 video “rewrites everything Americans” have been told about the terror attacks that murdered nearly 3,000 in one day and is still claiming others stricken with cancer from working on the toxic Twin Towers pile.

The video, just posted by “60 Minutes,” is part of a lawsuit 9/11 families are waging against Saudi Arabia for allegedly aiding some of the al Qaeda hijackers, court documents state. A hearing in the case is set for July 11 in federal court in Manhattan.

The video is a key piece of evidence made public this week that could help finally expose the level of involvement Saudi Arabia may of had in the terror attacks, plaintiffs argue.

“The existence of this video rewrites everything Americans have been told about 9/11,” said Brett Eagleson, who was 15 years old when his dad, Bruce, died while working at the World Trade Center in Manhattan on 9/11.

“Every single member of the U.S. Congress should be standing in solidarity with the 9/11 community demanding accountability from Saudi Arabia,” the Connecticut man told the Herald Thursday night. “It was members of our community who gave their lives on 9/11 to save the United States Capitol building and all the members working inside of it. We now need their help.”

The video allegedly shows a Saudi suspect “casing the Capitol” in the summer of 1999, pointing out where Congress sits. Eagleson also says a companion sketchbook painstakingly shows “an aviator’s algorithm on how to hit a target on the horizon when flying a plane.”

He credits British officials for obtaining both pieces of “incredible” evidence and retired FBI agents for assisting 9/11 families who refuse to give up on seeking justice nearly 23 years after the ruthless jet attacks on New York City, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pa.

The man behind the camera, according to “60 Minutes” and alleged in court documents, is Omar Al Bayoumi — then working for Saudi intelligence, according to the FBI."

You have to lick the link to watch the video:

screenshot this, pisses me off

pisses me off..PNG
screenshot this, pisses me off

View attachment 19337
Yes !! It pisses me off too, but what’s the alternative when we have God / Baby Jesus and the constitution stating that we have ‘ FREE WILL ‘ or in this case free Willy from his manly duties now ‘ 😜 😜 It’s not a crime so leave it ! ! Cultural changes happen and old people get pissed…. Accept and move on brother, sister and in between 🤔

When we are trying to control free will or being in other peoples business then we have less time mentoring the business that we freely want to express.
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Yes !! It pisses me off too, but what’s the alternative when we have God / Baby Jesus and the constitution stating that we have ‘ FREE WILL ‘ or in this case free Willy from his manly duties now ‘ 😜 😜 It’s not a crime so leave it ! ! Cultural changes happen and old people get pissed…. Accept and move on brother, sister and in between 🤔

When we are trying to control free will or being in other peoples business then we have less time mentoring the business that we freely want to express.
My granddaughter was a gymnastics champion. Competed in the nationals. She and most of her teammates, quit after finding out that girl-boys would be on the girls team the next year.
My granddaughter was a gymnastics champion. Competed in the nationals. She and most of her teammates, quit after finding out that girl-boys would be on the girls team the next year.
I would never allow radical Liberal ideas stop me or family members from competing. The only way out, in any struggle, is through….. Free Will, like everything the Universe created, is not or ever going to be perfect. Stay in the Respectful Fight, by encouraging Improvement.
I would never allow radical Liberal ideas stop me or family members from competing. The only way out, in any struggle, is through….. Free Will, like everything the Universe created, is not or ever going to be perfect. Stay in the Respectful Fight, by encouraging Improvement.
They would have had no chance against boys. The age group is 11-18. Imagine an 11 year old girl competing against an 18 year old shehe. My 11 year old granddaughter was beating 18 year old girls but competing fairly.
They would have had no chance against boys. The age group is 11-18. Imagine an 11 year old girl competing against an 18 year old shehe. My 11 year old granddaughter was beating 18 year old girls but competing fairly.
Sometimes we have to play the hand that is in front of us, rather than walk away and have to face it all over again in the future.
If all the females get out, it will change. Besides "gender dysphoria" is recognized as a mental illness.
Sorry to inform, but All the females will never unify the way our imagination thinks that it could to make change. The word IF IMHO keeps us stuck, rather than working directly on improving. 🤔

Unfortunately the gender dysforian’s 😜
Will not agree, so ! Once again we have imagination working against reality. Only time, testing, trust, and understanding are the tools for this issue.
Sorry to inform, but All the females will never unify the way our imagination thinks that it could to make change. The word IF IMHO keeps us stuck, rather than working directly on improving. 🤔

Unfortunately the gender dysforian’s 😜
Will not agree, so ! Once again we have imagination working against reality. Only time, testing, trust, and understanding are the tools for this issue.
Rules will work 100 times faster.
Female trans don't compete in men's sports.....
I wonder why 🤔
....no ....no, I really don't. 😁
I wish he had a clue as to how unfair this is to women who are actually women. Their brains are broke in more than one way.
One way, most people respect. In sports, he still has the strength of a he.
......but he doesn't care about fairness. 🤧
So I just read most of the USA Today article on her and I’m wondering why the teammates have accepted her with open arms ? I’m also wondering why they don’t see the obvious unfairness and reject her ? ….. Life is so contradictory, rather than cut and dry, I wonder why ? I wonder if there are test that identify personality traits of ‘ accepters ‘ vs.
‘ none acceptors ‘? …. Darn ! That’s a lot of questions, I wonder if they can ever get answered ? 😜
Mental illness, or worse demon possessed, no I’m not kidding. Demons have free will too brother !
The downsides are not only promoting normalization of mental illness as a lifestyle, since it’s a teaching institution, it’s cheating girls that have lifelong dreams of playing college level.
There’s a lot more I could get into but I’m taking a nap
Rest up, and I’ll need to hit the pillow early. Been helping nephew move into new house, I’m to old for this stuff, but it’s exciting for him. To be continued 😆
I feel about the same way. The job I took on with a bunch of leveling has access from the back yard and it's up about 20 stairs. It's whoopin' me. Pushing a pencil has taken a bigger toll on me than I ever imagined, mainly my knees.
It's hard to get them back in condition.
Mental illness, or worse demon possessed, no I’m not kidding. Demons have free will too brother !
The downsides are not only promoting normalization of mental illness as a lifestyle, since it’s a teaching institution, it’s cheating girls that have lifelong dreams of playing college level.
There’s a lot more I could get into but I’m taking a nap
Let’s add, are Demon’s real, to the list of complex questions, that rely on belief, and educated speculation, rather than a cut and dry answer 🤔

The point to all of these unanswered questions listed before and let’s be honest with ourselves, LIFE ! Physically and mentally goes way beyond our pay grade to ever fully grasp. So are we really promoting, and normalizing gender dysphoria as a lifestyle ? Or does it just feel like we are ? Our emotions are there to tell us that something needs to be addressed, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves and our pay grade, because life really is speculative 🧐
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Rules will work 100 times faster.
Female trans don't compete in men's sports.....
I wonder why 🤔
....no ....no, I really don't. 😁
Rules ! Rule ! But sometimes we need to stay out of it and let the actual people involved do the regulations.

While carrying furniture ( brother and nephew) we came up with this idea based on early childhood, middle school gym class 😜 The teacher had us form two lines on either side of Basketball Court. He blew the whistle and three players from the front of the line, on both sides, would take the court and compete until he blew for the ‘ LINE CHANGE ‘ ….. do you see where I’m going with this 😜
Me and all the other jocks 😜 used to bully, “ excuse me “ ☺️ our way into the correct positions to match up a more competitive/ fair ‘ LINE CHANGE ‘ ….. So ! Maybe the answer ( scratch that 😜 ) I mean, improved work around, 😜 because it’s all about the unifying terminology folks 😜 , that will help release us from the grip of division. Just because it’s the appropriate term doesn’t mean it needs to be used all the time ✌️

Let give them the time to self regulate without confusing the issue.
We "lay men" 😁 definitely won't be making the decisions. We can influence them by making the people making the rules know how we feel.
This is about fairness. Men who "feel" like women are still men. You can't change a man into a woman by changing his name.
You also can't reduce the strength of a man to the strength of a woman. Reduce it maybe, but a man active in competitive sports taking hormones will still be stronger.
This is about fairness to the women athletes, not about feelings.
This is about fairness to the women athletes, not about feelings.
Is it fair that one Rich private school recruits the best players, straight, or LGBTQIA’s ….. I believe the women can handle this while they ( women’s sports community) go through another learning curve, on top of all life’s curves.

They have already made some progress/ rules by banning that Transgender Swimmer from high level competitions.

Function can’t be forced. It needs to be found through the process of learning and in that process, dis function is going to and sometimes has to show up, before improvements are made. Embrace it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly Transgender 😜 …. Even though she’s ugly to the eyes, she’s just as beautiful as you and I in heart / Spirit. ✌️

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