I can see it clearly with my third eye. Actually, I kinda like my third eye. I can see in total darkness now.

Being able to measure some minuscule amount of radiation here doesn't bother me in the slightest........ unlike the Fukushima material there are unrelated background radiations from natural sources that are
actually dangerous............ like granite counter tops.
The measurable Fukushima radiation here is only impressive to me because
it's actually measurable and delectable......... that to me is pretty cool that such minuscule amounts are actually measurable.
"Detectable" does not mean it poses any danger. Fish are safe, clams are safe, surfing is safe........ except for the sharks.

Name the top 20 nuclear power plant disasters and how many people died because of radiation............ Oh wait....... there aren't 20, ....or 10, .....or 5 or?
Now list the number of people who have died building solar farms, wind farms, geothermal generator facilities, not to mention just the workers at the job sites.......... the manufacturing plant accidents too. How about the number of migratory birds, bats, eagles and reptilians killed (murdered)

or displaced because of those eco-friendly systems?
The accident in Japan was a design so stupid this carpet dude knew it was bad. Not the design so much as the location (elevation) of the reactors and the design of the backup cooling systems..... especially
THEIR elevation.....
stupid stupid, stupid. ..and I'm just s rug rat.
Chernobyl was a well known dangerous and poor design......... it was cheap to build.
Three Mile Island..... Stupid humans somehow over rode the computers which would have prevented this from becoming a big deal. How many people died from that "disaster" (not)? How much radiation escaped?
Hollywood glorified the fake "disaster" (non-diaster) and prevented the progress of nuclear power in the United states. It's safe but it still freaks some people out. What are we 20% nuclear in the USA?
Heard anything negative in the US since 1977? ...or since the movie China Syndrome was made? ....No you say?

How about nuclear disasters in France? Their over 75% Nuke power, right.
Nukes need to be handled safely or the consequences are
HUGE! ...but just how
HUGE when compared to creating power from other sources over the same time period? I don't think there's anywhere close to an accurate damage comparison between power sources.