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Do you think Martians and alien beings run on coal and oil? sheesh
Certainly not!

While we were playing with pinwheels and potatoes with copper nails in em, they invested heavily in power with infinite fuel supplies......nuclear fusion an fission. They developed efficient ways of recycling spent fuel rods ...
...before finally making fission a reality. Them Martians are smart little buggers. ;)
No seals, bats, eagles or desert reptillians were harmed during this presentation.
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Certainly not!

While we were playing with pinwheels and potatoes with copper nails in em, they invested heavily in power with infinite fuel supplies......nuclear fusion an fission. They developed efficient ways of recycling spent fuel rods ...
...before finally making fission a reality. Them Martians are smart little buggers. ;)
No seals, bats, eagles or desert reptillians were harmed during this presentation.

I will mention you fondly when I go back to the home planet.
SCIENCE has shown us that nearly EVERY interglacial period (about 24 of them) we have hit a global temp average in the low-mid 70's f.... our global annual average right now is about 58'f....14-17'f LOWER than most interglacial peaks......
its easy to cherry pick a state of warming..and use the CONTROL WORDS like "unprecedented" or "never seen before", or "historical", or "first time in recorded history"

has the earth been warming over the last 35 years more than the last 150 years.....yes

has the earth been warming more in the last 150 years than the 150 before that....yes

does that mean warming is getting out of

does that mean its

there is no evidence of 'man-made' global warming.... not once scientists has given or showed undisputed beyond doubt evidence that this global warming is man-made and not part of the natural cycle

do we humans pollute...yes....can we do something about that....yes

do we humans waste...yes.....can we do something about that....yes

do we humans overdevelop and cut trees(a natural radiant cooler and co2 user/o2 PRODUCER)...yes......can we do something about that....yes

are we humans the cause of the earths climate changes........NO

I live right on the shore on Long Island...long Island was CREATED by the last glaciers.....did we CAUSE the warming 15 thousand of years ago to melt the glaciers????...........NO

and warmer (as in global warming, means more moisture, ie tropical as opposed to desert...)(that's why the deserts are greening) is better than ice covering 3/4 of the planet

the reality is 99.9% of people understand that climate change is real.........
been happening for the 4 billion years this earth has existed.........
climate always changes....there have been over two dozen major ice ages...and two dozen interglacial periods, where the peak global average temp have been about 73-75'f (about 14-17'f warmer than currently)...............climate change is natural....(I like using Fahrenheit because of the smaller(more detailed) increments)

according to the cycles, we are about HALF WAY through the warming(inter-glacial period) before we hit the peak at 75'f +/-2' (our current global average is only about 58-59'f)

the warming of the last 100 years is part of the warming of the last 18000 years since the peak of the last major ice age.

never has it been a perfect sine wave.. the warming is a very erratic upward trend

only people who deny history and science , are the ones calling it man made.

mans contribution to it is like 2% to maybe 5%......what we do need to do is be better custodians of our planet, and stop polluting so much and abusing our natural resources

I think we should always be expanding technology and moving towards better energy....I believe solar is the answer..and wish former president oboma had made that his "shovel ready' stimulus plan instead of his unstimulating stimulus bill...........I don't think wind is really viable

we do need to do better in recycling and reducing the garbage we produce.....instead of making everything disposable and has to be replaced 3-5 years... go back to making things that last

but instead the fascist liberals continue to say man-made, and their only answer is more taxes
Here’s where climate change could generate toxic air pollution.

Climate change computer model vindicated 30 years later by what has actually happened
Sceptics have long sneered at climate models but

In a business-as-usual scenario, the consequence would be 60,000 extra deaths annually by 2030 and more than 250,000 deaths per year by 2100. The investigation offers a sense of what places could see the greatest benefit by curbing climate change.
...and 18,084,462 deaths per year by 2310 :D
Temperature and climate change can also elevate polluting emissions from trees. “Trees emit organic compounds that react in the atmosphere to form ozone and particulate matter,” West said. “Under climate change, we expect that trees will release many more pollutants.”

It's been said before, log Earth First. We'll do the other planets later.
Finally a reason to increase logging and create jobs in the northwest... Thanks. :D

I'd love to see the advantages of a much cooler climate.
From that map shown on the PBS link, it proves why Trump wisely backed out of the Kyoto Treaty. We're dong fine without being submissive to someones elses whims and desires. We're dong fine compared to most everywhere else. When you consider how much the US produces and consumes......... products and energy usage combined we are kickin' butt clean.

India, China, Asia in general and Japan need to shape up.

The best part is the authors of the study:
"according to a study published Monday in Nature Climate Change "
No bias there .....NOT :D
At the top of the map it says: 5 models. Where are the other 4? I'm sure they are so, so much nastier............. NOT :D
Ya think they are gonna publish something that doesn't slap ya in the face?
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Ya'll know all that crap from China, Pakistan, India Japans nuke reactor is traveling at us. Ours travels there and the wheels spin round and round.
It's actually contained inside the reactors and only squeaky clean steam gets into the atmosphere.
Some people believe in Roswell and aliens....... faked moon landings, Kennedy conspiracies, jet contrails spewing the government mind controlling chemicals, the Illuminati and the new world order. ..........and 9:11 being planned and orchestrated by our own government. Strange how some people believe in all of those and more.
Nope.......... I believe ......I'll have another beer.
Wait! :eek: I forgot beer tonight and it's Saturday! :eek:
I do believe in failing memories. :confused:
Oh well, back to working on my router lift. :rolleyes:
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It's actually contained inside the reactors and only squeaky clean steam gets into the atmosphere.
Some people believe in Roswell and aliens....... faked moon landings, Kennedy conspiracies, jet contrails spewing the government mind controlling chemicals, the Illuminati and the new world order. ..........and 9:11 being planned and orchestrated by our own government. Strange how some people believe in all of those and more.
Nope.......... I believe ......I'll have another beer.
Wait! :eek: I forgot beer tonight and it's Saturday! :eek:
I do believe in failing memories. :confused:
Oh well, back to working on my router lift. :rolleyes:
My father worked for the government with very high security clearance. He said there are no space aliens but there were highly classified military experiments (he didn't go into detail). He did tell me about the "Stargate" program which involved remote viewing and was actually successful until it was taken over by a religious nut who thought that anything "psychic" was "evil" and shut it down. Told me about that one years before it was declassified. He also said that if space aliens were real, the government is too disorganized to keep it a secret. And said they aren't organized enough to have pulled off 911. Said it was giving them too much credit. LOL.

As to the climate change, there is just so much misinformation out there and it is hard to know who to trust. Some have an agenda to get grants and funding, others have an agenda to keep the status quo and keep profiting. And I think there is some fudging on both sides to protect their own interests-- which leaves a middle ground where we try to sort through and figure out which parts are exaggerations or omissions and find the actual truth. The loudest ones are screaming things from the hills to try to convince everyone and the newsmedia and activists and celebrities are eating it up. I keep seeing posts claiming there is some scientific consensus-- but, as that one video I posted showed, apparently they isn't and it's just a very vocal group. I can understand why people believe it when there is so much contradiction and misinformation though.
If the climate isn't changing like you said it was......... make an announcement. Just say the latest data show's the change is a lot slower than predicted then be sure to add that we're still gonna die. :rolleyes:

It also helps to blame it on computers. :D
The computers were wrong. There’s still hope for Planet Earth.

That’s the conclusion of some of the world’s leading geoscientists, who conducted a study that found global warming is occurring more slowly than computer models forecast a decade ago.

The study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, does not contradict the scientists’ concerns that global warming is dramatically damaging the environment, but it does suggest that it’s not too late to do something about it.
But the study in Nature Geoscience suggests that the forecast may not be as dire as the scientists thought.

“We haven’t seen that rapid acceleration in warming after 2000 that we see in the models. We haven’t seen that in the observations,” Myles Allen, professor of geosystem science at the University of Oxford and one of the study’s authors, told the Times of London, as reported in The Independent.
But this week he told The Times: “When the facts change, I change my mind, as [John Maynard] Keynes said.
I like the last one. That's my quote of the day.
“When the facts change, I change my mind
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I can see it clearly with my third eye. Actually, I kinda like my third eye. I can see in total darkness now. :D
Being able to measure some minuscule amount of radiation here doesn't bother me in the slightest........ unlike the Fukushima material there are unrelated background radiations from natural sources that are actually dangerous............ like granite counter tops.
The measurable Fukushima radiation here is only impressive to me because it's actually measurable and delectable......... that to me is pretty cool that such minuscule amounts are actually measurable.
"Detectable" does not mean it poses any danger. Fish are safe, clams are safe, surfing is safe........ except for the sharks. ;)
Name the top 20 nuclear power plant disasters and how many people died because of radiation............ Oh wait....... there aren't 20, ....or 10, .....or 5 or?
Now list the number of people who have died building solar farms, wind farms, geothermal generator facilities, not to mention just the workers at the job sites.......... the manufacturing plant accidents too. How about the number of migratory birds, bats, eagles and reptilians killed (murdered) :D or displaced because of those eco-friendly systems?
The accident in Japan was a design so stupid this carpet dude knew it was bad. Not the design so much as the location (elevation) of the reactors and the design of the backup cooling systems..... especially THEIR elevation.....stupid stupid, stupid. ..and I'm just s rug rat.
Chernobyl was a well known dangerous and poor design......... it was cheap to build.
Three Mile Island..... Stupid humans somehow over rode the computers which would have prevented this from becoming a big deal. How many people died from that "disaster" (not)? How much radiation escaped?
Hollywood glorified the fake "disaster" (non-diaster) and prevented the progress of nuclear power in the United states. It's safe but it still freaks some people out. What are we 20% nuclear in the USA?
Heard anything negative in the US since 1977? ...or since the movie China Syndrome was made? ....No you say? :D
How about nuclear disasters in France? Their over 75% Nuke power, right.
Nukes need to be handled safely or the consequences are HUGE! ...but just how HUGE when compared to creating power from other sources over the same time period? I don't think there's anywhere close to an accurate damage comparison between power sources.
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I can see it clearly with my third eye. Actually, I kinda like my third eye. I
Name the top 20 nuclear power plant disasters and how many people died because of radiation............ Oh wait....... there aren't 20, ....or 10, .....or 5 or?

Well here is one where plenty of people died.

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