When it comes to News or News Entertainment networks, They all Rank

..... seriously

The ‘ I bash you, you bash me ‘ lesson plan needs to end. Forget about calling your Congressman, let’s call the Networks and a lawyer

.....If they continue to feed us resentment and we willingly ingest it ? The continued results will only be major constipation, followed by a **** storm,

....then again that’s me coming from a place of ‘ my fear ‘....get it ? ....... Toooo much fear equals ‘ what we don’t want ‘ a sewing of a seed of resentment....... get it ? What’s the opposite of that ? encouragement ? Maybe ? Can you see where I’m going with this. If everyone magically turned a switch then so would our attitude and our words, into ‘ what you do want ‘ rather than what you don’t want. Could it be that easy to make a difference ? ....... Just for the hell of it, lets try an example using ‘ The sex education (diversity) topic ‘ Teacher number one, named ‘Francisco Fear ‘ says, If we teach gender diversity in Elementary School we are risking an indoctrination of gender misidentification in our children. Teacher number two, ‘ Erica Encourage a ! ‘ says, if we teach gender diversity in Elementary School, the same way we teach other subjects, only providing the basic elements. Then those children who have confusion, will gain more understanding to build upon as they grow....... Let’s pick the teacher, one or two ? Then, seek out or message your current news source with your preference.

PS > don’t fear over your choice