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Get your rebate now if you can afford an electric car.
.....take out a 10 year loan on a new lelectric car because the world is on fire and we're all going to die soon.
.....or turn the air conditioning up a degree. 😁
How did the manufacturers EV price hikes and the government EV rebate thingamajiggy happen at the same time? Magic? 🫣
Student loan forgiveness could cost $1 trillion.

After all the bailouts that the banks, airlines and everybody else has gotten I’m OK with the people getting a little something something to help them out. Besides, they’ll need that money to buy a new electric car.
After all the bailouts that the banks, airlines and everybody else has gotten I’m OK with the people getting a little something something to help them out. Besides, they’ll need that money to buy a new electric car.
I paid for my kids college so they wouldn't have to borrow money. Something close to $150K for two kids through the University of California (Santa Barbara and Los Angeles)

The younger boy got some grants and scholarships so he cost about half of the older one.

I still have all the receipts..........just in case.

Point to ALL this debate is there shouldn't be $1.7 trillion in student loans SUBSIDIZED by the Dept. of Education in the first place. Should NOT be a federal government agency for such waste and stupidity. If families, communities and states can't afford college then WE cant afford college. In reality the industry of higher ed. would have done just as well without that artificial demand that mainly accomplished waste and higher prices for college. SO in attempting to make education affordable they really did the exact opposite, like care.........EVERYTHING they touch turns to ****.

Essentially, that's why I believe in Libertarian ideals. Government really sucks once it gets over a certain scale and outside certain constraints.
Once again, the government is rewarding those who are irresponsible in the first place. All because of the hope this will buy them more votes. How is this not illegal as Gerrymandering?

This really sickens me.
Once again, the government is rewarding those who are irresponsible in the first place. All because of the hope this will buy them more votes. How is this not illegal as Gerrymandering?

This really sickens me.
My older son proposed going to law school with his Political Science degree. As he had barely scratched through UCSB he wouldn't get any scholarships or grants based on my family income or "merit". He never exploited his minority status other than probably admissions into UCSB. I wasn't about to assume the loans for parents with my home as collateral so he moved on with other plans. His grades would have excluded him from the UC system admissions but private law schools are available for rich kids--------in fact, enough money/connections WILL get you in the door. You do have to do the work AND pass the Bar though. That's pretty much all the Political Science degree is good for------it satisfies a prerequisite for law schools.

I believe WE made the responsible choice. WE will be paying for those $1.7T in irresponsible loans that went into the corrupt and bloated higher education system.

These "forgiveness" policies are not fair to 95% or more of the citizens/voters/taxpayers. They pass on two basic principals: press/media propaganda and corrupt politics. Then again, loaning money to foolish students and their families isn't at all fair either. So there's that aspect to consider.
I still say there is an easier way to cut the cost of college. I had all my core classes done with 64 hours. Then to get a BS or BA, I would need another 64 hours. Why? Most of the 64 hours of electives are worthless. Even some core classes are. My college Algebra teacher said that 95% of those in his classes would never need Algebra. Cut out some of the electives.
I put my daughter thru UCI (Irvine). It cost me $162,000 for her to get her masters in Evolutionary Biology. The Feds gifted her into the doctorate program but just short one semester, they cancelled the federal grant.
I had no more money to help her, and she didn't want take out a loan. She is kicking herself for not, now that this free money fell from the sky.
My son's girlfriend just graduated UCSD (San Diego) with an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and $35K in student loans. Biden wiped out $20K of that. She didn't realize she was getting that extra $10K til I told her last night. To make big bucks she really needs that Masters degree. I think all she really just wants is to get married and have kids. Career isn't really way up there on her priority is just a box that got checked off, primarily-------almost entirely on taxpayer money. At least that's a degree that WILL get you a job and pay back the money with interest unlike those Liberal Arts degrees that lead nowheres.
Maybe this belongs over in Thought of the day but here’s something for everyone to ponder.

What is it about student loan forgiveness that really irks you? Is it that some, maybe many, individuals made a poor decision and are now being bailed out for making that poor decision? Or is it just the mind boggling number that is the totality of all those individual forgiveness's that is added on to our nations debt.

I submit to you that all bailouts are because someone made a poor decision and needs bailing out. I also submit to you the ginormous numbers of money and debt being forced upon us and our next generations as a result of those bailouts. Where is the outrage over those bailouts? How much money have we sent to Ukraine? How much money did the airlines, auto manufacturers and banks get and of that money how much ended up as some ******** bonus? Hell, even the farmers got money. We’re all paying for that yet here we are bagging on the little guy who got 10k of student debt forgiven.

Just wondering.
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We benefited too right?

I don’t know, did you?

I’m just as tired of this BS as the rest of you but for once the little guy is finally getting something and here we are bagging on them.

Not everybody that will benefit from student loan forgiveness is a Starbucks barista that has a degree in underwater basket weaving. I’d say the majority of people that will benefit from this aren’t so different than you n I, they’re working class people with a lot more than 10k in student loans.
I don’t know, did you?

I’m just as tired of this BS as the rest of you but for once the little guy is finally getting something and here we are bagging on them.

Not everybody that will benefit from student loan forgiveness is a Starbucks barista that has a degree in underwater basket weaving. I’d say the majority of people that will benefit from this aren’t so different than you n I, they’re working class people with a lot more than 10k in student loans.
I'd never felt inclined to borrow $120000 for edgamication. Too risky for me to even ponder doing so.
......that, and I still haven't figured out what I want to do for a living.
If Dad was rich, maybe.
Never paid attention. Thinking hurts my brain.

Prolly more accurate to say it hurts my brain to think about it. We’re definitely headed for hard times.

Can you even get an education for 10k anymore? Certainly not a 4 year degree, or can you? I’m thinking trade school. When I was in high school the electronics teacher would pass out flyers for M.M.I. (Motorcycle Mechanics Institute) to those kids that he thought it would be a possibility. I.T.T. was another option if you were trade oriented. My wife knew which kids weren’t going anywhere after high school. She would suggest they talk to a military recruiter.

Aside from the union do business even have apprenticeship programs anymore?

I watched the nieces do some church play a few years ago. It was held at one of the technical colleges in S.C. I was amazed at the campus. Automotive, welding, manufacturing, they even have a Caterpillar program. There was a huge glass wall where you could see into the training facilities. Cool as all get out. I spent more time wandering the facilities than I did watching the nieces whatever it was that I was obligated to attend. Anyway I just did a quick search and apparently you can still get a degree there for 10k. 2 year technical degree at an average of 4ish thousand a year is under 10k. Maybe you want a different degree that costs 20k or 30k. Ok. Those prices don’t sound unreasonable to me especially since that’s what most people pay for a damn car.
If ya want a career, trade school is the way.
Wanna be a doctor, lawyer? You'd be best to pick parents than can afford the expense. Life isn't fair, never has been, never will be. Get used to it. I'm not jealous, it's just reality.
.....or study hard, get straight A+ grades to get a scholarship or grants.
Want to work your ass off and get some free education. This isn't for slackers, but Titan is a real life Tony Robbins, chock full of love and motivation.
He's done a video or two on his life story. I really like this man. He's overcome huge obstacles and has become the best of the best in the world of high tech machining.

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