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I can also remember telling potential new truckload new customers for 2.25" # 1 common red oak, current orders on the books were exceeding two years production., that I'd be glad to run their credit and call them when I had inventory available. Crazy times.
life sentence.jpg
I'm not even going to guess I'm at Rusty. How come home building is so hot with lumber prices that high?
I do not know. BIL just had 8 acres clear cut and the price he got was not
anymore than re received last year. So it is the mill, or the lumber yard end seller
Frodo, burning wood causes global warming. Excuse me I meant climate change. You're supposed to wear a second sweater. 😁
rocket stove !!!!!!!!!!


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Before I enlarge the last picture, it looks like the frame was made up of 2x4 material. 😁
Is that yours?
YES, it is, those are fire bricks that accidently fell out of a fireplace the same day i needed them. Mysterious things happen mysteriously
To understand what the Left wants, read Harrison Bergeron".

"It is the year 2081. Because of Amendments 211, 212, and 213 to the Constitution, every American is fully equal, meaning that no one is stupider, uglier, weaker, or slower than anyone else. The Handicapper General and a team of agents ensure that the laws of equality are enforced."
https://archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt
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To understand what the Left wants, read Harrison Bergeron".

"It is the year 2081. Because of Amendments 211, 212, and 213 to the Constitution, every American is fully equal, meaning that no one is stupider, uglier, weaker, or slower than anyone else. The Handicapper General and a team of agents ensure that the laws of equality are enforced."
https://archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt

I do not have a problem with everyone being equal.
I have a huge problem with some being more equal than others
I boy who feels he is a girl and wants to take a shower with girls in the locker room HAS the RIGHT to WANT to take a shower with the girls
The GIRLS have the right to tell him to GET THE *** OUT

A person who is confused as to whether that Vienna is a wee wee or a who who has the right to ask a cake maker make IT a cake.
The cake maker has the right to say NO,
Before I enlarge the last picture, it looks like the frame was made up of 2x4 material. 😁
Is that yours?

If you have a shop and want good hot cheap heat
I can tell you how to make a rocket stove out of a propane tank. safely !!!

I didn't know where to put this one but I've seen it be a political issue. I don't think it is I think this is just common sense. We used to get Kyle Hill on TV and he's very entertaining to watch. Here he proves our safe nuclear power is compared with other power sources.
There are some glaring omissions in this video in the way of actual information and a lot of misdirection
1 - Nuclear Fission is not created in direct relation to the half-life of a radioactive material. If that were the case, we would have 700 million years or so to burn half of the energy in uranium 235. The reaction greatly reduces the natural half-life of a material because of a fission reaction.
2 - He completely ignores the fact that Uranium 235 is not in any way relatable to coal, seeing as the 235 isotope is available in such low concentrations in nature it needs to be highly refined to be an available energy source.
3 - The available energy inside of 1 Kg of pure 235 (does not exist) is infact over a million times that the energy available inside of coal, however again, it does not exist and does not take into account any of the process for its existance.
4 - The glaring omission of any mention of the waste product, both in spent fuel and water that is created during this process. "just put it in a hole and throw up some signs" "barfing"

Those are just a few, there is more that I would like to disagree with but its early.
I do however support nuclear power entirely. For all intents and purposes, I believe it is much better to concentrate the amount of waste we create into a single area as opposed to just letting it float around the globe, so that argument is basically null in my mind that there is radioactive by-product. I have been doing a lot of research into the small scale reactor production that seems to be gaining some foothold these days. Sounds like a decent idea when you really think about it. Long story short, that 15 min of my life will never be awarded back to me, and i feel as though the whole video could have been summed up with
"ra ra ra, someone gave me some money to pump nuclear"
Informative videos really should include all of the facts, but so rarely do.
There are some glaring omissions in this video in the way of actual information and a lot of misdirection
1 - Nuclear Fission is not created in direct relation to the half-life of a radioactive material. If that were the case, we would have 700 million years or so to burn half of the energy in uranium 235. The reaction greatly reduces the natural half-life of a material because of a fission reaction.
2 - He completely ignores the fact that Uranium 235 is not in any way relatable to coal, seeing as the 235 isotope is available in such low concentrations in nature it needs to be highly refined to be an available energy source.
3 - The available energy inside of 1 Kg of pure 235 (does not exist) is infact over a million times that the energy available inside of coal, however again, it does not exist and does not take into account any of the process for its existance.
4 - The glaring omission of any mention of the waste product, both in spent fuel and water that is created during this process. "just put it in a hole and throw up some signs" "barfing"

Those are just a few, there is more that I would like to disagree with but its early.
I do however support nuclear power entirely. For all intents and purposes, I believe it is much better to concentrate the amount of waste we create into a single area as opposed to just letting it float around the globe, so that argument is basically null in my mind that there is radioactive by-product. I have been doing a lot of research into the small scale reactor production that seems to be gaining some foothold these days. Sounds like a decent idea when you really think about it. Long story short, that 15 min of my life will never be awarded back to me, and i feel as though the whole video could have been summed up with
"ra ra ra, someone gave me some money to pump nuclear"
Informative videos really should include all of the facts, but so rarely do.
Tell us how you feel about nuclear energy. 😁
50% of our carbon-free power is from nuclear. And 20% of our country runs on nuclear power. I haven't heard of any problems.
That Kyle guy is one of the smartest guys in the universe. I wouldn't mind a powerplant in my backyard.
.....well, a small one. Just enough for my place so it wouldn't freak out the neighbors. 😁
I do too. The Fukushima disaster and the Chernobyl disaster could have easily been avoided. Those are disaterous learning experiences. The power supplies or safety systems at Fukushima should not have been at the same elevation as the reactors themselves simply because they were so close to the ocean and Japan is a very seismic area. Had the safety system been placed farther away up on a hill a little ways it might have still been able to operate. The Chernobyl one by US standards was considered a very poor and unsafe design but it was cheap........ oh wait, it wasn't cheap was it. 😉
I live on the Oregon coast and that would not be a good place to have one. We're about due, either tomorrow or 200 years from now to have a magnitude 9 plus earthquake. Even tho it wouldn't bother me having one nearby, it would only bother me because of that one issue.
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Human perception is unfortunate to say the least when it comes to an abundant and relatively clean source of electricity. I would never argue that Nuclear power is clean, however its rather toxic waste is relatively easy to contain in the scheme of things. The grey water can be largely purified and spent rods as insanely toxic as they may be can be dumped in a safe (safeish) and secure manner.

Those small scale reactors are really a jump in the tech and I hope some people get brave enough to get that project moving. Sure would beat running diesel electric generators for power. I mean hell, you look at the C02 that gets pumped into the atmosphere from something as "green" as a hydro electric dam by the time you account for the construction, form works, concrete and oh yeah, flooding entire river valleys and decayed vegetation they do not look so nice anymore.

Either way, my lowly opinion wont make a lick of difference but none the less I do count it an unfortunate thing that an entire industry failed to propagate due to the rather large few errors that were made.

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