There are some glaring omissions in this video in the way of actual information and a lot of misdirection
1 - Nuclear Fission is not created in direct relation to the half-life of a radioactive material. If that were the case, we would have 700 million years or so to burn half of the energy in uranium 235. The reaction greatly reduces the natural half-life of a material because of a fission reaction.
2 - He completely ignores the fact that Uranium 235 is not in any way relatable to coal, seeing as the 235 isotope is available in such low concentrations in nature it needs to be highly refined to be an available energy source.
3 - The available energy inside of 1 Kg of pure 235 (does not exist) is infact over a million times that the energy available inside of coal, however again, it does not exist and does not take into account any of the process for its existance.
4 - The glaring omission of any mention of the waste product, both in spent fuel and water that is created during this process. "just put it in a hole and throw up some signs"
Those are just a few, there is more that I would like to disagree with but its early.
I do however support nuclear power entirely. For all intents and purposes, I believe it is much better to concentrate the amount of waste we create into a single area as opposed to just letting it float around the globe, so that argument is basically null in my mind that there is radioactive by-product. I have been doing a lot of research into the small scale reactor production that seems to be gaining some foothold these days. Sounds like a decent idea when you really think about it. Long story short, that 15 min of my life will never be awarded back to me, and i feel as though the whole video could have been summed up with
"ra ra ra, someone gave me some money to pump nuclear"
Informative videos really should include all of the facts, but so rarely do.