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State of the Union ratings are in:
48M - Trump 2017
46M - Trump 2018
46.8M - Trump 2019
37.2M - Trump 2020
11.6M - Biden 2021
I'm not even going to fact check that one. 😄
I think the Emmy awards were the least watch in history and I'm betting they got more views than biden's speech.......... Speech typed on the teleprompter so he wouldn't miss anything. He needs to be told what to say or read it off of a script.
Trump could talk for 3 hours straight and he wouldn't miss a beat.
In last night speach, Biden said something like:
" we don't need to build back better, we need to build back better"
......... After that comment I scratched my brain till it started bleeding. Did the media catch that one? Of course they did, it but nobody mentioned it.
Biden keeps saying we need to come together. We need to unite.
Hey Joe, do you remember when you and the rest of the Democrats laughed at Trump and criticize his boastful claim that he would have a vaccine ready to be used before the end of the year? I think he even said as early as September?
You you Democrats piled on and said there's no way in hell he would get this covid vaccine out by the end of the year. You all said that it takes two to five years to get a vaccine approved and on the market.
Trump told the pharmaceutical companies that the government would pay for this. he said screw the traditional approval process
Get this done!
There was no risk to the pharmaceutical companies because the government was going to pay for this. If there were problems because of side effects the pharmaceutical companies would not be held accountable. Tj That right there, gave them the green light and the go-ahead to get their ***** in gear and do this as soon as possible.
Trump launched Warp Speed and it got done, tho a couple of months later than Trump projected, but two to five years sooner than a Democrats said it could be done.
I listened to as much of biden's speech as I could stand.
After leaving that event, one would think that Biden invented the vaccine himself and distributed the vaccine in record numbers that nobody could imagine.
It's kind of like Henry Ford invented the model T and Elon musk claiming credit for the automobile.
If this is biden's version of unity....
....... Then pardon my English but f*** him.
Biden could have started this unity on such a monumental speech platform by thanking Donald Trump for getting the ball rolling and pushing to get this vaccine out.
He didn't. He could care less about unity.
Biden and the Democrats have one mission. They seek to divide the entire country based on race and income. Not simply that obvious democrats, but the media. They don't write about anything unless it has bias against white males wealthy individuals, or corporations. If you fit into any of those categories you are a demon. It's not getting better it's getting worse it's confusing to me because these Democratic senators and representatives have family also including grandchildren. Dothey understand the turmoil that they're putting their family through when they vote for these stupid laws and regulations?
It's a scary time right now. The only light in the horizon is that Democrats have lost seven Representatives in seven states. My communist state, oregon, somehow gained one rep because of the last census numbers. I hope like hell that there's a way for a republican get into this insane blue State.
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I'm going to blame the media for this happening. the lady is a teacher and she needs to be fired immediately.
I'd love to see a hidden camera in her room to show what she teaches the kids.
This happened about 8 miles from me, and that Deputy and my son (another Deputy) are best of friends. She provided enough verbal vomit, along with the fact that she left that traffic stop, and immediately went to the station and filed fraudulent charges. This would have been an easy $5k lawsuit against her, but Gastcon, the new DA (formerly from San Franshitshow) dropped charges against her. If you need to blame the biggest culprit, it is that GasCan *******!
Aren't people supposed to be nice to the officers in order to get a warning instead of ticket? It's a rare day when I get pulled over but I've never had any issues because I'm nice to the cop and they're nice to me.
And it's not difficult. Hope she loses her teaching job.
Have, I've watched hundreds of police videos. I like the guy of it has the video leaked police site showing officers cop cams and being able to see exactly what happens during traffic stops. There's other video places out there too but it's amazing how many people get pulled over and get in the cops face like that. The media has emboldened these idiots into believing they have rights that they don't. Even telling the police officers their own rights...... Not really there rights, but the rights that they'd like to have. I may have posted it here before but there is a young black male probably in his very early twenties if that old sitting in the passenger seat and the white police officer comes up on the passenger side and during the whole conversation the smart ass kid keeps calling me officer the n word. He's smart enough that he knows that calling the cops name is not a crime, but he does it over and over and over again given the cop Sh*t. Cop has the same professionalism and demeanor has the cop in that video. He remains cool, calm and collected throughout the entire video, making a little twerp look like a total idiot.
last thing I'm going to do is mouth off to a cop. He'd probably be checking my blinkers my horn, my window tint, my seat belts and the air in my tires. I never going to ask for something that I don't want.
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WTF is that ladies problem.....
It is a good thing that I am not a law enforcement officer. More people would get shot.

I am all for standing up for ones rights and there definitely are some douche cops, much the same as there are douches working at Walmart but that poor guy was just strolling up and doing his job. Why on earth would anyone want to approach a situation like that? Good on him for staying calm, that takes skills. If someone (mostly that lady) called me a murdered I would be obliged to honor their request I think.
Most cops are good cops. My brother was one for 20 years and was a jerk. Two officers here now are friends of mine. A few months back, I was at a drive thru window and unfastened my seat belt to get to my wallet. I pulled out and was on the road for about 30 feet until I pulled into the drive of the lumberyard. A cop pulled in and stopped me. He said I had a turn signal out. Then he ignored that and wrote me a ticket for no seat belt. We don't have a primary law. My wife and I checked the turn signals right there after he drove off and they all worked. Found out from someone who worked in the area, the officer wrote 9 tickets there in less than an hour. I paid the $10 fine by mail. But this is why some people have a problem with cops. According to my brother they have a quota.
I had a cop pull me over for not using my turn signals. He said he watched me make three returns without using my signal. I said yes I did I always use my signals. I turn my signals on and he went back and looked. He said it was not blinking. My turn indicator was blinking inside and my front blinker was blinking. He just said to get it fixed and that was the end of it. It doesn't matter if it's trivial, he has total control and there's no point in making a big deal out of a stop and making things worse. It's a big deal then you go to traffic court on fight it.
I had a cop pull me over for not using my turn signals. He said he watched me make three returns without using my signal. I said yes I did I always use my signals. I turn my signals on and he went back and looked. He said it was not blinking. My turn indicator was blinking inside and my front blinker was blinking. He just said to get it fixed and that was the end of it. It doesn't matter if it's trivial, he has total control and there's no point in making a big deal out of a stop and making things worse. It's a big deal then you go to traffic court on fight it.
I got a ticket once for doing 66 in a 65. $80.00. I was booked 6 weeks ahead so I just paid it. Getting off to go to court was not an option.
Here is her picture...
You know, there is so much polarization in the world at a whole that people will literally find the opposite of everything. To a certain extent I would like to offer that we are all and all have been brainwashed as it were. There truly is so very little room left in the middle and I do not know if it is by design or by destiny however I do know it rarely exists.
Me, I would have to say I lean left, but I try my level best to approach everything from the center, as often as I fail as well, but it scares me that there is so much divide from one side to the next. Love thy neighbor and what have you but stick a knife in his back along the way.
I was a Democrat for many years. Then that party started going way left. They have ruined our educational system. They have attacked our rights. The more freebies they give out, the more the people want. They honestly scare me. And for the record, I am not a big fan of Trump. He is a jerk, but he did have the economy on all cylinders. Unemployment was at record lows, stock market was at a record high. And we can't afford to let ALL the illegals in, like Biden is doing.
I find in politics, much like life, it is better to focus on the middle rather than the extremes. American politics is a strange beast that try as I might I cannot grasp... lucky for me, one else can either. Both of your mainstream political parties are a hard right of center by any stretch of the imagination but that is neither here nor there considering center is a moving target. They both just pander to their respective audiences and do nothing to further any kind of political harmony. It is no reason that the American populace is divided as well.
Personally I have hated Donald J. Trump for as long as I can remember, the man represents everything I despise in humanity, hubris, gluttony, he is just bloody repulsive to me as a human being in every way shape and form. I did not care for the way that he represented America, it shone a rather unappealing light on what is truly going on but at the end of the day, for all of those failings and my personal feelings at least he was what he was and did not really add pretense to his list of atrocities.
Obama on the other hand was as polished as a diamond **** and yet soaked the people for every penny he could using Wall street as his patsy. If anyone cannot figure out why the markets are doing astoundingly well these days I hate to inform you that it literally has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with deregulation and market capabilities. These were enacted as part of the "financial collapse" that so magically paved the way for wonderful things like Quantitative easing, further fractional lending policy and the ever crippling historically low interest rate of zero. Monetary policy in the western world is crippled beyond repair and the fiat currency that we all have bought into is in serious jeopardy and will collapse in the near future. It has already begun, hyperinflation on certain segments of consumer goods exists right this moment and uncontrolled inflation is present in almost every segment of our lives. Homes, building material, vehicles, food.... these are not items of luxury, they are essential and yet they are left unchecked in terms of price. There is nothing left for monetary policy to do with this situation due to the overextended stay of low interest environments that have left debt levels at unsustainable highs. To raise the interest rate the the insanely high amount of 1% would cripple the credit markets that generate so much of the revenue for the banks and enable the fractional lending that I have mentioned. When your currency is based on debt, what the **** did they think would happen?
Even though I've always been a registered Democrat it's a rare day when I voted that way. I think most people are middle of the road and lean one way or the other. I just wish the loud mouths on both sides wouldn't get so much attention. I'm with Rusty. The extreme left (not all Democrats) are ripping our country apart. Everything has to be free in the form of government handouts. People with wealth are demonized. we're told they don't pay enough taxes even though we don't know how many taxes they pay. We don't know the charitable things they do with their money. we know nothing about these people other than they have money. How can you judge a person like that? A local lady found out that the boys & girls club's dance organization which has a couple hundred members couldn't find a place to practice. she came down and wrote a check for $400,000 to buy a building for them.
Without corporations we wouldn't have workers. Raising taxes on corporations does two things. Incentivizes them to move offshore and of course we know they don't pay taxes they just raise the prices of the things that they sell to us. So the rally cry is tax the evil corporations. In reality, that simply means taxing ourselves. Raise a corporation's taxes 10% or 20% and I will guarantee that is going to get passed on to the people buying their products. Why would they not do so. Corporations are obligated to make their shareholders a profit. So raising huge taxes on corporations is no different than slapping your own face.
Everyone has to be equal now, meaning all participants in the United States get gold stars instead of just the ones that put out the effort and succeed. Kind of like children playing sports. Nobody can win because that's not fair, so we just give participation awards. 😖
Instead of allowing everyone to be equal, the mass of democratic extremists, focus on identifying differences in individuals and put people into categories, then putting one against the other.
The media is even worse at this. They focus on police shootings and only police shootings were a black person a shot. They don't focus on the thousands and thousands of black on black violence and black on Latino violence in larger cities. They don't even focus on white on white violence......... Just police shootings against minorities. The media even seems to side with defunding police and want them replaced with social workers.
If you don't fit the mold you're going to be woke. You're going to be called out and criticized. If you're for the border wall and controlled immigration your racist. If you don't like the terrorist group called black lives matter, then you're a racist. That word gets thrown out like cotton candy at a carnival when people have no other cards in their verbal deck to spew at you. Children's cartoons have gotten political, like scaring children with global warming and we're all going to die. Little kids need to have fun and be entertained, they don't need to be scared to death by cartoons and teachers. Let them get old enough to make some decisions on their own before you feed them deep stuff..... Especially stuff like we're all going to die in 10 years. Let them watch bugs Bunny Daffy duck and the roadrunner. Treat them like children not like puppets.
......like Gretta the millionaire.
........ Maybe her parents were smarter than I think they were. My 🤔
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