Editorial response
Letting go of victimization feelings is probably one if not the hardest thing us humans can do, and a subject all in itself.
This reply is purely my opinion from basic observations during political times ( not any real detailed investigation) but Tucker and others like him, in the media are allowing themselves to remain trapped in the grips of victimization over 1/6/21 and other issues for one reason only. Because WE THE PUBLIC , ARE CUSTOMERS TO THEM and they are salespeople for the political parties as well as manufacturing CEO’s ….. this is personal profit, that moves up the chain into Political and Product profits over any real altruism towards truth.
If you think any of that statement could be possible, then keep reading this speculation. The selling message has no real relevance to them, it’s just a means to a bigger end. One of softening up, or emotionally jacking up customers, making us ripe for the picking. This imho is an unfortunate side effect of Capitalism on steroids, and the news media has become telemarketers for higher. Once a candidate, campaign manager, lobbyist, or CEO decide to strategically instigate a fight in order to gain market shares, we become the vulnerable victims who can’t let go ! We become their ever and willing recipients to what they are selling.
Intentionally or unintentionally, through the concepts of marketing they rally behind a philosophy of ‘ Dam the Torpedoes’ focused on profits and power over people….... If Enough are willing to risk their integrity by using ‘ instigation marketing tactics’ via the news outlets, and social platforms, then this victim cycle will probably continue and at great cost to the public.
Stop ! the instigation tactics in media news marketing and start reporting objectively. Let’s bring back Walter Cronkite’s error of anchors and rein back on editorial reporting with a rhetorical moral code of conduct…….. Free speech in our public arena needs rebooting to its default position. Otherwise integrity is left behind, while profits get counted by the few at the cost of the many.