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January 6th by the capital police chief on Tucker Carlson.
Tucker did an interview with him on Fox but that got canned and Tucker got canned.
Here's a new interview with the capital police chief. Why aren't there Senate hearings right now?
Editorial response 😜

Letting go of victimization feelings is probably one if not the hardest thing us humans can do, and a subject all in itself.

This reply is purely my opinion from basic observations during political times ( not any real detailed investigation) but Tucker and others like him, in the media are allowing themselves to remain trapped in the grips of victimization over 1/6/21 and other issues for one reason only. Because WE THE PUBLIC , ARE CUSTOMERS TO THEM and they are salespeople for the political parties as well as manufacturing CEO’s ….. this is personal profit, that moves up the chain into Political and Product profits over any real altruism towards truth.

If you think any of that statement could be possible, then keep reading this speculation. The selling message has no real relevance to them, it’s just a means to a bigger end. One of softening up, or emotionally jacking up customers, making us ripe for the picking. This imho is an unfortunate side effect of Capitalism on steroids, and the news media has become telemarketers for higher. Once a candidate, campaign manager, lobbyist, or CEO decide to strategically instigate a fight in order to gain market shares, we become the vulnerable victims who can’t let go ! We become their ever and willing recipients to what they are selling.

Intentionally or unintentionally, through the concepts of marketing they rally behind a philosophy of ‘ Dam the Torpedoes’ focused on profits and power over people….... If Enough are willing to risk their integrity by using ‘ instigation marketing tactics’ via the news outlets, and social platforms, then this victim cycle will probably continue and at great cost to the public.

Stop ! the instigation tactics in media news marketing and start reporting objectively. Let’s bring back Walter Cronkite’s error of anchors and rein back on editorial reporting with a rhetorical moral code of conduct…….. Free speech in our public arena needs rebooting to its default position. Otherwise integrity is left behind, while profits get counted by the few at the cost of the many.

Separate from the whole slavery debating debacle, economic studies show that a workforce of different nationalities ( colors 🙃 ) has a track record of increasing productivity over a work force of the same nationalities. So here’s a challenge, how about we take that statement for face value and come up with a few speculative reasons why ? ….. I’ll go first 🤓….It probably generates a competitive spirit from each.
Separate from the whole slavery debating debacle, economic studies show that a workforce of different nationalities ( colors 🙃 ) has a track record of increasing productivity over a work force of the same nationalities. So here’s a challenge, how about we take that statement for face value and come up with a few speculative reasons why ? ….. I’ll go first 🤓….It probably generates a competitive spirit from each.
I'm sure those statistics as well as their analysis are rock solid.

How about we reject BS for face value?
We are on a fixed income and rapidly losing ground.
Although both of us have a great pension, we too are losing ground in this economy, primarily due to our food bill doubling. It also didn't help when our $1800 per month Social Security was cut by 2/3rds and is now $600 a month, just because our pension is with Cal-PERS. This is called the "Windfall Tax", and although many Senators are trying to correct this, it won't happen.
How about we reject BS for face value?

Sure ! Can you provide an example ?
Sometimes it’s hard to recognize truth from bull shiitake and in the absence of clarity, trusting may be the best option. Fool me once shame on you, twice shame on me kind-of living. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Here’s the way I look at affirmative action type of stuff. Picture a start / finish line on ‘ the track of life ‘ were one group starts ahead of others. All that stuff has been thought up to even up the race.( no pun intended )

It’s a Big picture type of thinking IMHO ….. Will it be discriminatory ? YES ! Absolutely, but to expect it not to be would be somewhat foolish, and a denial that today’s responsibility is to move in a direction of correction, from yesterdays irresponsibility. What do you think ?
Although both of us have a great pension, we too are losing ground in this economy, primarily due to our food bill doubling. It also didn't help when our $1800 per month Social Security was cut by 2/3rds and is now $600 a month, just because our pension is with Cal-PERS. This is called the "Windfall Tax", and although many Senators are trying to correct this, it won't happen.
My insurance decided today that it will no longer cover the pain cream I use on my feet. So it goes from my $20 copay to $90.
My insurance decided today that it will no longer cover the pain cream I use on my feet. So it goes from my $20 copay to $90.
Your doctor should be able to find a pain cream comparable, which is approved by Medicare. If not, the doctor has the ability to force Medicare to pay, provided it is coded directly. I was provided a medicine that was disallowed by Medicare. She simply wrote a quick response back to Medicare saying no alternatives are available, and Medicare began paying for the medicine again.
How about we reject BS for face value?

Sure ! Can you provide an example ?

Diversity is a really good example. What does that really mean? How can we realistically set universally agreed upon goals for diversity? How exactly will we measure the improved productivity you assert? See, they're still stumbling over the alphabet--------It's a real joke!

Should we ever agree upon some of the definitions of diverse people in order to study this you'd have to then break down groups to compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges. Science requires hard definitions and accurate measures and it all ends up with STATISTICS that require fairly strong math skills to understand, let alone calculate. Since we cant possibly do that------not even close------Academics have created FAKE science. Meaningless jargon with a stated political agenda is clearly not science.

My wife and I did 23and me DNA tests. I'm 100% European. She's 71% European, 4% West Asian/North African, 12.5% Indigenous and 12.5% Sub-Saharan African. Tell me MSLI from that what do you make of our two children? Do they REPRESENT diversity? It's a hell of a lot more Indigeneous than Liz Warren but if you met them you'd not recognize them as "minority" members. They look white but they are a solid 1/8 diverse. This isn't unusual at all in this country and it leaves me astounded that somehow someone thinks that they can settle grievences with QUOTAS. You call it what you will but that's the system.

That's just DNA. Sexuality/gender diversity is supposedly even more complex to the degree it's immeasurable and indefinable. Yet, we're expected to adjust all of our culture to..........to what? I dont think they even know where this is going? To be 100% honest I think the academics are just in it for a career-----money. The people who fall for the gender confusion that majority are in it for attention. It's a matter of "someone PLEASE pay attention to me?" So what I'm saying is I just roll all this nonsense into a ball labeled BS. That's just how I understand it.
Diversity is a really good example. What does that really mean? How can we realistically set universally agreed upon goals for diversity? How exactly will we measure the improved productivity you assert? See, they're still stumbling over the alphabet--------It's a real joke!

You’re making interesting points, probably coming from a more Scientific side than me. I believe Diversity is primarily Art based, it talks to the spirit side. So Maybe we could consider Combining the two approaches, science and art , then after rectifying that work up a realistic action plan or goal based project. I think right now society has been working it like a muscle and some of us are tired, I get it ! It’s tricky business, but imho well worth the purist. Whether the outcome is Good, bad, or ugly ! It’s still worth the pursuit
Because I believe DEI ( diversity, equity and inclusion) is a virtue we can embrace and mold into functionality through patience and perseverance rather than block it out and fear the worse …..I’ll reply to other comment later.

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