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A slight majority----- 53/47% of Democrats oppose the death penalty. In the rest of the country three quarters support it. I believe it needs to be.

Yet they have outlawed it in several states. A couple of years ago here, an illegal, 'Taco",raped a 5 year old girl and left her for dead. She woke up and walked home. Our sheriff put him in the general population. A local guy got himself arrested on purpose and put "taco" in the hospital. No one saw a thing. I hope he gets the death penalty, but even a Republican state like Missouri seldom executes anyone.
shag carpet.jpg
Yet they have outlawed it in several states. A couple of years ago here, an illegal, 'Taco",raped a 5 year old girl and left her for dead. She woke up and walked home. Our sheriff put him in the general population. A local guy got himself arrested on purpose and put "taco" in the hospital. No one saw a thing. I hope he gets the death penalty, but even a Republican state like Missouri seldom executes anyone.
There's a strong argument against the death penalty on the grounds that it does not deter those crimes. Of course it doesn't if it's nearly impossible to actually execute anyone. In countries we consider "Midevil"-------strict and swift punishment crime is not nearly the problem it is in liberal democracies that refuse to punish crime. So I'm not talking about theories of capital penalty. You absolutely have to execute criminal promptly and consistently. Otherwise it's not a deterrent and you add the "capricious" charge, meaning that it's not implemented in a fair and reasonably way. I agree with that. Do it consistently and fairly.
Excuse me, it's a UAP now. 🤗

A major reason why people might prefer UAP to UFO is that UFO is what language observers call “skunked.” This happens when a word’s use becomes problematic, either because it is likely to offend, or because it has lost its clarity of meaning. UFO is skunked because even though its literal meaning is neutral (“unidentified flying object” means almost exactly the same thing as “unidentified aerial phenomenon”), people tend to equate UFOs with alien spacecraft, Martian invaders, etc.
Go woke, go broke, and that's the way I hope our County Fair went this week. It ended today.
A local knife maker who creates handmade knives which most of us would consider artwork, has been displaying his work at the county fair for years.
......but not this year. This year they banned "weapons"
That tool you use to fillet a fish or cut lettuce is a weapon so he's not welcome back anymore.
I hope this year's attendance because of this went by the way of Bud Light.
He wasn't selling hand grenades and machine guns, he was selling custom handmade knives. Our entire county is founded on logging, fishing, farming, saw and paper mills, redneck stuff.
If you can't use a weapon to cut your lettuce and tomatoes, how are you going to do it with a Skil saw?
problem it is in liberal democracies that refuse to punish crime.
That’s probably one of many different factors, but I bet dollar’s to donuts Money is the biggest factor to imprison for life or to release early, then collect again when they re-offend. Lawyers, security guards, police departments, judges, bail bondsmen, food distributors, etc. etc. The so called human rodents are a commodity, that maybe we could buy stock into 😜

Unfortunately Democracy comes with secondary situations that are almost completely out of any real manageable control towards the common good 😞
On the bright side, we can vote and hope to change for the better.
On the other side of the coin, when we vote, and things DO change for the better.....
50% of the population will still be unhappy with the results.
For some reason, we can't get a 70% consensus on anything. Sadly, it's become 49/51% on most every issue.
The latest suspected serial killer here on Long Island was recently apprehended... He is a successful Manhattan Architect living with his unsuspecting wife and kids in a run down home in the middle of a nice neighborhood. Accused of killing prostitutes and dumping their bodies in the woods… Apparently getting away with it for many years… He had 279 guns in his home.

Now I myself am pro gun, everybody should have one but this particular collector is one sick puppy…Just saying…😎
The latest suspected serial killer here on Long Island was recently apprehended... He is a successful Manhattan Architect living with his unsuspecting wife and kids in a run down home in the middle of a nice neighborhood. Accused of killing prostitutes and dumping their bodies in the woods… Apparently getting away with it for many years… He had 279 guns in his home.

Now I myself am pro gun, everybody should have one but this particular collector is one sick puppy…Just saying…😎
Not even sure how many we have.
Is that a young Chuck Schumer ? And please explain the correlation between him and the idiom.

As a side note in regards to Rusty’s idiom photo. I believe that anything is possible when it comes to influencing others through Media sources like Television, however I don’t believe it’s happening widespread, quite like the way some conservatives are expressing. My own brother continually battles with me on this point whenever I express something different from his understanding. It usually sounds like this “ where did you hear that from ? that’s totally false “ 😳 And This brother clearly knows me and understands that I’m not one who would ever drink the Kool-aid , but upon any difference of opinion or point of view, he immediately attacks with what appears to be a rehearsed line of questioning 🤨

IMHO, he along with others have quite possibly left there guards down, all in the name of Justice and fair play, ( all be it , a very important stand to value ) and may have unintentionally became exposed to a Kool-aid drip themselves ? 💧 😞 😜

listening 👂 to different ideas and other thinking styles 🤔 requires the use of both ears and questioning that comes from ‘ a gentle curious mouth ‘

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