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Maybe visibly, a human could be undetermined, but x-rays should reveal the additional rib, the separated pelvis (for birthing), the presence of either a uterus or testes, or a blood test to identify the XX or XY chromosome. That should easily identify what God given sex they are, right?
What about those born with a dick for a head. like Biden?
In any civilized society this crime warrants a SWIFT EXECUTION. I'll entertain exactly zero arguments or excuses as to why this man needs to live more than 90 days after arrest. DROP EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM and attend to this. It will take quite a few years but criminals in countries where justice exists are DETERRED by actual punishment. In this case only death could suffice. Anything less is a travesty.

In any civilized society this crime warrants a SWIFT EXECUTION. I'll entertain exactly zero arguments or excuses as to why this man needs to live more than 90 days after arrest. DROP EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM and attend to this. It will take quite a few years but criminals in countries where justice exists are DETERRED by actual punishment. In this case only death could suffice. Anything less is a travesty.

The Democrats don't believe in the death penalty or even long sentences. That is one major differences in the parties.