Them there people are included in we the people otherwise we the people don’t exist
Our Democracy is young, and we have many lessons to learn, but only if we respect the Constitutions language of
WE ! …. Divided ! WE ! FALL !
I accidentally hit the wrong button on the remote and found myself watching PCN
Pennsylvania cable network and they were airing ‘ The Pa. Leadership Conference ‘ with lead speaker Dinesh De Souza (sp) ….. O-Boy ! He’s a live wire for sure, a real eye for an eye kinda guy. Some of what he said made sense, but to compare today’s issues with Lincoln’s times and the Civil War is IMHO an exaggeration and dangerous….. Bullying a Bully teaches us that bullying is acceptable, and that could lead to war.
He called Republicans ‘ Mamsy Pamsy ‘ in other words, acting too Passively around Democratic bullying. I don’t believe that and I bet you don’t either, however even if it’s the case, the fix is to be assertive not to go all steroidal Aggressive.