
I like that phrase: “ Evaluating
The utility and validity of the
movement they got sucked into “

Also that referenced book sounds really interesting ! “ Extraordinary popular delusion and the madness of crowds “
I guess my question at this moment would be, could the reaction to said madness be worse than the madness ? Are we moving in a direction to just replace one mad crowd for another ? And for me, the response sounds like this, ( not 100 % sure

) If the rhetoric is righteous,
( A Right and Wrong philosophy) then the ears and brains of every person listening, become engaged with our biological fight and flight response, and ! It feels so natural, how in the world could it be steering me towards dysfunction ?
So ! we do it, we go there yet again and again and again, all throughout history, riding the ups and downs, forgetting about the functionality zone that lays or lies

in the middle.
In conclusion:
I don’t see any magnitudinal

disturbance from this personal madness being exploited by whom ever. Hell ! Let’s call it tattoos on steroids

and we need not be overly worried about the world becoming ‘ Mad Max Beyond Thunder-dome ‘

They will figure it out on their own and the market will follow. Hint ! Buy stock in prosthetics companies because I see the development of snap on snap off private parts